I think bowser he is cool
eggman would stay far away and use some sort of ranged weapon, like a bazooka, or some lasers or guns.but seeing how their's no secnario it's tied right now.
the only chance of eggman winning is in a test
chuck norriseggman would win with his gadgetsbowser will win without em
it kind of depends what dr.eggman builds if it is a super giant robot he would win but if it was just him and no machine thingy bowser would win
Bowser would win hands down. With EggMan all he is, is a fat man when Bowser can breathe fire and is overall cooler.
Bowser kicks hiny! He breathes fire!
bowser would win cause of all his natural abilities. just take away any and all tech and eggman is useless
Well bowser 4 sure.Bowser could jump on eggman and eggman would die.Eggman is weak and bowser is strong.
Bowser. His fire, strength,.....yep =)
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