Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
Whoa that's one of the Armatars I like. 10/10 automatically.
Uhmm, you're the only one with that armatar, so, it must be pretty original, but, I don't quite like it so, 6/10.
Common but great armatar 8,4/10
I don't like the zombie looking Armatar. 2.5/10
8/10 for your armatar ^.^
I like Dragons 8/10
Is it a teal liberty spiked zombie frankenstien with a candle in his head?8/10
you made that armatar and thats kick *** 9/10
Thx, have you made any armatars?10/10 for you, the unicorns also kick ***! =D
I like how delos described it. I rate it 8.4/10.
10/10 for you, the unicorns also kick ***! =D
Still a nice one you made, submitted and it got accepted! So: 8/10
I don't like unicorns 3.5/10
8/10... I always like that armatar...
5/10 for you, abit too freaky of a close-up.
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