Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
in a wierd way i kinda like it.8.5/10
I used to have that. it has a deeper meaning than ANY of you can understand!but I didn't like it much for the short time I had it. 6/10the day they make a Manta ray armatar is the day I cheer!
Used by alot of users, but still pretty nice. 8/10
MagiX, I todl you before, but your armatar is AWESOMEE!!!9.9/10 IT'S SOOOO PROOO
AAAAAH you scared me *hides in a random bush on an airplane* 9.7/10 pretty good
:O I was ninja'd 3.141527956.../10 I see that one a lot
I had that armatar when I started Armor Games and I still kinda like it. 8/10
8/10 pretty good.
Unicr0n. 9/10 Would probably be one of my first choices if I ever got bored of my avvy.
8/10 Ooh wait you are a ghost account...run away...AHHHHhhh....
pretty cool 7/10
destroyre yours is pretty cool. i'd say 8/10
As said before,Used by alot of users, but still pretty nice. 8/10
MagiX, Like I said before, yours is...AWESOME!!!
Lol screaming monkey... uhh... 8/10?--------------------------------------^im a flower!
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