ok here are some of the awards for the game, i dont have all of them so if you know any add on
participation-splatter a goopie lemony- splatter a stikle self preservation-splatter a biter mixed blessing-splater a meltie replication-splatter a clutter three licks-splatter an oozle hairball-splatter a fuzzle preventative measures- splatter a pair of glooples while glooming together good combo- splatter 2 glooples with one swing nice combo- splatter 3 gloopies in one swing sweet combo-splatter 4 gloopies with one swing solid swing- splatter 20 bounty worth of gloopies with one swing big swing- splatter 50 bounty worth of gloopies with one swing great swing-splatter 75 bounty worth of glooopies in one swing
from now on im only telling the names cuz this is taking forever =)