Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
As said before,Used by alot of users, but still pretty nice. 8/10
Uhh, I rememeber that rare arnatar. 10/10
Nice armatar 9/10
Howling Wolf. Nice. ^^ 9/10
argh! Got scared xD It's actually pretty cool. 8.5/10
O.k quite normal!!!!5/10I've only seen one other AGer using this(jem)
i hate your armatar (no offense)2/10
Ehh, it's a 0 AP armatar, but your still kind of new. So...4.5/10.
even though its common..... 9/10 because im having a good day!
like a lot of users have it thats what i mean
Haha, I like that one, because it's one of my favorite 1 AP armatars. So.... 7.4/10!
9.5/10 I haven't seen it at all and I mean at all. Pretty cool as well although it could use eyes o_0
8.7/10 The gecko/salamander lizard thing is okay. ;-)
0/10To sissy
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