Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
Looks like a confused king. Eh. . it's alright. 5/10
10/10 yes
its gay
I saw you with one of those too so I guess I hurt ur feelings or something. I think unicorns suits girs better.
this guy makes me laugh lol. v6y ftw.10/10 its cute
The crocodile looks nice. Has sharp teeth and the eyes look cool.
I forgot to put in a rating. I rate it 9.1/10.
10/10 i love that one. its so snuggable
7/10 It's cool, but after seeing that unicorn, nothing can compare.
The wolf is nice. I like the purple used in the background and the colors of the wolf. 8.4/10I don't know about mine. It's an ice man I think.
starscreamers old armatar. a pretty good one. 8/10
Eh. I didn't like it that much so I changed back to the green dino. Crocodile looks awesome. 9.3/10.
Dino is dino. 8/10
Comm Dude i give you 6/10
It is a starting armatar, and he looks like he is taking a dump. =P
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