So, this is an idea for a forum game that I had while discussing, you guessed it, awkward situations with my friends. I will make up (or it can be from experience) a really awkward situation and the person below comes up with how they would escape the situation. The situation and response can be as silly or serious as you want.
P1- You accidentally took someone's coffee and don't know how to return without looking like a thief.
P2- You load the coffee into a cannon and shoot it at the person from afar.
P2 comes up with another awkward situation.
I'll start:
Walking in on your counselor and teacher talking about you.
I would probably sit there and avoid all eye contact and not respond to or talk to anyone. Then I would sheepishly avoid all human interaction for a week thereafter...
You accidentally post something really stupid for your 1000th post.
( OOG: Hahaha Kali your answer for vomiting in front of a cook is priceless xD You made my day (tomorrow) I can't stop laughing! xD
Isn't Tower of Terror a standalone building in Hollywood and not an attraction in Disneyworld BTW? )
I delete it and post something incredibly eloquent and sophisticated so the whole world might marvel at my creation which would be from now on the part of Internet, but that more precious and glittering-like-diamonds-in-the-sunlight part.
You imitate gorilla when running into your brother's room like usually, but you didn't know that his crush visited him.
I would never ever imitate a gorilla. Therefore, I'm going to break the rules and pretend you said imitate a leopard.
Also, It's probably the name of a standalone building, but it's also a ride at Disneyworld, basically a trademarked, copyrighted, probably patented, exorbitantly profitable, version of every other free-fall ride.
I'd be really stealthy and his crush would be amazed at how majestic I am. Therefore, she'd be even more happy at the prospect of being related to my family.
You suddenly lose the ability to articulate normal words properly right in the middle of an eloquent 1000th post speech.
(it happened to me once, when in the middle of a sentence I said "gets hit" XD)
You laugh a lot if it's not that bad, apologize if needed, and everyone laughs hard at it XD
You're in your first date ever, with a girl (or boy) you really like, then, you're going to kiss her/him in the mouth for the first time, then, right when you started kissing, you sneeze very strong (no, I've never seen this happen)