ForumsSupport Forumrude player ruining experience for others - Mystic Guardians

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2 posts

he goes by mrVirtue and by "ruining experience for others" I mean in the PvP system, he purposely jumps everyone also having an alt account "Jukbel" for the lower level players to make them lose and at the end of the day, not being able to play. most of the players have asked him to stop but he does not talk and continues to do so. please help, all everyone is trying to do is relax and have a good time and it's v difficult when he's purposely making all of us lose.

  • 2 Replies
3,826 posts

Unfortunately, this isn't something we can help with. In-game chats like this are the responsibility of the developer. In fact, there's no way (that I'm aware of) to know what this user's AG name is--if they're even playing on our site. If we did find out, there's not a lot we could do to keep this person from using the in-game chat.

You might try the developer's forum to see if they have any in-game moderators they could send your way. Sorry you're having to deal with this--I know how frustrating people like that are.

2 posts

Sorry, I think I was a bit unclear. He's NOT using the in-game chat, it's just what he's doing in game. Another thing, I'm 100% certain he's using some kind of cheat system as I have given him a loss but it doesn't register on the list that he's gotten one. Aromat, another player has made a similar post just hasn't mentioned any names. But I can guarantee it's him.

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