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ForumsForum GamesRealms of Alrathi (Fantasy RP)

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11 posts

Alrathi was once a thriving world with a vast, diverse assortment of terrains and people who inhabited them. Peace often changed much like the seasons as Kingdoms rose and fell. Civilization across the entire land was but a fledgling when the first undead rose in the mystical kingdom of Altamea. Legend says that the old king, fearful of his own death, made a pact with a very powerful demon becoming the first Lich-King. Corrupted by the power bestowed upon him, he waged an endless war to supply his un-dead army.Kingdom after Kingdom fell under his terror, not even the mighty dragons could turn the tide. At last, as every race banded together in the last city of Ris-Volun waiting for this apocalypse to take them, a band of heroes emerged from the darkness. These heroes blessed by the gods bonded with ancient dragons to stem the inevitable. Their greatest champion, Cisna, sacrificed herself to end the Lich-King's life at his throne in Altamea. The demon that had been pulling the strings revealed himself at this time nearly wiping out the band of heroes. At their finals moments, the gods finally intervened banishing the demon into the void. A school was founded years later in honor of those heroes, training magic and the art of handling dragons to prospective youths. It was the intention of the founders that these students would one day save Alrathi from another apocalypse and defend her from evil. Instead of reclaiming their lost territory, the remaining people of Alrathi expanded their haven of Ris-Volun more and more as the outside word had turned harsh populated by monsters in their wake. A thousand years have past since the Lich-King's defeat, and in that time the races of Alrathi mustered the courage to form new Kingdoms driven by the over-population of Ris-Volun. However just as civilization is once again gaining a foot-hold, an old evil is waiting in the shadows as the kingdoms of Alrathi return to their old ways of war...


Amali (Broad term for humanoid category of speices with animalistic traits)
(More will come)

Gods & Goddesses:

Name: (What you are identified by)
Age: (16+)
Race: (Any of those listed above or create you own, as long as I approve it)
Class: (Mage, Warrior, Rogue, it's all up to you)
Description: (What your character looks like)
History: (What made your character they way he/she is?)

The world will often change as we progress, feel free to list anything you would like to add. I hope we can have a fun time with this! If enough people demand it, I might be willing to add in RPG stats and combat.

  • 23 Replies
5,291 posts

Sorry for double posting, but i forgot to say it has two rather moderate-sized legs and it's arms are very small and short. The arms are also often folded to the point it can be mistaken as part of it's body. It has little problem flying and folding it arms without tire.

11 posts

StormDragon: The bandits, dressed a little too well for their ilk, kept their distance for the next volley of bolts. The mother dragon faltered nearly falling onto her side, the loss of blood causing her to sway slightly "Make sure you aim center mass, we'll see how fiesty she is after a few holes in her lungs." he laughed devilishly "And I swear to the gods if you hit the dragonling, I'll cut your ears off." you could tell it was not an idle threat. When you reached the dragonling, you could nearly see the fear in its crystal blue eyes as it cowered behind its mother. During your approach, the adult dragon shielded you from view with her undamaged wing. Dragons take a longer time to produce speech like other races, so the only sounds that emitted from the young one were cute kips of fear. Suddenly, it looked directly up towards the mother before gazing at you "This is much to ask a stranger, but take him to the academy in Ris-Volun. There he will be safe..." the etheral voice once more floods your mind. The young dragon slowly moves towards you, despite not being a mage you sense an odd connection.

KatPryde: The hidden and secretive clan of Delaraan, your home and birth place, rests comfortably in the depths of the Almani Woods, a vast untamed forest. Intruders who enter this forest often do not last long, as the variety of beasts and large, man-eating plants make sure. Recently, the time came for you to leave for the duty all young shadowlings must partake in. A pilgrimage of sorts, where the skills honed in the Delaraan village of Authernari would be used to bring back information and goods home. This was also a test, to see how well you could adapt to the world outside sadly dark elves are treated with much suspicion. Dark magic is what brought the first undead which nearly wiped out all life in Alrathi in the first place, so for the general person it was all the same. Far away from home, you are approaching the mostly human town known as Evergrove, a community on the outskirts of Ris-Volun territory, where there is always plenty of work. Evergrove is host to a prominent chapter of the thieve's guild, who operate out of the 'legitimate' organization responsible for excavations and expeditions of old ruins before the great war.

HahiHa: A smooth, womanly voice seems to whisper in your ears " weee haaavve here? A protege of Thalkin, hmm? Such a strong aura, it makes me recall a similar one." another, more manish voice comes soon after "Yes, Although I wonder if he has here same convictions..." the voice asks unsure. The first voice soon responds after a soft laugh "The spirit is true and yearning, so it matters little. What he shall do with this gift, that is the question..." the second voice doesn't seem to agree "There is only one way to find out..tell me child of frost, what is your goal?"

Loop Stratos: You live in the human quarter of Ris-Volun with your human family, a proud middle-class generation of smiths. The family name Volstegrad is well-known for their solid, and well-crafted wares and, of course, for the dragon they raised as their own son. You have two older human brothers and a sister, the oldest Rath, is around your age and the two of you have the closest bond. Rath dreams of one-day becoming one of the hero prospects they train up at the Grand Academy, and so a game you often played a little rough with each other. The yougest brother, Cain, is around ten years old but his imagination is beyond limits. He often accompanies you and Rath around town, the three of you making a solid team. Your sister is named Elise, she is a bit of a thorn in the side at times but she is very sweet, though that doesn't stop her from telling your parents when you're up to mischief. You, Rath, and Cain are currently standing in front of a crowd of people. When Rath heard that the divine Hero, Jermaine, was returning from his latest adventure he couldn't control himself. The divine hero is a person chosen by the order of priest to dedicate their lives to protecting Alrathi. You heard countless tales of his exploits and those of his dragon partner, Artunax. Jermaine's black plated armor with golden trimming reflects the midnight hide of the magnificent, proud dragon behind him with gold-like finish on the edges of his scales.

8,253 posts

Name: Folstag
Age: 100
Gender: m
Race: Frost Giant
Class: Battlemage
Description: About 3m high, sturdy build. Pale skin, long white hair, light blue eyes, grim countenance.
History: Following in his parent's footsteps, Folstag is training in the arts of the battlemage, improving his control over frost magic as well as his abilities in melee fight (with a preference for the war hammer and armor worn over mage robes). His clan travels the lands like nomads, favoring the mountainous regions over the cities, and so he spends his days wandering and training with his master.

I swallow nervously, awed by the experience. 'Ancestor spirits? Or even Gods?', I think. I reply, regaining some confidence as I speak:"I aim to achieve power and knowledge. To achieve the strength I need to protect my clan, bring back its former grandeur and make Alrathi remember clan Johrmung again. We have always protected these lands from the abominations wherever we go and I will do my part, despite the mistrust the small folk treat us with."

5,291 posts

(So Dragons' age is same with humans)
(I think you can replace 'son' when referring to my character into 'child' since it's genderless. Minor nitpick)

I watch and wait. I'm not as ambitious as my brothers are. Although i don't really like dragons, i don't make enemies with them.

11 posts

(I won't be able to post today and probably this weekend, I'm away from home)
(And I apologize for that mistake Stratos, also I wasn't sure if you meant his actual age is 16 or 16 in dragon years. If it's the latter, then it would be around 80 years as dragons live for a Max lifespan of a thousand years but become adults around 100)

4,584 posts

Name: Audra
Age: 26
Gender: F
Race: Animal-kin
Class: Rogue
Description: Audra is of average height and weight. She has white wolf ears with gray tips. Her eyes are a dark amber. She has a white wolf tail that has a gray tip. She has slightly tanned skin. Her teeth and nails are sharpened to act as weapons in a pinch. She will wear a shirt and a pair of pants, or some armor, over a dress anyday.
History: Audra was orphaned at an young age but the wolves, that saw her parents as members of their pack, took her in. She only remember a few things about her parents, like their kindness. She also remembers the fact that her name means "storm of noble strangth". For a while she was the one who would make sure her pack got anything they needed and couldn't find in the wild. At sixteen, she joined the kingdom of Ris-Volun and learned what she could from their school. She is still trying to learn and help her pack but she knows that there is a chance that one day her pack might not see her as one of their own. This she fears cause it will be like losing her family all over again.

A part of Adura wants to invesigate the conection but she knows there is no time, so she quietlly says "Goodbye." and trys to run off with the dracling. She still plans to howl out to her pack once she gets some distance between her and the bandits. At the same a part of her wonders why the bandits are dressed in nicer clothes then the norm for their ilk. Like all other questions, that she can't answer, she just pushes it to the side for later. However, she choses that having these thing forgotten by the hear and now of wolf thought is unwise. This is why she trys to not focus completly on what is happening and think ahead instead.

12 posts

Name: Torokin
Age: 26 in dragon years.
Gender: Male
Race: Dragon
Class: Healer
Description: True form: Dark Green scales, 2.5 Meter Wingspan, Bright Yellow eyes, 2.3 Meters tall. "Hidden" form: Black eyes, Brown hair, Tan skin, 1.8 Meters tall.
History: What with him constantly being told about Dragons almost going extinct, Torokin is not very talkative with most other creatures. He feels hunted in his true form, so he hides with magic to look like a human. Despite this, he likes flying freely and fighting injustice wherever he is required.

Torokin is running from Toron-Kin, for his disguise magic has nearly ran out. he ran to the forest, transformed to his true form, and was stretching, when he heard grunts of pain. "Injustice!" He thought to himself, as he flew to the noise. (Should i encounter Adura now?)

12 posts

Ris-Volun, not Toron-Kin (what was i thinking?)

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