Hello gamers i have one quick question about amorphous plus... Where is the Queen and Razor Queen and how do you get the silver key thing
not rlly..u can practice instead...
how do you fight the queen and the razer queen? how do you get them?
to fight them look it up on youtube...and to get them u jsut keep looking for them at around 14 glooples left in small nest
i mean where do you find them
thanks guys sm
I have written a walktrough http://armorgames.com/community/thread/1855308/amorphus-plus-complete-walktrough-upgraded
thanks man
thanks for letting me know
I've written a new upgrade for my walktrough now visit it trough my profile.
You got too lazy to post links?Here the ultimate guide/walkthrough by Sbamo is.
here: [url=http://armorgames.com/community/thread/2014346/amorphous-plus-ultimate-walktrough]
You know, I just posted the exact same link, except for the fact that my bbcode actually worked...But now that the link has been posted, this thread should be allowed to die.Again, the awesome ultimate guide to Amorphous+ by Sbamo.
Alright, this appears to have been covered elsewhere so I'm also gonna lock this for the sake of tidiness.
Thread is locked!