Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
RAWR a lion. 7.5084597623/10
Not much to say.8/10
haha you drew that one. 10/10 itz cools
Grasshopper, scary but coolnice choice! 8.5/10
o.O I never said i drew it @ jdogg.hm.. i'm not sure what that is in the center. 8.something/10
but you did i remember. And Danstanta its a preying mantus not a grasshopper *cries* 9/10 ghosty
3/10. I REALLY don't like grasshoppers.
I pretty much like your armatar it's water it's normal =) 9/10
I like wolves : ). I'll rate it an 8.5/10.Fun Fact: My friend made my armatar. On here of course.
Smiling manta ray! =) 8/10
I like it. Looks good 9/10
Matches your name for the most part.9/10Pssst... I made the manta ray armatar.
Wait, who's rating who?8/10 for the manta armatar again...
Sorry, I got manta'- Ninja'd. 9/10 for Firetail, 8.5/10 for loloy.
Manta ray 10/10 because you made it :P
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