it should be in blockbuster i want to start a discussion about it here,its agood movie so watch it
I watched that over the summer, it was pretty funny. I liked it when the goose hissed at the bad guy near the end
ya lets wait till some more people say they watched it then disscuss it
well i liked it when there was the riot room lol
Is it worth it to buy it or should I just rent it?
I thought it was hilarious. The scene where he enters the bar with all the underage kids is hilarious
ya that movie was great i laughed through the whole thing its definilty a buy
lets talk about it we have enough people
first topic:wich charicter did you like the most?
I like the crazy guy with a shotgun and all those wepons the cops took away the sea bomb was funny lol
I like the couple who owned the bar cuz they seemed the most normal and then....well to avoid spoilers and then what they do at the end with everyone else
ok anynore people what to say?
this movie was awsome!!
well put, lol
ok so what was your favriot scene i like the one where the cheif showed the sargent the riot room LOL
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