okay here it is the impossible guide(i have used it 3 times and won twice so...
wait for 5-6 enemies to appear on the screen then use your special,with the cash earned from the special buy an egg automatic and spend the rest on club-men.
keep buying club men and whenever possible do a special then buy 1-2 dino riders with the cash from the special.
continue this until 4000 experience
Keep your egg automatic, then buy as many swords men as possible,special when you can then get 500 coins then buy a knight and let him kill a few enemies.
After that follow this strategy: 10 swords men 1 knight SPECIAL 10 swords men 1 knight SPECIAL
and so on until 14000 experience
as soon as you evolve spend all your money on duellers and if you have enough upgrade your turret capacity.
after this save for a small or medium cannon let it/them shoot down a few enemies and send out more duelers with the cash,again remebering to use special to protect your soldiers,i would reccomend saving for a canoneer and then using the special so he can go further continue this sort of strategy until you have 45000 experience
you will need more cash for this one so wait for around 5 enemies to appear on screen and use a special getting you around 13-15000 coins use this cash to buy a double turret.
let the turret and your other cannons shoot about 10-15 enemies dead and buy all the turret spaces available then continue slaughtering with your cannons.
after this buy another double turret(use special as it should have recharged by now) and then spend the rest of your cash on melee infantry.
continue this buying double turrets when possible and specialing when possible also dont forget to send out a few tanks=D
continue that till 200000 experience
***AGE FIVE*** Okay this is it,the EASIEST age yet(if you can get turrets) now you will need as much cash as possible here so i hope you saved a special again wait for 5-6 enemies to appear on the screen and then special them this should give you enough cash to sell your weakest turrets and buy 1 or maybe 2 lazer-cannons at 40000 each then continue letting your cannons shoot the enemy until you have 80000 coins then sell your lazer cannon and buy an ION cannon(woot) continue letting your cannons own until 100000 coins and buy another ION cannon repeat this until you have four ION cannons
Now this is the easy part
leave your computer for 1 hour(or leave screen open and do something else on the computer)
when you come back you should find around 3-4 million coins waiting.
Buy 5 super soldiers with this cash then use a special to clear the field of enemy soldiers the super soldiers will then do their job of OWNING the enemies base
CONGRATULATIONS you have just completed Age of War on IMPOSSIBLE mode(hopefully)
great guide. i always wondered how to do impossible mode, died like 10-15 times, i always got pused back buy his dino riders, cause i used the speical to early, then they took my base down alot, and thats not good after the first stage but i might go and try it now with this guild, good work :]
Um, honestly, other than the last two ages, I would have to say this is wrong -_- Upgrading the age you're in ASAP is a surefire way to be screwed on any difficulty...normal not so much, but you're screwed trying it on Harder...
Honestly, I would say use the strategy of the last two ages from this guide, but just spam egg autos, club men, and the meteor special for the first three...clubmen make sufficient meatshields and can actually do a ton of damage if you can bunch them up (which tends to happen on Impossible, when the enemy is squishing you against your own fort, clubmen pile up and you have like 30-40 attacking at once)...they're also the most cost-effective unit in the game. Consider this: A dino rider costs 100 to make. Since enemies have supposedly 425% of their normal HP, it would take 4-5 dino riders without turret support (maybe 2-3 with, but still...). 2 dino riders costs 200, one kill nets 133. Losing battle there. CAVEMEN, on the other hand...while they're horrible without turret support, in large numbers or with turret support, they shine (doesn't matter what the meatshield is to a turret). With turret support, 3-4 cavemen is probably sufficient to take down a dino rider. 4 cavemen costs 60 gold. PROFIT.
Heck, this works on later ages too (particularly on cannoneers). 4 cavemen with turret support can take a swordsman, 43 can easily take a knight, 86 can probably OHKO a cannoneer if globbed together...also, consider cannoneers attack SLOW. Less dangerous than the fast-hitting Duelists/Melee Infantry. All these kills turn a profit...so honestly, cavemen are the way to go for the first three ages (I made it through the first three on cavemen + turret support easily...then screwed myself over by advancing).
nice, i remember beating impossible once but that was a long time ago =) i also did other things like getting 4 turret spots in the first age =) realy had fun playing the game =)
1. wait til there's a lot of their cavemen and land the volcano strike and get the automatic egg straight away
2. make club men over and over until the first man on dino back appears then...
3. keep making sling men, and nothing else
try and do all your killing in range of the auto egg
4. u will make so many sling men that they cant get near the base. just click click click keep making them. they will all bunch up and massacre the enemy.
make extra turrets and add auto eggs or the primitive catapult when u can, til u get to 3 of them
at 45,000 points, wait til u have at least $10,000, make loads of slingers and then jump ahead 3 ages to modern and sell an auto egg for a rocket. try and combine this with an air strike so get that topped up ready to go.
then just make the cheap soldiers and machine gunners and upgrade the turrets while u can
try and use your strikes when their knights/bombers etc are on the screen
Wait until about 5 enemies appear and use your special. Purchase the egg automatic and then purchase club men.
My recommendation is to wait until the enemies get in range of the egg automatic (so that it can help you out) before you buy any men at all.
This is where the difference comes into play: I keep the cavemen ALL THE WAY until I reach 45000 Exp. (until the military men). How do I do that?? It's simple. When your enemy evolves the first time, stop purchasing club men and ONLY purchase sling shots (you NEVER have to purchase a dino-man). But when you begin purchasing them purchase them LIKE CRAZY! Don't stop buying them until you feel like you're well ahead. Try to save up $1200 to build a new spot for, and purchase, a new egg automatic (you'll only need two until you evolve). Every chance you get use your special throughout this whole process.
Notice: When your enemy evolves into the duelers NEVER STOP PURCHASING sling men. (EVER) if you do they WILL make you pay for it. They're tuff. But once you get through them it gets better.
Once you reach 45000 Exp, repeatedly evolve until you reach the modern military stage of the game. Then you can follow the originally posted walk-through. I basically do the same thing. (Except staying cavemen saves money).
technika_KO i have a question do you have any way to beat age of war 2 on insane?????? and do you have any tips for Runescape i play it i am level 60. i cant beat insane for age of war 2 i can beat only medium i can get to hard but i cant get to the enemy fort. plz respond quick!!!!!!!!!!