You stand weary but triumphant over the body of your latest foe. Finally, the quest is over ... except that a dark figure emerges from the battlefield smoke, ready to engage you in yet another battle. You sigh, wipe your brow, and lift your sword to the ready.
In this ongoing heroic battle, someone will go down in defeat -- will it be the hero or the monster?
Setup: Two opponents will face each other, each ready to give and receive damage. Using the dice and coin features, we will narrate and witness these battles to the death.
1. Post the current levels between the opponents. On the first posting of a match-up, the poster choose names and initial levels of the opponents, resetting the survivor's level to the same as the new opponent. If the previous player's damage roll and flip (step #2&3) killed one of the opponents, an initial description of the death before choosing a new match-up would be good. In other words, you'll need either a new hero or a new monster -- the survivor will continue fighting.
--- determining damage against opponent for next player ---
2. Roll the type and number of dice indicated by the previous poster. This will be for the damage against one of the opponents for the next player. (On an initial match-up posting, roll 10 8-sided dice.)
3. Flip a coin to determine who gets damage on the next player's turn. Heads = Hero; Tails = Monster
--- determining how the next player rolls for damage ---
4. Roll a 6-sided dice to indicate the type of dice the next player has to use. The lower the number, the fewer sides on the dice, listed top to bottom in the drop-down menu -- 1=4-sided, 2=6-sided, 3=8-sided, 4=10-sided, 5=12-side, 6=20-sided.
5. Roll a 20-sided dice to indicate the number of dice the next player has to roll.
Have fun with descriptions of weapons used and the style of attack used!
Example Rounds:
Alpha Posts:
Nigel, an aging yet nimble British aristocrat faces the unsettling Red Tapeworm of Death (RTD), a ferocious beast from the depths of The Square Mile Marsh. Level 700
Nigel=700, RTD=700
Damage Roll: 10d8=55
Damage Flip: Coin Flip = Tails
Roll Type: 1d6=4
Roll #: 1d20=11
Beta Posts:
Nigel beat the RTD about the head with his trusty black umbrella.
Nigel=700, RTD=645
Damage Roll: 11d10=65
Damage Flip: Coin Flip = Tails
Roll Type: 1d6=3
Roll #: 1d20=2
Charlie Posts:
Nigel lacerated RTD with his withering steel-eyed stare and backhanded compliments.
Nigel=700, RTD=580
Damage Roll: 2d8=10
Damage Flip: Coin Flip = Heads
Roll Type: 1d6=6
Roll #: 1d20=14
The next player would indicate 10 damage against Nigel and then do the necessary rolls.
Bruce Lee, the most renowned and fearless martial arts master to ever grace this earth, has just come face-to-face with his dreaded Demon, a black samurai warrior who represents his greatest fears. Level 800
The Demon charges, while Bruce Lee, paralyzed by fear, does nothing to stop the many quick slashes of the samurai's katana. Can Bruce Lee fight his fear and strike back?
Wow, I got confused in my own game ... The first three attacks should have been reversed. "Heads" means the hero gets the damage, and "Tails" means the monster gets the damage. Or is that counter-intuitive?
Instead of fixing the results from the first three battles, I'd say with all the mirrors involved in this battle (cf. Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story), things were chaotic as to who was fighting whom, and now we're down to business.