I don't like that he is bringing religion into his debates.
However Barrack being a Radical Muslim is a little different because I don't know all of his religions views which is how alot of people live life. However I can trust that his religion won't interfear if he was president.
It's no problem; it's a common misconception, but one that is starting to bother me. His father, whom he met for a month when he was 10, was Kenyan, but he was raised in Hawaii and Kansas for most of his life. His mother and grandparents, whom he also lived with, are/were Christian, and so is he.
Well, he's Christian but even if he were Muslim WHICH HE ISN'T!!! why would that be a negative? Are we such a country of racists!?!? Do we really belive that all muslims are terrorists?! People once had a problem with a Catholic becomming the president (JFK) and now that issue is almost laughable. Should we automatically rule out a candidate simply because of their religion? If so, shouldn't we have stopped Bush? I mean his platform was basically his religion.
At the time of JFK running for pres. There were speaches and demands (though partially unsuccssful) that relgious beliefes be kept out of the presidential race and these days if you tried to keep your religion out of your campagin you would NEVER have a CHANCE of being elected.
The problem is that a lot of people have stopped voting on the issues and started voting on their beliefs.
Yeah, I hate when my government gets all religious on me. Good thing they don't put something stupid like "In God We Trust" on my currency or anything like that. I am very glad that they don't do that. I love being sarcastic to prove a point.
I think what everyone in America needs to do is spend a day with someone who is radically different from how they are. I feel like we live in a shell and anyone who is a different outsider to us is evil. If we took the time to get to know one person who is different from us, it would change how we feel about the rest of the world in a really great way. For those that wouldn't find it appealing to have a Muslim president, I say got get to know a Muslim person. Most of them are very moral and good people. We have a lot we can learn from them if we only listened and opened up to others.
It doesn't matter to me what religion a candidate believes in. Obama is Christian but even if he was Muslim, It wouldn't make a difference. I would still vote for him, for his views and how sincere ly he wants to help.
I don't care about the color of our presidents skin or gender or religion, but if they were an extremist then I might have a problem.
I think Americans should keep religion and race out of the discussions, unless it's going to actually effect the outcome of the government. If they're going to start using terror tactics (I'm not saying that Muslims always do that, it's just a bad tactic anyone can use) then we might have a problem.
Obama is only half Kenyan, why do people keep saying "African American"? And it doesn't matter. It just makes me mad that people stereotype him as an African American when he's just as "black" as he is "white".