So, I've been playing this game way more than I should when I came across this glitch at some random website. What you do is click on the Practice Mode, select whatever you want to fight, and then click the practice button. On the next screen where it says "Click to Continue" you must right click and select "Back." Now you're on the main title screen. Click on the Single Nest option, then right click and choose "Forward." Then click on any nest size. What will happen is that it will say you're in practice mode at the bottom of the screen, but you will be able to earn awards like this. It is terribly inconsistent, however, but since you get to choose what you fight, you can get those multikill awards for particular enemies in a short amount of time. But let me go over some things that might happen:
1) It might just not work at all, but keep trying (no need to reload, just exit and do the process over again). 2) You might not be able to swing your sword (again, just do the process again). 3) It might work fine, but I've never had more than like 2 enemy spawns of what I'm hunting, so you'll have to repeat the process for more.
One of the nicest things about this is that sometimes after killing just one enemy, you get the award for clearing that nest! So, if you're having trouble on the larger nests, this glitch is great. And since you sometimes only have to fight 1 enemy, getting the "Badass" award is a piece of cake! Anyway, this is all a bit confusing and I usually don't submit things like this, but if you have any questions feel free to ask me on my profile. Happy hunting!!
ok heres another good but semi inconsistent one i found:--> You click on single nest then right click on small and click forward on the next screen the size selection will still be open click on huge. this will usually cause you to instantly win with 1100 or 1200 points and get you some achievements although it may take a couple tries
I got a goof way to get all of those scorces and combo awards.
Turn your spawn limit to 8, now go to bounty run and choose fast difficulty ramp. Not, kill everything and leave the eight clutters wait till they cover you in baby clutters so that you cannot move. Throw a lure (optional - maybe works) then shake them the baby clutters all off. Then you got to the lure and swing!
What Galleonfleet says is true: it may take a couple of tries (and the lure is useless) but it can be pulled off. The max of them you could get is 5; but with 5 adults I killed 11 babies!