Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
nice i like urs 8/10
i like pandas but weird eyes and pointless 3/10
idk if thats a bug or some creepy alien but it looks nice soo 8/10 =D happy birthday
9.5/10 pretty cool!
Oh yeah Ice Man 8/10
I know it's supposed to be a wish bone, except it looks like some humanoid kinda bending his and and his arms stretching forward w/out a body...3/10
Ish, 6/10, it's not horrible but it's not great :P
That Armatar is cool! So I would give it a 10/10!
That's a weird turkey. 7/10
I don't like that one 2.1/10
*sigh* 3.5/10
Yours is alright 3/10
4/10...too boring and grey.
sweet but i dont think a guy should have it but other than that ist sweet 9/10
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