How many people are against it? I doesn't bother me much i think its a good thing because thier the ones that do all the hard jobs(for many people won't do.
Are you talking about just immigration? I mean, people moving to this country brings in outside currency to facilitate our cash flow and economic situation. If you mean illegal immigration, that's something else entirely.
In England immigration is baaaaad. Illigal AND Normal, all you see in the streets of London are Polska Shops, now I am not a racist and I dont have anything against Coloured Gentleman and people from the east[Meaning Soviet etc.]
But too much is bad, they take many jobs many become Criminals...
Short answer because you have such a vague question: Legal immigration could be good if fine-tuned. Illegal immigration could be reduced by the fine tuning of legal immigration.
I think immigration is great. Illegal immigration will ruin america'a economy.
(the following is a semi-joke) Maybe we should just let the illegal (stress the word illegal) mexicans in. Then they will be in the same problem that they were before, and mexico would be empty. We could take the empty land and make it into 2 or 3 states. Then the mexicans will move to canada. This is not meant to be offensive, just a joky suggetion.
In the terms of mexican illegal imm., I would have USA continue whatever its doing right now. (I dislike issues such as this, including politics) I just hope that mexico reforms itself.
Heh. Pretty funny if the border patrol shot all the immigrants, I wouldn't even be alive.