An object's end is its good, as demonstrated by Aristotle. Since a fetus' object is to be born, its actions then are for that end. As such, its will is to be born since that is its good, the object for which it aims.
1 As
claimed by Aristotle.
Pathetic fallacy. A fetus does not have any will.
That depends on what your version of a human being is.
No, it doesn't. Abortion itself is not discriminatory in any way.
Nonetheless, what makes up a human is that which functions for its good, and thus a tumor cannot be considered part of a human nor can it be called an independent life-form for its object is not life.
A fetus does not function for the good of the mother. Therefore, a fetus cannot be considered an independent life-form for its object is not life any more than a tumor's is.
No, I am pointing out that a fetus is as much a viable life-form as you or I, [...]
Then so is a chicken. Does that deserve human rights too?
[...] since it is comprised of DNA like us, it is therefore part of our genus and deserves protection as such.
So is a tumor.
However the old matter remains and is now deemed a person.
No, it isn't. The
person is not just whatever cellular components were maintained from conception onward.
1. Humans are not animals because they are reasoning beings whereas animals act upon instinct alone.
1a Humans are animals by definition.
1b All sentient animals are reasoning beings.
2. Consciousness is intrinsic to every human.
Not if you're using any standard definition of consciousness.
3. Consciousness is unique to humans for animals merely perceive reality and instinctively act upon that.
No, because they don't.
4. Humankind has superiority over each and every animal for humans were made in the image and likeness of God, furthermore, evolution is impossible (demonstrable and sourceable by me).
No to all of that.
1. Because the Church has taught it, using the magesterium granted it by Christ, Who Is God.
So, "it is, because this perceived authority says so"? Sorry, but no.
2. The Church's teaching on religion is infallilble, and as such its judgement is not open to debate.
Please wait while we attempt to take your statement seriously. Estimated wait time: 36 years.
In addition, we are arguing on the secular view of abortion, not how Catholics perceive it.
Then stop rambling about souls being inserted into zygotes at conception.
No, @Moegreche is pointing out that by your standards of defining a person, many persons can be considered non-persons.
How is that not in line with what I said?
So the fetus magically fully matures at the moment of birth?
No. Are you suggesting that the appropriate deadline for abortion should be extended
beyond birth into infanticide? No? Then what's wrong with allowing it time to develop mentally now that it's no longer parasitizing off the woman's body and endangering her life?
No evidence has been found to support this, or otherwise; in the absence of which, it is reasonable to conclude that qui tacet consentire videtur, or that babies' wills are to be born, for that is their object.
Argument from ignorance. It does not follow that a lack of evidence is evidence to the contrary.
2 There is plenty of evidence that there is at least one stage in development before which a fetus is not conscious (by any standard definition of the term). A blastula, for example, has no brain and no sensory system. It is not conscious.
If something is wrong (as I am trying to prove abortion is wrong) then no circumstances may make it right.
The problem is that you will
never prove abortion to be wrong. Proof is an objective form of truth, not a moralistic one.
Allowing a woman to die of a foreseen medical condition is wrong; if a woman will have health complications by getting pregnant, than she is wholly responsible for the outcome and should not get pregnant.
It's all well and good to
say that a woman shouldn't get pregnant. That does not give a woman the
choice to not get pregnant. Women who are raped do not get that choice. Women who are not educated about the reproductive process do not get that choice. Furthermore, not all medical complications of pregnancy can be identified before it happens.
One evil does not make another good. Murder does not justify murder; theft does not justify theft.
Even a greater evil will not justify an evil. People that don't want abortion care about the child. They are the same folks that support adoption.
1 If two evils are jointly exhaustive, the lesser evil is logically the better option.
2 People in favour of abortion generally also support adoption. There just isn't any child to adopt from an early stage of pregnancy.