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ForumsWEPRThe Reformed World Events, Politics, Religion, Etc., Guide to Success

65 71979
1,973 posts

Some posters may feel that they know exactly how to put your opinion across, but are you? I thought that the many AG members should know what is needed for others to understand and respect what they have to say.

Spelling and Grammar
This may seem optional, but I would respect an opinion so much more if I could understand it. Not only understand it, but I would respect a post that has the look of hard work. Bad grammar, and wrong spellings would make me loose that interest and respect for the post.

When debating hot topics such as abortion, war, etc., you should always cite your sources! It is of course plagerism, and it is against the rules to copy someone elses work. Not only am I telling you to cite sources, but actually use sources! Research topics and use the knowledge found and refute what has been said before you, or bring up another point to add to the discussion. And remember, you don't have to know everything about the topic to post in a certain forum!

This doesn't only apply to this forum, but it is stressed more in this forum because some threads deal with personal issues, and if you aren't respectful to others' posts than there will be conflicts and fighting. I like to say, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all. This applies here, but your post doesn't have to be "nice." Just avoid being rude and obnoxious.

Read what others wrote by Squidlidink
All too often people post comments only referencing the topic title not what the actual topic was about. Always read the first few posts to see the scope of the argument and understand it, then read the previous posts to see specifically what people are talking about at that point.

Read what you're about to post thanks to Megamickel
Make sure you don't sound like an idiot before you post. If you say something stupid, you're bound to be attacked for it. The very nature of this forum says that opponents will look for any flaws in your argument, and if your post makes you sound like an ignorant buffoon, then you'll pay for it.

Be Specific Thanks to Eyes and Asherlee
Sometimes a lot of people are posting at once. It can be hard to tell who is talking about what. Instead of saying "it" or "him" be as specific as you can about who or what you are referring to. When you are talking to another AG member, a technique would be to us "@(so and so's name)" Then he/she will know that he/she is being addressed.

Quotes are also a helpful feature. You can make a quote by highlighting the text you want to quote (it must be inside the comment box) and clicking on "Quote".

Post YOUR feelings! Thanks to TotalReview
Don't just follow a crowd. Post your feelings on the issue. Use your mind and don't just say something to try to be cool. I would rather disagree with someone who actually supports something then agree with someone who just lied.

To add to it all, have fun!!!
This forum is pretty serious, but don't feel too worked up about a thread. This site is for having a good time, so post only if you want to to. This is not an obligation!

  • 65 Replies
4,005 posts

Actually I would like to submit for your consideration that the guide you have presented us, Estel, dictate that this thread be renamed "Common Sense:Your Guide to Success in Everything".

However since we know that isn't going to happen I'd just like to say thank you. This is the only forum that I participate in where such applicable and concise advice is offered. Hopefully your suggestions are followed and this forum continues to be somewhere to find intelligent and educated conversation.

304 posts

We really need a way to organize this forum better

1 posts

Thanks for post

250 posts

about the spelling and grammar: sorry, but isn't that a really hard demand for the ones to whom english is not the first language?

9,504 posts

It can get pretty difficult trying to argue in the WEPR when you aren't very fluent in English. It can get to the point where the other posters just disregard the post entirely. But again, this is an English-based site where few active people are actually capable of translating correctly. ArmorGames's layout is easy enough to where people of any language can select a game and play to their hearts' content. There may be also a point in AG3 where the AG team wants to internationalize the site to where multiple languages can be a part of the layout. This still means the community will be English-based.

Actually I would like to submit for your consideration that the guide you have presented us, Estel, dictate that this thread be renamed "Common Sense:Your Guide to Success in Everything".

But you're capable of doing that MRWalker
1,558 posts

One thing I see quite a bit is people using wrong grammar such as spelling words wrong, misusing "there, their, and they're" and "your and you're" seem identical to seem people.

6 posts

I freaking wear my underwear twice in a row.

5,552 posts

I think abortion is gay because you would have more girls if u didnt do it.

That's nice...but this thread really isn't the place for abortion talks, I remember there being a thread that had a debate on that going...i'll see if I can find it.
3,085 posts

Not to drag us off-topic or anything and not that I'd know this from personal experience but... isn't redtube a, y'know, pornographic video site? I'm slappin' a troll sticker on that guy.

5,552 posts

Not to drag us off-topic or anything and not that I'd know this from personal experience but... isn't redtube a, y'know, pornographic video site? I'm slappin' a troll sticker on that guy.

I have no idea, but he has been posting a lot of 2 word comments in the Video game section and one in the Support and Suggestions section that I don't know what they mean but I assume to be something sexual in nature.
3,085 posts

After having a quick look through I can tell you that, yes, most of those 2 word posts are sexual in nature and also... redtube is indeed a porn site.

1,558 posts
1,143 posts

hhhm grammar and spelling i think people being nazis about it isnt useful in any way, as long as the post is easily readable small grammar or spelling mistakes really dont matter and people nit-picking and correcting them really does nothing to add to the thread, it just drags it off topic and doesnt add anything constructive

1,558 posts

Well, it isn't that you can't read it, it's more of the fact that people who don't know much often have bad grammar as well. No offense sprooschickin, but in a generality of things, that's how it works.

1,143 posts

that still doesnt mean it does any good to correct it? if someones an idiot it wont do any good to tell them off for spelling, i hope im an exception to that rule

and while we're talking about grammar please stop calling me chickin its technically spam

Showing 31-45 of 65