Forums → Art, Music, and Writing → The PLGuy and Sciller4 Viking Roleplay
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I'd switched to Windows 10 recently after exclusively using Win7 on a dual boot system. On the desktop I found a little text file titled "Story.txt", last edited August 18th 2018, at 10:32 PM. Exactly 5 years at this very moment.
Author's note: I WROTE THIS SOME TIME AGO, 'MKAY??? I decided to finish the Amazingly Daft Adventure to Find all the Hidden Locations first. After a month, I'm about done with it, so. Here we go! Eventually...]
Inside it lay the unfinished continuation of a Viking RP I did with PLGuy inspired by a picture of a gargantuan rainbow snake we'd sailed into. YArr. Har. Viking noises.
Anyways, here it is, condensed into one place and continued with the rough sketch of the story as I still remember envisioning it all those years ago.
- 6 Replies
It all began on August 7. 2018, in the CT100 thread. Currently, page 4825.
Note: apgc now goes by Drakarthus, but I kept apgc for consistency.
62. I have a friend named Morgan. I think I just found her spirit animal.
It's rainbow. It's noodle snek. It's Morgan.
Hmm... that mythical snake reminds me of something. Maybe norsemen sailed there too.
16. I meant the idea to make a huge snake as god but well they could have similar ideas independently. Just look at a snake, so godlike.
Posted on Friday, August 10, 2018 3:16 AM
Hey guys, I'm going to sail inside a Doubleheaded Rainbow Snake! Are you coming with me?
Just be sure to grab your Viking battleaxe, wear some armor, and of course, wear this:
*sets sail on the Viking boat*
Getting close... (pretend I'm speaking in Old Norse)
*we start to get inside the Doubleheaded Rainbow Snake*
Prepare your axes, be careful... she's going down!
*the Doubleheaded Rainbow Snake starts diving in the sea... but we're safe... for now...*
When she's under the sea, the Abyssal Monsters might come! Be ready, men... be ready to swing your axes!
*a Deep Sea Monster inside the Doubleheaded Rainbow Snake jumps above our ship just like a dolphin, when he's right above us, I slice it in half with my axe*
18. You can't just kill all those poor sea monsters!
*Another Deep Sea Monster jumps above the ship. While it's above us, I chant a few magic words, shrinking the monster. As it falls, I catch it in a fishbowl.*
Aren't they adorable? Now no more killing, or I'll get out the food coloring. And I'm using red this time.
19. Suddenly huge tentacles showed up from both sides of the ship and immediately bound the whole vessel in a powerful embrace. Bjorn barely dodged one of them by slipping on the wet deck. He scrambled on knees and started hacking with battleaxe, black gore splashed all around. But the effort seemed vain, ship started sinking slowly. Axe got stuck in the vile tissue and he didn't have strength to draw it out. Sea always made Bjorn sick and weak. And the interior of Doubleheaded Rainbow Snake was incomparably turbulent. Not only because the mythical beast was in a constant motion. Every devoured basin and land… yes, it could devour whole islands… added their own perturbations.
20. All of a sudden, an aura they couldn't just ignore appeared, royal, majestic, and then, it went away, probably because it didn't find anything interesting, not even the shadow of the being who emitted the aura was glimpsed...
21. "D*** it, Bjorn!", said Hammond,, the ship's designated healer "Tarben, I told you he wasn't cut out for this!"
He takes out the axe from the foul beast and throws it to Bjorn. Then, he rummages through his skin pouch and takes out a bottle filled with a beige powder.
"Here, Bjorn, come on, eat up."
He takes out his axe and prepares to strike.
"Wait a minute!"
He searches through his pouch and throws some bottles overboard, into the beast's stomach.
"We can always poison the beast, eh?" He says, and the beast starts trembling.
23. Oh I see I have to finish that roast anyway. So just I'll add something more to that viking RP later, just don't do anything radical with Bjorn! I'll make him disengage from the group for a while on my next post.
“Thanks Ham.” said Bjorn faintly while munching dry weeds, and hacking the same, massive tentacle. After a while he looked as if he just took a tar bath.
One tentacle after the other was releasing grasp and leaving the deck but monster’s trembling added a new agonizing meaning to viking’s affliction.
“Why this one iso stubborn” he murmured to the slimy limb “just lego… lego.”
With a stronger slash he finally sliced through the tentacle and saw the stump slithering away. But the axe got jammed to the deck.
“Not agaiin.” The Norseman started crawling towards the sail, he wanted to use it as a support to stand up and see what's happening.
He felt so dizzy that his eyesight was cycling like a prop of gnome’s autogyro. When he was crawling on the weatherdeck another viking jumped over him shouting, he didn’t hear exactly what due to the tumult. Finally, the warrior got to the sail. He grope at it but couldn’t grab the clammy flesh.
It’s the rest of this scungy tentacle, he thought. But then, to his surprise, the violet body untied and swiftly banded over his torso. Force was so huge that he felt some ribs snapping and guts squishing but the pain was muffled by a sudden surge of adrenaline. The only reason he survived was that he wore a solid chainmail.
Immediately, the tentacle broke away causing Bjorn to drop again onto the floor. It moved quickly while bruising the Viking on every obstacle then started up over the board and into the iridescent water. After a splash the octopus started submerging – its last tentacle left the ship. After the initial pain water itself felt pleasantly, it was quite warm.
Luckily for Bjorn, the tentacle was too huge and slimy to maintain a good grasp in the water so soon he slipped out. The Norseman immediately took his chainmail down. Now he could swim up and try to break the surface. He saw a distorted image of Skidbladnir’s hull through the rainbow water, the biggest Drakkar there ever was. He didn’t inhale because of the tentacle attack but Bjorn was a good diver. Quickly he was overcoming another metres. Just some more and I’m safe, he thought.
Suddenly, two webbed palms grasped at his ankles. The shock made him releasing a few bubbles of the air reserve. Bjorn was waving his hands furiously while something was pulling him down. He was getting deeper and deeper and soon started suffocating. Water around him was getting darker every moment. No wonder: higher levels of water were rainbow-colored thanks to glowing scales of the Snake. Bjorn felt both terror and euphoria when water was filling his lungs. The Viking was going to Valhalla.
[AT]sciller45 [MONKEY]abcdragon66 [THE EMAIL SYMBOL]armorplayergc BTW guys, do you even wanna go with another RP?
> Sciller: 29.
I'm always up for RPs. I'm gonna post my entry in the morning. Can't do any research on Nordic mythology with a trackpad.
> PLGuy: 31.
Well, you couldn't in the morning due to B2B rule but here I posted. Too bad abc and apgc don't seem to wanna join the RP...
32. [AT]PLGuy I might be screwing with your plans with the end, but I thought it was fitting. Also, the creature was literally something out of my nightmares.
The beast trembled, and the ship shook with it. But, even with a whole pouch full of poisons that could kill thousands of men, the beast calmed down. It was almost as if the thing that hurt it the most were the jagged ends of the metal bottles. Or, was it truly almost?
As he was frozen in fear and thinking of a way to smite the beast, he lost all sense of reality. It wouldn't be the first time, after all. Ever since he was a child he always thoroughly tho- *CRASH* A bloody tentacle barely missed him, and would soon pull out beneath the ship's planks. He hacked at the tentacle to no avail. The tentacle was quickly pulling out and Hammond decided to rip a splinter out of the ship's floor and stabbed it in one of its suckers. The tentacle spasmed and slowed down enough for Hammond the chop it off.
The beast didn't take its loss lightly. soon a new tentacle came, grabbed Hammond by the waist and spun him around like a toy. The tentacle threw him towards the front of the ship. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as he flew about. He could see all of the Vikings. Bjorn trying to grab the mast, Tarben fighting off tentacles in what seemed like a blind rage, Asger trying to get out of the tentacles' grasp and Balder tryi-
Hammond crashed into the front of the ship. Dizzy and disoriented, fighting double vision, he noticed a large piece of wood that stuck itself in his left arm, albeit he couldn't feel it. He couldn't get up anymore and felt his eyes rolling back as his body began giving up on him. If it wasn't for all the adrenaline surging through his veins, he would have fainted, but he couldn't faint now. Not yet. He tore off a large, sharp piece of wood from the ship deck and threw one of his axes to tarben, who carried on his murderous rage. Tarben hacked away at the tentacles holding Asger. He managed to break him free, and that seemed to be the last of it.
The tentacles broke from the ship and slithered away beneath the surface. Everyone let out a sigh of relief, but, Hammond noticed that someone was gone. A viking was missing, and he wasn't on the ship. Hammond quickly dived into the rainbow-colored waters. "If anything, Bjorn is a good diver. Let's just hope he hasn't been here long." He thought. It wasn't long before Hammond saw the beast's tentacles. He dived into deeper, until he saw the beast's gaping mouth. He turned sharply and saw its eye, twice the size of a shield. He realized the beast saw him. He stabbed its pupil with the first piece of wood and then got to the other eye. He tore out the piece of wood from his arm and stabbed it in its other eye. The beast managed to grab him with its remaining tentacle, but Hammond took of his chainmail which lodged itself in the beast's mouth. It let off the tentacles, and submerged into the depths.
As he was swimming to the surface, he saw something he thought couldn't even appear in fiction. An ugly, pale man with webbed fingers. He had no eyes, and a large mouth with sharp teeth. Its ears seemed to be large gills, and two flaps protruded through what would be his eyes.
He was holding Bjorn by the boot.
34. [MONKEY]sciller45 Dude - that’s some other Bjorn and someone else’s boot :-P as I said: I wanna disengage for some turns – I’ve got a bigger plot in plan that will collide like tsunami. But it would be great if you would stay on boat with other players, so I’ll add another Viking for the main plot. It can be dope! Come on guys, let’s make this big! [AT]armorplayergc [AT]abcdragon66
35. Oh, don't worry with the last paragraph, I was just pulling your leg. HAHAHA! HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA. Ha. Ha. Huh.
'Twas worth it for the pun.
36. I think you thought he was really going to Valhalla. Boom plot twist incoming :-P
Hahaha I lost my whole bio due to a bug xD I was somehow logged in as PL while having LAP bio - when I accepted changes it changed my armatar and bio on main account... Good that I wrote so little and I won't have problems with getting that back.
38. Who wouldn't think your character will be gone when there are 7 sequels incoming and a 3 new movies? Preposterous!
Eh, I guess now that I wrote it in, now it's canon. Hm.
Hammond was as much confused as terrified of the creature. The creature shrieked and started sinking faster. Hammond realized it wasn't Bjorn the creature took...
*information may be entirely untrue
The creature was dragging with it Ichabod's half-rotten corpse. Looks like the beings, however dangerous they looked, were scavengers, feeding off the dead unlucky enough to be swallowed by Yurlungur.
Hammond rose up out of the viscous water, where he was dragged onto the ship.
"He's not there... Bjorn has... has left the land of the living..."
39. Hahaha I was thinking to take that second Bjorn too, that was an interesting position to start with xD I'll finally add something on next post.
3. Uhh, a restart :-/ I'll add RP in two parts so maybe it won't be that huge xD
Balder stood for a while gaping into the depth. “Aight, might be it was his last bath.” For a while waves calmed down what usually made aggressive monsters retreating. In exchange all kinds of sea vultures were looming up from their dens. “When did Ichabod bite it? Was it like yesterday or two days ago? I lost time sense in this stinking beast’s guts.”
“Two days for my measure.” Answered Asger while scratching his long, red beard. “Two long, sleepless nights.”
“Don’t you think these two looked similar? I mean for a moment I was certain that’s Bjorn. I was almost getting ready to jump into the water.” said Balder with a meaningful smile.
“Almost… Would you really risk for that crawly? Did you see him fighting?” Asgar returned a knowing smile.
“I’m not sure. I jumped over some mule that was on my way when fighting but I didn’t see Bjorn anywhere.” Both bellowed with laughter.
“But you know – if it was really Bjorn and you rescued him we could make a ballad about this. It’s what a Christian knight does after all – saving a maiden in distress.” Another ripple of hoarse laughter ripped the silence after the storm.
Vegeirr listened to these two wondering how can they keep jollity after losing twenty good fighters in a short period of time. The boldest expedition of all time might prove a disaster. Instead of bringing back a loot that no man ever dreamed of they all might be slain by nightmares that no man ever dreamed of. Where is that golden island surrounded by the highest wall? Where are all the other promised miracles? They lost the guide on the second day. Nothing lost, warrior thought, all that fool did was panicking when there were attacks. And the stench Vikings smelt from him could mean his only reactions that weren’t verbal. Vegeirr saw that before monsters tore him to pieces all he had done was standing and shaking paralyzed. Anyone who can’t defend himself is sentenced to death on this deadly voyage and Vegeirr won’t stick his neck out for no-hopers. Viking took his hammer and went to eat some fish before the next meltdown.
Valhalla didn’t look like he imagined. There was no hall, something that could be a rocky cavern instead. Unnatural dim light made it possible to observe surroundings but the fog devoured everything that was farther than three metres. He moved cautiously, even though somehow he knew the direction and that no obstacle will stand on his way. When he was walking he was looking around. Some vague figures were passing by but he didn’t see any details. Then he looked ahead and saw a woman in grey tattered rags standing next to him so he stopped. She was diseased with leprosy, that horrible illness his kin brought from England along with spoils. Illness was in advanced stadium so her face and arms were very distorted. Only her webbed hands didn’t match the image he saw during an epidemy. She reached with them to him and wailed in a squeaky voice: “Finally a strong flesh was brought to us. We needed you! You are as weak in soul but stronger in body. Oh, how we needed you…”
Bjorn quickly took a step back to avoid her touch but then decided to run past her, he needed to reach the destination. A few subsequent figures were looming up from the fog, this time from all the sides. They spotted him. All they were saying were greetings but their actions contradicted their seemingly well-affected words. Diseased people shouldn’t try to touch healthy ones. It’s their fault they angered gods, it’s their fall from glory! He always repeated these words. If he had such power, he would ban healing anything else than battle wounds. Now he would give anything to have that axe that was left stuck to the Skidbladnir’s deck. Only steel suits for touching such skanks.
5. [AT]N_ik0 that was a hasty assumption I guess :-P We play RP with Sciller and if you like Viking climates feel free to join. But well, reading walls of text is kinda requirement for that xD
[AT]sciller45 I send the rest of this part. BTW I used two names from your story, I hope you didn't have other plans for their personalities :-) You can treat Vegeirr as a companion to add in your posts - he is a berserk from Ulfr Clan. We have to think of a good mission now if not sorta main quest.
Bjorn 2-2
When abominations surrounded him from all sides and he thought he’s forced to use fists, they all stopped. Bjorn realized that he reached the destination. In front of him was a large, stark throne made of black stone. A few steps lead to it and it was banded with thick crimson ropes or plants, more than a score was reaching towards the ceiling, provided that there was one. For a moment Bjorn considered sitting on the throne. Even if he didn’t want to have anything to do with the weaklings, he felt as if he’s the only one worthy of the seat. But from behind the throne came a woman clad in simple black robes gird with a red rope. She had black hair, eyes and mouth. On her head Bjorn could spot black antlers… or where those huge spider legs? A black crown of eight huge spider legs. She could be called beautiful if not the unnatural grimace on her face indicating pure malice. She stood right in front of the steps and said “Why are you staring like that? We don’t have enough food. It is for men to react in hard times.”
Bjorn gaped at her and couldn’t decide what to ask first but then he saw that something changed around him. The diseased people were holding paddles. They stirred and started prodding with them at him. Bjorn dodged every blow or didn’t feel the ones that landed. All he knew is that hit might end fatal for him so he was whirling around, even performed a few jumps. When he was backpedalling to run from pursuers, he tripped over something and landed on furs. He spinned around and saw that he’s in a boat. A man rowing with two paddles was sitting next to him. Only then did Bjorn realize how his body has changed. He inclined head to look at his reflection in the water. He was a child.
“Bjorn we need more food… we don’t have enough food and it is for men to react in hard times. We have to save your mother and brother.” – his father said. There was a storm. Bjorn looked around and didn’t see any other boat. But he didn’t say anything. Even when thunderbolts ruptured the air and he was scared, he didn’t say a word. The boat was being tossed on big waves like if it was a toy. Father stood and took the fishing net. But he didn’t throw it into the water but instead on Bjorn. Viking knew what’s going to happen but this time he didn’t fight. He knew it’s pointless, he was too weak. A moment later he was tossed into the air and knew that the biggest battle is about to take place.
Bjorn opened his eyes. He was lying and saw a white veil in front of him. Before he realized he’s able to breathe despite of the material, he stood rapidly and tugged it with hands. He felt a violent sting of pain, so his eyes filled with tears. All he could see before passing out is that he’s in a brown, probably domed cave-like room. Above his head were vein-like lines which were illuminating the place with bluish glow.
7. [AT]PLGuy I like the name of the characters to align with their personality. For example, Tarben (Apparently meaning Bear of Thor) possesses greater-than-average strength. Though as long as you don't make Birger a selfish twat or Frode an idiot, then all is good.
I'll post my wall of text tomorrow after noon. [AT]N_ik0 Feel free to join us!
10. [AT]sciller45 I'm going to stick to looking at big walls of text. I might change my mind though!
[AT]sciller45 I had an idea about this longship and the captain so I post it as the end of Veg’s first post, I added roofed part with attached to the deck stumps and table which probably wasn’t implemented but well, it’s fiction xD
Vegeirr 1-2
He entered the small and sprung by attacks sterncastle. The inside was in unexpectedly good condition. Vegeirr took sit on a stump behind the wedged table. The only person that was still eating was the captain of Skidbladnir, seating in the middle, near the entrance to his little chamber (where, to crew irritation, he kept various goodie just for himself). His two bodyguards sat silently beside him while he was spinning a tale about his recent feats.
Although the captain insisted that every crew member called him with full name: Langley Hemming “Globetrotter” Jerriksson, nobody was doing so. Instead everyone called him Captain Quickly. It was a standing out figure. First of all, because of his bright red gambeson. The captain didn’t care that it provoked monsters, he was sure of his safety… and apparently strength. His armour was untied now and Vegeirr could spot gilded red silk robes, ornamented in golden orient motifs and an ivory necklace. As one of few on this ship, Quickly kept face clean-shaven. His blonde hair weren’t curly like on the beginning of the voyage what made him look a little bit more like a Viking and… less stupid. Old tattoos on his face matched his norse facial features but looked false when he was speaking. Captain had in his presumption distinguished manners which he developed thanks to travels to far corners of the known world where he traded goods, slaves and mercenaries. As Vegeirr acknowledged to his amazement, Quickly wore the title of an earl, precisely of Vestfold. Though, his continuous globetrotting rendered his wife, Helga, to be the true ruler of that land.
His bodyguards listened to him in silence. No wonder, Vegeirr thought, they can’t speak since their previous owner cut out their tongues. Captain named them Huginn and Muninn, two Africans clad in black garment, leather vests and steel vambraces. They kept two sabres each, in scabbards on their backs. They were twins so captain seemed to be the only one to recognize who is who. Even so he used to call them in by shouting “Left, right, quickly!” Therefore Vikings gave them names Left and Right for these rare occasions when somebody had to address them. The one who would be at the moment more to the left was respectively Left and vice versa.
“That Kraken had more than eight tentacles, I swear. How else would it be possible that I’ve cut myself ten of them, Veg?” Quickly said addressing the berserk but he only nodded in confirmation.
After eating a salmon warrior draw out his leather bundle in which he kept rage catalysts. The most important ingredient of all was a very potent booze. It was combined with stimulating herbs, grains, roots and fruits. Some of these were also poisonous but as a berserk of the Ulfr Clan he had been gradually inured to their deadly properties. Vegeirr thought it would be a good idea to consult with Hammond what kit he still had and maybe organize a little trade. After another look at the captain he thought that it would be also good to consult plans with someone that always keeps his feet on the ground. He smiled to himself when remembering Hammond being flung into the air. Almost always, he concluded. Maybe together they can talk some sense into Quickly and finally draw up to another island they see, even if it’s not incredible enough for captain’s liking.
14. [AT]sciller45 I take it that you dodn't want to go on with that RP... That's too bad, I'm kinda fascinated with the Viking Age and their mythology.
15. [AT]PLGuy Sorry, I've been late with the RP. Life just turned into a blur for me. There's not much I'm awaiting. Every day just feels the same, and I just don't know time anymore. I managed to pull myself out of it enough to write this. Hopefully, I'll manage to bring myself together tomorrow, too and add another piece.
The fact that the creature was a scavanger was barely comforting to Hammond. It were things like these that made him think twice before the expedition. But no, oh, no. There's no turning back now. Every day they lose more and more men. Who knows how many were killed by the kraken. All he knew was that the kraken would be far from the worst.
As two men helped him climb back on to the ship, he realized they were running out of supplies. The kraken choked on his chainmail. On the bright side of all the deaths that happened, the dead men's armour and weapons could be reused. It was not worth burying the dead. There were too many of them scattered all across the beast, many of them left behind for the vultures to feast on. What men they found, they scavanged for their gear, often having to fight with the shrieking scavangers of the depths.
Hammond healed his pierced arm as best as he could in the short time he had. Nearly all the men on the ship had an injury of some kind. He refused to eat until all the men have been patched up. "As long as they could live, they were fine" he thought, "I 'aven't got the supplies to fix up even half of 'em!"
A few hours later, half of them were soaking their wounds in the seawater, and the others' wounds were covered with whatever old rags Hammond found. He resorted to using his bottle of moonshine to clean wounds.
There was one thing they had to do: to land on an island and try to find any herbs, roots or dead plants and stock up on them, It's impossible to carry on for a few more weeks, and the ever looming danger from the depths threatened to cut their measly expedition short.
He tried asking the captain to stop at the nearest island.
"Cap'n Langley Hemming Jerriksson, I saw how you handled that Kraken. If you hadn't chopped off at least ten tentacles..."
"Oh, quit the quackery, Hammond. What do you want?"
"Isn't it obvious, captain? Look at the deck! If we get attacked again, we're done for! We need to land on an island and stock up. We can't be on the sea no longer."
"And you're right, Hammond! We're running out of supplies. But, that means it's all or nothing. Eternal glory or death. We can't land the ship."
"Why can't we? Don't you realize there's a thi-"
"No. I've made my choice."
"Very well, then, Cap'n"
After walking out of Quickly's room, he decided to finally eat. He knew there wasn't much time left, and the chances of hitting gold were slim. But he couldn't let that happen. The vikings won't die of some crazy's pursuit of gold.
--------------------------------------CHAPTER II--------------------------------------------
---------------------------------The Cursed Island----------------------------------------
16. [AT]sciller45 No problem, good to see that we're back on a roll xD
About your mention of burying: Vikings only buried their dead in proper places or in case of slaves with the wealth their masters wanted to carry to the afterlife. A proper burial for our Vikings, so far from home, would be by burning on boats. Or with the recent situation, before drawing up to the shore - planks would suffice.
BTW: do you plan on continuing with these scavengers? I was thinking about adding a short entry with the helping work by Vegeirr but IDK if I can touch them xD
18. I tried to find how viking warriors who died during battle at sea were handled like, but, as you can see... I saved myself the effort and wrote the good old "roper burial" If you find something about it, link it to me.
BTW, sure, you can touch the scavangers, but be careful - they bite.
19. You guys are writing a whole book there!!
20. [AT]sciller45 In advance, I won’t be trying to change the captain xD As annoying as he may be, he’s connected (not credibly) to historical facts. And here’s about funerals. So first burning in a boat (drifting to Valhalla) and then burying the remnants + adding tumuli and runestones. They should be taking the ashes of close ones back to home but I guess that sending them to Valhalla is enough.
Vegeirr 2-3
He went outside and asked for Hammond. Torben informed him that the viking in question is searching the waters around for drifting bodies. So dutiful, Vegeirr thought, nevermind, that might wait.
Berserk had been helping the medic with tending the wounded after his own bruises were patched. This time there were no gashes due to the character of Kraken’s assault but wall-to-wall tentacles spared almost no-one. There had been even a case of crashed hand resulting in an amputation. Vegeirr remembered how he had heard Olaf’s scream despite a stick between the man’s teeth.
Of course that lucky sod, Captain Quickly, came to no harm - thanks to the ever-watchful eye of the Allfather, as he would say. He didn’t do much to help the wounded, being engaged by “planning”. Vegeirr thought how safer they could travel if they had a captain that cares more about his crew. But Quickly owned the Drakkar and the only way to change that fact could be achieved by a mutiny. For the new captain, berserk would vote for the healer for his courage and commitment during and after last battles. These were only thoughts though, warrior knew how important is cooperation in this environment. They had to avoid internal fights, every warrior mattered and besides captain had too many allies among the crew. He had taken a whole unit from Vestfold. Right now, Veigerr was boarding a rowboat with four of them and Torben who asked for assistance. They all took places and men started rowing in the other direction than the other boat.
Berserk was observing the four shieldmaidens chatting while he was working forcefully with the oar. Valkyries were quite pretty comparing to the other female warriors he had met. They had dark skins and bright hair. Three of them wore round shields painted in various colours, but all with the same sign: a big red V. Sága wielded a spear with bright blue shield, Sigrid a sword with yellow one, Freydis a hatchet with green one. The other one, Cecilia, equipped a long bow and a quiver of red-feathered arrows.
“There’s one, near the rocks.” Cecilia said pointing with one hand while shadowing her eyes from the glow with the other. At this point of day Yurlungur was shining immensely. As they rowed by, the body suddenly disappeared under water with a loud splash. They could see that this time scavenger wasn’t diving into the depths, instead it was swimming towards the rocky complex.
“Looks like there’s one of their nests.” deduced Torben “I hope I won’t have that pleasure of visiting it. At least not as a still-living guest.”
21. CURSE YOU, MOBILE! I just wrote a chunk of text only for it to be redirected to mobile page. Peachy.
I read the article, but IMO it wasn't of much use to me. For example, if a viking army got completely crushed and the remaining had to bury the dead so they could go on to the afterlife, there wouldn't be enough resources to burn them all in ships or cremate them on land. And, if they went away to come back and bury, the corpses would be rotting, or in this case, eaten. Guess, I'll have to let fiction take over in this case.
23. I watch Vikings (s06 is being released) and I didn’t see them doing anything to the dead after battles. There were just a few funerals, mostly of nobly born, once or twice there were actual boats sent on the sea. For the poorer they built makeshift boats from stones or sticks. After a battle when it’s near a city I think they just burn ones unclaimed, members of families or friends bury remnants of some. Also I wouldn’t exaggerate with casualties now. I could mean that there were 20 in total but of course I don’t give any exact measurements of anything - just so anyone can join and think of any crew member.
Finishing words of that part:
They have found another body in time. Shieldmaidens recognized one of their soldiers, so men hoisted him on the boat. After looting the corpse from anything that might prove useful they were about to row back. Then they’ve heard a noise coming from the rocks. Berserk surmised it was shrieking of monsters feasting on carrion. Echo made it impossible to guess the exact number of voices, it could be twenty, hundred… or even more. A cold shiver ran down Vegeirr’s spine.
Valkyries persisted on holding the custom of Norse funerals so they had to take the corpse back on the ship. After they had boarded, they found out there were still spare planks. Soon another warrior was sent on his way to Valhalla. Vikings keep insisting on ignoring the fact that before culprits get burnt, they get grabbed by carrion eaters. The only difference is that meat gets cooked. But a custom is a custom. Once again Vegeirr felt the need of hitting himself with the hammer in that stupid head when he started salivating at this scent. He would definitely like to eat something else than a fish for a change.
24. Seriously, is someone compiling all of that?
I like Kat's idea, let's eat some rice.
// AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yes, YC, yes they are! 5 years late, but... y'know.
25. [AT]sciller45 I have some things ready for Bjorn, so I’ll be throwing it slowly, but I’ll wait for another island with his plot. Also before the next encounter – I would prefer to fight cunning beasts that, say, use their 15-metre tentacles to keep distance and won’t let a single Viking to blind both their eyes with splinters of wood and then let him go :-P Many enemies were shown as stupid in fantasy worlds but just think about predators on the Earth – they all are strong but also intelligent to outwit the prey. Also a bit of balance would be great, unless you’re Thor xD I had to overcome some fear just to crush a big hornet, so even if I were the greatest warrior I wouldn’t jump into the water to fight Kraken without real weapons, well maybe blinded by emotions like when I had to save my wife or something. On the other hand, Thor could do that without fear and even fish for Jörmungandr between the blows. Hmm, similar names: Jörmungandr = Yurlungur? If Norsemen got to Australia too I’m just out of words.
Bjorn 3-1
Bjorn woke up from another dream hearing a disturbing sound. He controlled his first reflexes after seeing the milky white material, remembering what had happened the last time. Instead he took a deep breath and started palpating his ribs feeling moderate pain. It seemed that his injuries were miraculously well healed but he felt very hungry. He looked around and saw that he lies inside something like an earthy coffin. The bed felt soft and a little bit like moss on its surface. He eyed the material above again. It had resembled linen at first but only now did he see that it moves slightly as if shrinking and unshrinking. Bjorn spotted small slots on it that resembled skin pores. He touched the material, it felt like silk and to his amazement it rolled itself revealing the illuminated ceiling. Carefully, he stuck his neck out and then almost shouted hearing the noise again. It was something like breathing of a beast combined with flowing water. He looked into the direction where it came from. On a wall he saw a wide membrane conjoined to it. When the membrane lifted he felt draft.
Viking was naked and he saw his clothes lying below the blowing membrane. He slowly stood up and stepped from the weird coffin with coral moss. He looked around, now he saw that brown cave isn’t anything he’d seen before. Its surface was irregular and heavily porous and warrior could see a worrying regularity in shape. In the biggest pores he saw a glowing bluish substance. The floor was even weirder. It was smoother but reddish and lined with black vein-like wires. It was lined with 8 thick blackish seams. It looked as if these were 8 equal tongues stuck and holding together the brighter and sunken middle part. Bjorn could also spot some weird symbols and small objects on walls but decided to get dressed before inspecting them. He walked near the breathing thing. If not for the color, the film resembled unscaled fish skin people used in his tribe for window panes. He peeked into the uncovered round vent and saw good size gills. Am I inside a beast? he thought. He almost jumped when the membrane closed with a snap.
After dressing up, Bjorn walked up to a part of wall that had bluely glowing symbols. There were three of them…
[This has nothing to do with the RP, I just wanted to include this adorable lil' baby cow image. I am going to bed now, though. Write up a lil' something tomorrow.]
5. Sweet dreams, everyone. Or, I guess MF and PLGuy.
6. Good night Sciller! That sweet calfie is surely having a good night too.
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