I was just wondering what everyones opinion is on this topic. Personally, I would keep it a controlled substance (illegal). I know there are people who use it for medicinal purposes (glaucoma) and illegal purposes (to get high). All of the debates are pretty heated discussions and I thought this one would spark some new ideas, philosophies, concerns, and suggestions. I'm looking forward to reading them. thanks.
legalize it think about it people want it because they think it is cool they think it is cool because it is illegal and the wanting of it causes death by shootings and it kills many innocent bystanders but I think denmark legalized it and they are now almost drug free except for those few
I am completely for legalizing a drug that will make the already stupid people in the world and slow them down some more. All the teenagers in the world want to legalize it because they think it's cool to use pot and act stupid, but that is just immaturity. The problem with legalizing pot is the same problem we have with alcohol and beer, how do we stop people from driving while under the influence? You can not safely drive while high, sometimes it is a challenge just making it down Highway 41 in my city because people do things so unexpectedly that you don't see it coming. The whole world is unpredictable and we don't need to slow down our reflexes anymore.
I think it should be legalized...i mean...if everyone would smoke just a bit every day then everyone would be more relaxed!!!lOoL
The perfect example of the immature defending the use of marijuana. Do people understand that solving a societal problem takes more than just getting everyone buzzed? If everyone who had a problem used drugs we would get nothing done.
I use Marijuana occasionally,and it's practically impossible to get addicted to it.In some ways it is healthier than ciggarettes.
Marijuana is labeled a gateway drug, you don't get addicted to the marijuana. But when that dime bag stops getting you buzzed, you will move to cocaine and other drugs to get that high. It's called a gateway drug for a reason.
lets see, for millions of years milluions of people have been somking millions of joints, so i dont think it can do any harm, legaliz it
You are actually trying to use that as a defense? Wow, you are making my job of making you look like an idiot even easier. Going back thousands of years ago people didn't drive cars at speeds of 70 miles per hour. Back then people had horses and carriages and there were a lot less of a threat. It's one thing to sit around in your log cabin in the field and smoke a joint. But in this day and age, it's different. What if you drive your car while high? Tests have PROVEN BEYOND A DOUBT that it messes up the skills needed to be a good driver. That defense is no good and no one should ever use it, again.