Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
First time I have seen you, sorry, 1.2/10
o on 10. you dont have one. hahahaha. and you are actually supposed to rate on armatar not on their fame persolos
sorry that was for persolas. i give yours 7 on 10.
Jawz gets an 8/10
6/10. Not my favorite. A lot of blue.
Ugh, ninja'd.That was for sonam.MagiX's armatar is a 8/10, that ghost is awesome
What is that? 4/10
An ant... not bad. Not great, either. 6/10
its perfect! 9.5/10
You really think so? Because I made it. *Beaming*OMG! A squirrel! I want a pet squirrel... right after I get my pet manta ray. 8.5/10
really good especially if you made it 9.6/10
i want that chocalate. 9 on 10
That shark looks stupid, but not really 7.5/10
The lack of eyes on a rabbit is freaky but it is a good armatar... 8.314/10What do you think? Better or worse than the depressed king?
hmmm usually I hate armatars like that but that one makes me go whoa in a weird voice. 8.8/10
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