ForumsGame WalkthroughsBubble Tank 2 Help

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341 posts

Well, I've found the final boss and I've gotten to the max stage twice (once as leech and second as ghost sniper).

Just wondering if anybody could give nay strategies for the boss, even hit and run doesn't seem to do anything at all to him.

Also, a rundown of the max stages (primary and secondary abilities, maybe a personal opinion of them would be nice too) would be nice since the leech max stage sucks (for me) and the ghost sniper is quite hard to use (the deforming ability is cool, as you can recon anywhere, but it ain't useful in combat).

Thanks in advance.

  • 48 Replies
86 posts

if the final boss is that thing that launches those missiles that steal your bubbles to replenish his then here's what i did...i was a ghost sniper and the disassemble thing works pretty well. I don't think you can be hurt when your disassembled. Just keep shooting in the boss's general direction and keep your eye out for those things it launches out. Don't worry about the other smaller tanks.

341 posts

I'm not sure about regenerating, but the boss had seeker launchers, triple cannons on both sides, and a rapid fire big cannon. Anyways, I killed him using the leecher max stage (due to my shaky hand movement, I meant to click on the super fighter, but clicked the leecher instead). The doomsday drone is seriously a guaranteed kill, it might take a while, and you may be hit out of the max stage, but it still remains, and it kills all four parts of the boss (the head with the rapid fire cannon takes a LONG time).

I'm trying it with other max stage tanks now, but seriously, that doomsday drone is a guaranteed boss killer, it kills the lesser bosses (like the huge seeker drone carrier) really easy if you get it to attach on.

11,891 posts

If the seekers are taken out first, it is easy to finish off the rest of the boss by dodging and shooting at the other guns. I've done it once with a Super Heavy and a second time with a Ghost Sniper keeping them both at max. The Ghost Sniper needs to dodge the seekers for as long as it can until the gun that shoots the seekers is gone. Then there's no worrying about getting shot at from both sides.

341 posts

Well, update on my progress, I've beaten the boss with all the final stages of the bubble tank. It's probably easiest with the ghost sniper, as it takes very few hits to take out a section of the boss. I usually do the side guns first, then the seekers, then the "head" (with the rapid fiire big cannon), because your a sitting duck targetting the head of the boss since it has so much health.

I think beating it with the drone tank was the hardest, with those damn mitosis drones (brings me back to biology.... mitosis and meiosis) it takes them a while to really start running. Although you can dispatch the seekers with its secondary ability.

20,591 posts

Wow, I'm still not sure how to even get to the boss.

28 posts

Just keep trying shooting him

1 posts

try to destroy the rocket launchers 1st then the thing that shot purple bubbles and then it will be preety easy cuz all u need to do is to avoid and if u get hit nothing happens so u can destroy it preety fast after u destroy the things i said before

4,570 posts

I think either a fighter or heavy could do the job, It doesn't matter much if you get down graded, the ghost sniper isn't good, the disassemble won't work on seekers. If you are a ghost sniper then you will get downgraded. Hit and run is quite slow.

5,043 posts

Super Fighter is pretty good, realy you can easilly beat the boss with any tank. It takes a long time to kill the boss no matter which tank you use so just be patient and dodge whatever you can. The Heavier tanks are realy hard to kill the boss with (without downgrading at least once) but you should not downgrade more than once no matter which class you use. It just takes time.

36 posts

I've played this game FAR too many times just to see how the different tanks available.
Whenever i kill the boss i just kill the top right and go counter clockwise (probably because i always enter from the right of the bubble)
I managed to kill the boss without getting hit at all, using the Ghost Sniper. because lighter tanks are much easier to move around and control.
just dont use the drone tank, that one is the hardest to beat the boss with.

405 posts

Leecher is the best tank for invincible mode and Arena though.

I'd say the 'Craft Carrier is the best.

DO NOT GET DT2. DT1 is good, DT2 is terrible. Get Heavy #4

341 posts

All of the final stages of the tank can beat the boss prtty easily really. A quick rundown of them all (in order of heaviest to lightest).

BFT (big f*cking tank I think, refers to BFG in DOOM games) Carrier:
The lame thing is that you only get to control one big cannon for firepower, the "bullet buster" sucks pretty bad for me, it doesn't make much of a difference when you have stuff coming from all sides against bosses. However, it's auto guns are good for mop up against normal enemies, and the fighters provide decent extra firepower (basically, they're five more automatic small cannons).

Super Heavy Tank:
This thing is a good boss killer. It gives you two big cannons to play with, as well as the bullet buster (however useless it may be). The small cannons mop up normal enemies and provide a little extra firewpoer against bosses. The super heavy cannon is simply huge power, good against large, slow enemies (like bosses). This thing rapes the final boss easy.

Drone Tank:
My personal least favorite. You only get one weapon for primary, and it is hard to use. It makes a pretty big drone, that keeps splitting up into smaller and smaller drones (puts out like 16 drones total), hence the name mitosis (basic biology for ya). Secondary is useless against anything that doesn't use drones (with it you can afford to keep the seeker launcher alive on the final boss while you fire away at the two sides and the head). Overall, i don't like this tank, drones are ineffctive and take WAY too long to deploy, secondary is useless most the time. (well, it rapes the drone carrier boss pretty bad).

Leecher Tank:
The primary weapon on this tank is okay, but it's pretty low damage (i think it's similar to the damage of one big cannon, maybe a little less), it fires pretty slow too. The leeching ability isn't much either, it gives you one bubble for every hit. However, it's secondary ability just destroys bosses easy, once it latches on, that enemy is dead, period, even if you get downgraded, it stays on and eventually the enemy will die (although on the final boss, you there are four parts to it). It's a good boss killer, but not much else really.

Super Fighter:
It's got a good primary weapon that shoots fast and does good damage. The secondary weapon is decent, it kills nearby enemies and also protects against seekers to an extent. It also doesn't require you to set it up, so less micro managing for you. It's also good damage against bosses, if you position your tank on the boss itself, where the orbital seekers will immediately explode and damage the enemy when it spawns.

Ghost Fighter:
This thing has a great primary weapon in my opinion. It does lots of damage (one shots a good number of enemies), pierces through, and explodes on impact (think of it like the anytime in heli attack 3, explodes on impact but still goes through enemies) so it damages nearby enemies. It fires a tad slow, but it still does good DPS and kills the boss pretty darn quickly. It's secondary ability is okay, you can avoid taking damage, but seekers and any other drones will still lock on to you and roam around you.

To those that can't find the boss, I suggest going in a circular pattern around the starting bubblefield (press p and go to the map to see where you are), it keeps the enemies within your skill range and you find the boss easily.

341 posts

Yeah, the Super Heavy or Ghost Sniper do it for me. The Super Heavy has massive firepower with two big cannons and the super heavy cannon, along with the autos. I think that the BFT Carrier isn't as good since it's special isn't as much firepower, it just basically gives you a couple extra sm. auto cannons, which also have a shorter range than the normal ones.

405 posts

I've done all but I think the leecher and the Super Heavy are best.

You underestimate what the leechers gun can do! It's fire power is more than a big bullet and the bubbles it gives after long periods of time can kill anything. I beat 3 heavy heavy 4's, 6 sets of s wings, a mothership 4?, and two gunner spirals.

But the ghost sniper has a lot of hype over nothing, it can't last anything but the boss.

53 posts

i know the finnal boss is like a giant worm i tried to beat him with the super fighter but didn't go well i got as closer as i could and when attacks came i backed up maybe with a better tank would be better

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