ForumsSupport Forum[Answered] Insecure Password Warning (Firefox)

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5 posts

I just logged in today for the first time in a while, and when I began entering my password, my browser (Firefox) gave me this little message:

This connection is not secure. Logins entered here could be compromised.Learn More
I clicked learn more and it sent me here: Should I be worried about this, or is Firefox being a little over-protective?
  • 4 Replies
2 posts

apparently they don't give 2 S* about this issue.

3,826 posts

@ashegam - There's no need to be rude about it. Sometimes issues get resolved behind the scenes or genuinely overlooked. Of course we care about our users' security and internet safety.

@Craazycatgirl - My initial intuition was that this was a one-off incident. Sometimes Firefox is, as you put it, a little over-protective

But there's nothing wrong with checking to make sure you're being safe. Since it's been a while since this has happened (and I apologise for the delay), has this issue recurred? If so, we can bring in some extra help to try to problem-solve this thing. It's also important to make sure your browser (and any extensions you use) are up-to-date as the whole security encryption thingy (sorry for such technical language ) get updated pretty regularly, depending on the browser.

513 posts

Hi guys,

While the main page is currently under http (not https) this is what the browser is looking at and why it's giving you a "warning" message. When you are entering your password you are accessing the page without the site making you load up a brand new page. The web team has been working on getting all of the pages transitioned over to HTTPS and with how the site is set up to host games and some of the other aspects of the site such as chat and comments, it's been a process to make sure that everything on the page properly works (read this as not breaking some of the favorite features and games) before we make any major changes.

The TL;DR of it is this, yes your browser is being overly protective and this is a good thing in general. If you are at all concerned or worried about the notice, I'd encourage you to start logging into the site from the page directly. There is nothing at all wrong with piece of mind.


5 posts

Thanks everyone for the (albeit late) responses.
In response to @Moegreche 's question, Firefox still deems logging in to Armorgames using the option at the top of the site as being unprotected, but logging in on the page @RavePenguin linked me is labeled secure. I'm sure Firefox is just being a little over-cautious, but I didn't think there was any harm in checking.
Thanks again.

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