Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
oooo a same armatar as mine 10/10
Use to have it, pretty cool armatar 7/10
6.5/10 that one's kind of weird...but cool.
I've seen that armatar a lot. 6/10
Pretty cool, and kind of fits his name.7.5/10
pretty cool. 6/10
Pretty dull to me 3/10
that from the boring first section! :P3/10
Wolves are cool.8/10
mantas looks like kites so 7/10
10/10 My favorite armatar yet!
10/10 for having my fave armatar
9/10 it is really cool
8/10, alrite, that ones pretty dang kewl! lol
9/10 Have always liked that one.
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