Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
No I couldn't of, I was using Paint6, and I SUCK AT CPU DWRAING! 10/10 for you, it's peaceful
Well, it's better then how I could've drawn it. 7.6/10
8.8/10. Yeah, peaceful. I like the different colors. It'd be nicer if the horn stood out from the rest of it. But it's nice.
9,2/10 It reminds me of a horse from chess
Looks like some angry zombie that was colored a greenish blue. I don't like it. 2.2/10
9/10It's a unicorn, what else do you need?
Wow realy great armatar never see that before how did you ge it??
Halloween Unique.7/10
Randoms Armatar looks like a horse in a ninja suit. That looks awesome!But my rating for ubica88's Armatar still stands at 2.2/10. For the same reasons too.
Well, looks like you just ninja'd me. I rate Randoms Armatar 10/10 for how awesome it looks.
Delos! you can't do that. Cenere has locked to of the "rate the above" threads because people weren't writing more then seven words. I rate yours 10/10. It's a great unicorn.
Unicorns are pretty cool haha. I like the white one better than the purple.7.8/10~RR~
That's a great Armatar. I haven't seen anyone else with the red version of it. People mostly use the green one. I rate it 10/10 just for how awesome and rare it is.
Your armatar unicorn looks like a baby/younger unicorn (foal?). For that, I will give you an 8/10. I can just imagine throwing puppies and kittens and sweaters at it.
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