Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
Every Armatar looks like there taking a dump. Besides mine and Ghost's.
True true. I like it. 10/10
4/10 never liked the wolf to overused
The crocodile looks nice. I really like the eyes. 9/10
Nice, I would take it. 10/10 P.S: Wow, you got from Wood Prince to Iron Prince in a day?? You are insane and addicted to this site.
You are insane and addicted to this site.
I would take it.
Don't spam. It'll get the thread locked. It's a starter human Armatar. Therefore I don't like it. 2/10.
7/10 just because it has hepititas C
Alright. I still like the crocodile because of its eyes. The background doesn't look good. 9/10.
8.7/10I do like it thoguht bout not to my extent It is the 1 of of a kind I hav'nt seen it before
I like this armatar because it promotes eating. I'm a teenager. It has good shading of tha colours. 8.6/10
Well that was a fail. I was talking about Ghost's. Stupid laggy internets D:Efan's armatar would be better if it didn't look so arrogant and uptight.
10/10! The fox is awesome, and you are worthy of using it, so... yeah! Yay fox!
Pretty Basic 7/10
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