I as a strong beliver in catholicism get quite a bit of...how do I say this...rippage. People will usually, rudely question everything about my beilifs (sp?) and sometimes some even go far enough to say that cathocism is a occult. So let's clear a few things up: A. We do not worship mary. We pray to her because she is the mother of the son of man. So she plays a rather important role. B. Our bible is a tad different from protestant bibles we have two extra books. Exodus and Revelations (I think. Can't remeber right now.) C. The Big piece of bread and the wine we get is blessed and it's is the body and blood of christ as a sacrament. This is called the Eucharist. If there are any other questions I will be pleased to answer them.
I really don't get this entire different factions(in lack of a better word) of Christianity. You all worship the same god. I kind of understand the difference between judiasm and Christianity, but I really don't understand the difference between a catholic and a Lutheran.
thought id "bring it back" for all the atheists that come down hard on it, and of course, the pope in the uk thingy. personally i think catholicism is full of nuts, with the occasional nice person.
bread and the wine we get is blessed and it's is the body and blood of Christ
who says your cannibals?! . but seriously if you truly believe that it is his body your eating then why do you differentiate yourself from a cult?.. albeit a very large cult.
Religion is a man-made construct just like time or origami
how is time man made?
she is the mother of the son of man.
according to your beliefs thats son of god.
the catholic church just has too much blood on their hands.
not all of them.
Apparently one old man chosen by other old men has the last word in everything. Does not matter if you are atheist, Buddhist, Islamic.
atheism is disbelief of religion through facts not a religion. Buddhism is not one old man chosen by other old men not even the Dalai Lhama considers himself the leader of his beliefs. not sure about Islam.
Well, here is my thing about religion. I think people should be able to follow whatever they want which they can. I don't go to church but I do good deeds. I don't mind religious people unless they try to shove that religion down my throat.