I mean most smart robbers now-a-days will bring a gun if they really are stealing for a reason, not just to get in a gang or be cool
Gang initiations still involve robberies of: a) people or b) convenience stores.
Anyhow, you just reminded me of a set of dialogue from Pulp Fiction:
I mean the way it is now, you're takin' the same fuckin' risk as when you rob a bank. You take more of a risk. Banks are easier! Federal banks aren't supposed to stop you anyway, during a robbery. They're insured, why should they care? You don't even need a gun in a federal bank. I heard about this guy, walked into a federal bank with a portable phone, handed the phone to the teller, the guy on the other end of the phone said: "We got this guy's little girl, and if you don't give him all your money, we're gonna kill 'er."
Kind of nifty, guns aren't that much of a necessity, innit?
Well my shirt comes with two tickets to the gun show!!!!
That's not even funny.
Anyway, I'm not against guns but I don't like them. I think people should be allowed to have them, if it makes them feel safe. And there are times when having a gun saves a persons life. Unfortunately, the only reason there are arguments like these is because some people use them for different purposes.
I don't think that guns should be banned, because I would think that most shootings are done with unlicensed guns, so if they were banned, the little old ladies wouldn't have protection, and there would still be guns sold through underground trade to to the same people who would shoot someone.
if they ban guns what will happen to the crimanals like really will they throw away there guns no they wont the are using sub machine guns which are illegal in canada and you can defend yourself with a gun shoot the guy in the arm or the leg
Guns are not the cause of violence, they simply make it more effecient. Guns are inanimate objects. They must be loaded, and placed in the hands of a human being before they to become a deadly weapon.
The right to keep and bear arms is a cherished part of the American psyche. Our Constitution is a social contract: meaning that with every right granted, there are responsibilities. To own a gun, a person should have to pass a background check, and prove they are knowledgable in storing, maintaining, and using firarms in a responsible manner. This means knowing the Four Rules of Gun Safety:
1. Assume every gun to be loaded. 2. Control the muzzleâ"point guns in a safe direction. 3. Trigger Fingerâ"keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire. 4. Targetâ"be sure of your target and beyond.
Gun regulation laws have no affect on criminals because they generally aren't interested in following laws. To reduce criminal gun violence, we have to start looking at how our system of laws may be encouraging the carrying and use of firearms by criminals.
Let's try that again... The Four Rules of Gun Safety
1. Assume every gun to be loaded (until YOU PERSONALLY check). 2. Control the muzzle, point guns in a safe direction. 3. Trigger finger- Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire. 4. Target-be sure of your target and beyond.
It's a shame that we made guns in the first place. It takes so much less talent to use that as opposed to a knife, or fists.At this point if we took guns away gang members may go wild with robberies and killings, knowing that people who follow the law as much as they can would get rid of their guns.
It's a shame that we made guns in the first place. It takes so much less talent to use that as opposed to a knife, or fists.At this point if we took guns away gang members may go wild with robberies and killings, knowing that people who follow the law as much as they can would get rid of their guns.
Unfortunately, one cannot easily put this genie back in the bottle. We need to address safe, responsible, legal gun ownership, and the proliferation of illegal guns simultaneously.
if we didnt make guns how much longer do you think the world wars would have gone on how m many more killed how many more animals would be running around cause we cant hunt them efficently guns are a tool if yu use it right then good if you dont then go die in a hole
if we didnt make guns how much longer do you think the world wars would have gone on how m many more killed how many more animals would be running around cause we cant hunt them efficently guns are a tool if yu use it right then good if you dont then go die in a hole
That's the problem. Many people don't know how to use guns correctly. And the world wars would be about the same length, they wouldn't have guns either, so it would be equal. AND you can hunt animals with bows, spears, and knives.
there is a town in georgia where you are required to own a gun and the crime rate is of the lowest of the country, beacuse the crimminals know that if they break in then theyll get shot simple as that, crimminals can get guns no matter what, its not like somone goes out to commit a crime beacuse they dont want to break the law and own a gun.
if guns were not made then where would you all be, oh yeah living in a british conlony so knok some sense into yourselfs beaucse at this piont the amount of air escaping from your head is incredible!