ya in britain crimes with guns has skyrocketed and in some places you have to have a gun and crime is low and guns make it easier to hunt bows are not as effective
I say anyone should be able to buy a gun (even 2 year olds) because they shouldn't have made guns. Then in wars the best weapon possible would be a pile of rocks. jk. I think the problem with guns is ok people should just be more calm around weapons.
Guns get a really bad rap that they don't really deserve. I own several, and I don't use them for crime. Guns aare not only used for self-defence, but also for hunting, and target shooting. There are even guns in the olympics! They provide us with lots of recreational activity that we wouldn't have without them.
Maybe instead of an age to get a license there should be an I.Q. test just to be considered to be allowed to have a gun, then the training about guns and yadda yadda yadda...
Maybe instead of an age to get [a license there should be an I.Q. test just to be considered to be allowed to have a gun, then the training about guns and yadda yadda yadda..
an evil genius with a gun is more dengerous than an idiot
95% of gun crimes use a pistol. 80% of those who commit gun crimes are teenagers. Minimum age for pistol ownership? 21.
What about the rest? Most people who use guns for crime use illegally owned weapons, as in not purchased or attained through official channels and not properly registered. Most people who are murdered with guns are themselves convicted felons, often in gang or drug disputes. In some cities, that number is as high as 95%.
What does this mean? It means than gun control fails 95-99% of the time. The very few cases people are murdered with legal weapons, they are most often crimes of passion or rage against spouses or the immediate family.
It's a complete waste of time and resources. The more people who responsibly have guns (those not convicted felons or the insane), the better off we are. An armed society is a polite society.