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In a tradition that traces back to the early nineteen-hundreds, two parties, Democrats and Republicans, have dominated United States politics. Washington is locked in an epic and drawn out struggle betweeen left and right, red and blue, Democrat and Republican, conservative and liberal. The problem is not just limited to Washington; state and local governments see it too. These parties are seen to some as merely another set of checks and balances, keeping each other from dominating the scene.

This is wrong.

The right-left clash is the most harmful thing in politics today. More harmful than corruption, more hamful than bribery, more harmful than anything. It is so harmful because everyone simply accepts it, and doesn't think it is wrong.

I was raised to be a Republican. Everyone who knows me and has spoken with me at any length knows this. I am not a Republican. I am not registered as a Republican. I still consider myself moderately conservative, and that is acceptable. I have several beliefs that are classified for convenience's sake as 'conservative,' however, I disagree with Republicans on a great many issues. I diagree with Democrats on many issues as well. So I am independant, and will remain so.

We the people, of the Unites Statesm live in a republic. This means that we rarely directly vote on any issue. Instead, we elect representative who vote for us. This is the important part. We are supposed to elect representatives who most closely mirror out beliefs. That way, they will vote like we would vote in their position.

That means, ArmorGames Americans, that you aren't supposed to vote for a Democratic candidate because you are a Democrat, or a Republican candidate because you are a republican. Too many people forget this and merely do what their party tells them to do. Well, remember this: you run your party, your party doesn't run you.
Perhaps, you ask,


What if the Democratic candidate belives in all the things I do? Well, I reply, be honest with yourself. Do you really believe everything they believe? If you are certain, I trust you. Vote for that candidate. Congratulations, you have done what I cannot: Find a candidate you can agree with.

Regardless, we have a serious problem. I hate to drag an old sickly cliche out, but we've become more Left than Right than with RIGHT and WRONG. The politicians you have sent to Washington (I am of course speaking to those of you who've actually voted before) have decided that they will fight bitterly against the other party and leave them no quarter... this is a bad thing.

We aren't Democrats and Republicans. We aren't conservatives and liberals. We are AMERICANS. That is a bond that we cannot allow to dissolve. We can't allow petty squabbles to stop us from doing the work that needs doing. No man or woman in Washington should oppose something just because someone else supports it.

So, the people we need to send to Washington are not those who will be loyal to the Party. The people we need to send are those who will be loyal to their principles and their constituents; people who are loyal to America.

We need politicians in Washington who aren't afraid to reach across the asile and work together to solve our problems. We can't fight through our modern issues if we are divided and hostile. I am conservative, and many of my friends are liberals. That doesn't stop me from liking them. We overcome our differences to solve problems.

I hope you understand me, and will give my thoughts some weight. I won't ask you to agree with me. Make you own decisions about what you believe, but don't let our differences paralyze us.

  • 19 Replies
146 posts

i'm in the same position ace...check out ron paul!

3,675 posts
Jester quite sure how to respond. This is not really so much a topic as a statement. But hell, I will give it a shot.

The way I see the whole political parties thing is this kind of like how I view religion(and to some politics is a religion): Let me do my thing and I will let you do yours. Yet if there is some who is foaming at the mouth spouting "Less programs, less taxes. No abortion. God bless America!", I will confront them. Either with a debate or, if they continue, a punch in the throat.

3,827 posts

I think you make some valid points, Ace, but I don't think this just comes down to the problems with a two party system.
It says something about a country where more people vote for the next American Idol than the next president. The simple fact is... we're not simply "Americans." We are in the sense that we live in America, but that's as far as the similarities go. And I don't think a dissolution of the party system will resolve this.
Just pick a topic and there will be a gamut of opinions on that topic. Take a dozen or so really hot topics right now: terrorism, immigration, economic recession, abortion, etc. and there just doesn't seem to be a political solution to make everyone happy. At the end of the day, our government's job is to protect its citizens while trying to keep its power at a minimum (although at times it certainly doesn't seem that way).
Most people are simply cattle and enjoy having a side to choose so they don't have to think too much. Perhaps as cynicism spreads and becomes more mainstream we might see a political paradigm shift, but I'm sure all of us now will be long dead before that ever happens.

637 posts

We need an independant as president. Republicans and democrats don't care about the country, just hurting each other.
America has the best government system and the worst government. The problem is a democrat/republican is like a football coach. Smart enough to understand the game, dumb enough to think it is important. America's system drives the people who should be in office away, because nobody smart wants the job. This needs to change. We need good people willing to take a hit to go for office. And the voters need to be smarter too. If America is 25% idiots, then the polls will sway over electoral votes.

Politics: (po-ly-ticks) poly meaning "many", and ticks meaning "bloodsucking fiends"

637 posts

the word is bloodsuking

41 posts

In George Washington's farewell speech from office, he warned Americans that forming political parties was bad for the government. I'm inclined to agree.

146 posts

only 25% idiots?

637 posts

fine 66.6% idiots

5,001 posts

Kind of unrelated. I just don't have much to comment on here. But many ancient philosophers warned that democracy was an evil...

67 posts

Government is slow and corrupt by nature. The only alternative to a lengthy bureaucracy is anarchy.

153 posts

can u say that in english

637 posts

Government will always become corrupt. The only way to get rid of a democracy is by opposing all forms of government.
(that was the translation)

(this is my answer)
You are right, but when the anarchy wins they will take over, forming a government themself.

20,591 posts

nice translation. Anarchy...divide we stand corrupt. What??? Oh...really? I'm lost

3,827 posts

Government cannot become corrupt. Politics cannot become corrupt. Only people can do that.
Also, there are plenty of ways to get rid of a democracy without opposing all forms of government. Examples: a monarchy, a police state, a dictatorship, a republic, etc.

There have been some pretty compelling arguments against democracy. It is purely the rule of the mob, which (according to Thomas Hobbes) will lead directly to anarchy.

637 posts

Those forms of government allow all power to the ruling group. Plus america is not a true democracy. It is a democratic republic. There is a difference.
Our democratic republic has only one big flaw: most people who are smart enough to realize that the jobs are demanding don't take them. Only those with high dreams and no solid plans think that being politically powerful is easy and fun, and are also enough enough to understand today's mob psycology and politics.

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