Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
Ish...you're is to boring and Grey.3/10
4/10, because I might ordinarily give it an 8/10, but it reminds me too much of that dude with the "20,000 pink unicorns that exist everywhere, but can't be seen" thing. Sorry.
i like spiders 9/10
Ehh, I don't like it 1/10
yours -100/10 I hate bears.
10/10 nights are like super humans.....i mean knights =D
I used to have that one 10/10.
9/10 bears are cool, but not the coolest.Note: Thanks for pointing that out, to the guy who rated mine, I thought it was a roach. Well, now it is.
why thank u...i give u a 9/10 because i like bionic bears
holy crap......well do not mind the post above mine =OOO 8/10 muhahahahaahaa
a dude praying= awsome 9/10
10/10 The King!!!!!but luckily I'm the KingofKongregate, yay!
You could get better armatars but I would givde that 5.5/10 I don't really like it.
Starting armatar what a waste 5/10 (cuz i started with that 1 too)
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