Our web team has been hard at work overhauling the user profiles and we are happy to announce that the profiles are in beta and more importantly are now live! You can check them out by visiting your profile and clicking on that green button that says "Preview the New Profile Page" at the top of the page.
Here are some of the key features in this stage of the public beta.
Overhauled of the layout for the content on the page. This includes items such as placement of Quests, Favorated Games, and your Friends list.
New selectable banners.
The talented Jimp has helped create unique artwork for each of the ranks.
We are pretty happy with how the page looks and feels at this stage of the game. At the same time, this is a Public Beta release of the pages. It's important to know that things may change between now and when the finalized profiles are implemented for good. So if you have feedback please let us know what you like and share your constructive feedback on what you think we can do better.
@RavePenguin I see gilds have been implemented. Good Looking around at the forums, me, SirLegendary, ivan and CourtJester are the only ones to have the new knight gild. The rest of the knights have the old one. Some of us (me and Legend) are chat wardens, some of the other knights are chat wardens too. Most of the mods and admins' gilds that I've seen look alright
As this is specific change is related to our admin/mods/knights/wardens, I've posted a response to someone else's question about the gilding updates. Let me know if you need help locating the reply and I can hit you up one-on-one.