ForumsThe TavernLucid Dreams

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Ive read how frequently, except i still need some perfection, it happens sometimes but not all the time, anyone have any tips?

  • 28 Replies
1,628 posts

just think of it

6,672 posts

huh??? confused be more specific i dont get it

637 posts

Can you by yourself start a lucid dream?
I can't. If you can tell me how.

2,120 posts

Ahh these happen to me on a regular basis, they are quite enjoyable as well. I have posted something about them in the other dream topic. As for being able to start a lucid dream, I find that it happens sometimes if you are sleep deprived and you can't keep yourself awake, literally. I describe it as the mind "blinking", when you struggle to stay awake and you get flashes of darkness without really noticing. When this is happening, allow yourself to slowly fall asleep, you will be aware, and with some force of will, be able to control the dream environment, which is quite an amazing thing if you learn to do it right. With practice, you can learn to begin lucid dreams without sleep deprivation. I really hope that you get a chance to expirience a lucid dream, as they have been some of the best expiriences in my life. When you are in a lucid dream, you have total control over what you do and, with some practice, the environment and other aspects of your dream. The one downside to lucid dreams, in my expirience, is that when you wake up, you feel a sort of mental fatigue, as if you had a very restless sleep. That is why I find it to not be such a good idea to induce lucid dreams if you have a big day ahead of you. There are very very few people that I know, besides myself, that have the ability to begin a lucid dream at will.

2,120 posts

Ahh these happen to me on a regular basis, they are quite enjoyable as well. I have posted something about them in the other dream topic. As for being able to start a lucid dream, I find that it happens sometimes if you are sleep deprived and you can't keep yourself awake, literally. I describe it as the mind "blinking", when you struggle to stay awake and you get flashes of darkness without really noticing. When this is happening, allow yourself to slowly fall asleep, you will be aware, and with some force of will, be able to control the dream environment, which is quite an amazing thing if you learn to do it right. With practice, you can learn to begin lucid dreams without sleep deprivation. I really hope that you get a chance to expirience a lucid dream, as they have been some of the best expiriences in my life. When you are in a lucid dream, you have total control over what you do and, with some practice, the environment and other aspects of your dream. The one downside to lucid dreams, in my expirience, is that when you wake up, you feel a sort of mental fatigue, as if you had a very restless sleep. That is why I find it to not be such a good idea to induce lucid dreams if you have a big day ahead of you. There are very very few people that I know, besides myself, that have the ability to begin a lucid dream at will.

1,226 posts

I had one once, and it was like sonny because thats all i did that day, except it had like a mixture of lost/sonny/turok/spintercell stuff and so it was like all those games/tv shows combined, like the battles was like sonny the landscape was like lost, the moves were like turok and splinter cell, and you could stealth by enemys. and i could shape the land just by saying/thinking in my dream hill.

Thats not the only dreams ive had were i can control them, i have them about once a week. Still tryin to master it so i can get flying.

63 posts

Lucid? Clear? Clear dreams?

I wish I had more of those, since mine are so...interesting. I should tell you about the last one I had a while back, it had a lot to do with Les Miserables, the Thenardiers...t get away from themI cut off their hands, but there wasn't any blood...But yeah it was one of the clearest I've ever had and ther was a lot more to it.

Anyways, I can't really determine when I have vivid dreams or foggy ones, but usually it depends on what sort of day I've had, and what I've done, how deep into any books I got, if I saw anything REALLY strange...

And one things for sure, if I have any lucid dreams, it's gonna be WEIRD.

2,120 posts

"A lucid dream, also known as a conscious dream, is a dream in which the person is aware that he or she is dreaming while the dream is in progress. During lucid dreams, it is possible to exert conscious control over the dream characters and environment, as well as to perform otherwise physically impossible feats. Lucid dreams are known to be extremely real and vivid for those who have experienced them."


2,202 posts

oh yah, I have those all the time, takes the fun out of the dreams but no matter what I'm just always aware I'm dreaming, then I feel like I'm not even sleeping-_-, which might be true in a sense but hey, at least I know it ain't real, that'd be really weird...

63 posts

oh, okay. I've only had one of those (well, technically i've had several, but there was only one where I could basically control EVERYTHING) and that was a LONG long time ago when I was a little girl.

So, yeah, I had previously watched a Blue's Clues (I was THAT little) about dreams, and they said that it was your dream and you could control it blah blah. So I had this dream that I was a princess (Remember, I was a *little* girl!!!) in an evil castle that was trying to kill everybody, and it was impossible to defeat, and I was irritated (at the time I could only control myself) that it was impossible, so I shouted "If you don't shape up, I"m gonna wake up!" The castle froze in horror, and after that I had complete control over everything.

I've had a couple of other dreams where I could control myself, but they were also a long time ago, and for the most part my ability to control myself didn't much help me. Nowadays, I never have anything resembling lucid dreams, just vivid dreams. I can never control anything. It's like I"m watching a movie when the producers were on meth O.o

But, I remember something my dad told me when I was young, and having those kinds of dreams - Think to yourself every night, before you go to bed, if anything unusual happens, I'll know I'm dreaming, and I can do whatever I want. Think this every night, and eventually, you'll be able to control your dreams.

Can't say if it works or not (he said it did for him) 'cause I never tried it - back then I didn't have to. But you could.

2,202 posts

oh I remebmer that epsiode of Blues Clues, my favorite epsiode was the one about space, and the other cool one was the one about colours, awsome.

anyways I wish I could do that, but see even though I have lucid dreams a lot, the thing is I've had very few where I myself am in a situation in the dream, besides the chocolate chicken one(in the other 'dream' forum) so I can't really 'change' them if that is possible, actually, it's more like thinking in my opinion, if I'm having a dream, I can change 'the subject' at will, say I'm having a dream about BIOSHOCK(that was creepy, playing it till 2:00am on the weekend.) I simply 'changed the subject' to something else, which happened to be Law&Order, again-_-

so I think kauhana is right about that stuff

469 posts

I was more of a sesame street fellow.

Anyways, that rarely happens to me. Only when I wake up in the middle of the night, remembered the dream I just had, and went to sleep somewhat continuing it.

In one dream I was... oh man. I forgot.

8 posts

I once had one. I followed a guide on that. I could give you the guide, but it's finnish, so that wouldn't be much help.

229 posts

i talked to a kid who was perma fried and tall he ever talked about was lucid dreaming

2,120 posts

what did you mean that lucid dreaming ruins dreams? And it seems like everybody has had some sort of lucid dreaming experience, but nobody else can control it at the same level that I can. I know a pretty good way to pull it off:

sleep deprivation method: stay awake until you physically no longer keep your eyes open, the let yourself fall asleep very slowly, make sure to stay aware of what is happening, to know that you are falling asleep.

this almost always works, although I rarley use it. if you practice enough, you just have to be aware that you are falling asleep and it will just happen. lucid dreaming was a very weird experience at first, and it takes some getting used to. after you lucid dream repeatedly you start to feel like you are in the film "Grounhog Day". except that it's fun.

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