Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
Ahh. The Centaur..8.35/10
umm dont really like yours i guess it's a 5/10.
i like panda alot and have used it, 9/10
Jesus? 8/0
It's a ghost.. say boo? :38.217/10
9Reminds me of a game "Crow in Hell"
Hes fat....4/10
Nice design.8.1/10
Not bad....Really high armatar...9/10
Your armatar is really cool. I like the light beam emitted from the skeleton's eyes.
kinda kool im not that into warrior tho :P
oh no rating, my bad7/10
I like it a lot 10/10
meh, not favorable 5/10
good nice 4/10Muhahhhhhhha!
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