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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

3868 3765068
1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
1,352 posts

A dog always loves you, in good times and bad,
He's eager to sit at your side.
The cat is a rascal, a bit of a cad,
He is strictly along for the ride.

Only call out "here puppy", he's there on the run
so eager to please you, he'll stay.
But call out "here kitty", he remains in the sun,
and delights in just staying away.

Puppy drools and he prances, content to be near,
When you pet him, he quivers with joy.
Kitty yawns and ignores you, his name, he won't hear,
though he may deign to play with a toy.

Dogs are needy and loving, unselfish and true,
Cats are selfish, aloof and alone.
But you'll love them and pet them, and there may be a few,
Who'll act like your lap is their throne.

In the end, it won't matter, whichever it is,
You have chosen to make it your pet.
You'll just love and care for it,the best that you can
and make sure that it visits the vet.

8,570 posts

Cats and dogs? Literally you want us to write about two domestic animals? :|

No, you can take a different view and have your poem about the relation between them itself; you know, fighting(like cats and dogs).
3,937 posts

Here's a little something. I can bet I'll lose.

In the year when darkness in the world prevails,
when the world is doomed,
when everything burns,
only a hero can save us from the curse who to us was put

When all of a sudden, one of men stands,
and he stood and spoke like a great man,
"We will fight for freedom, their treason,
we are less, but we have spirit and reason.

We will fight, and we will stand as no one else before!
For we will kill and we will march to our doom!
But at least our children shall live in a world free,
with rulers and nobles and other kings.

A free world without scurry rats and snakes!
when everyone else in the fire lays!
Four our family shall live,
free as the wind!

There will be no one bothering our sleep!
For they will run and bear our seal and our story shall be told!
On and on,
to all the generations that come below!"

Those were his words and then off they went,
as dogs running throught a meadow pursuing cats!

4,220 posts

The Apocalypse

Like a mind can lose control,
Like a body can lose a soul,
Evil takes a backward dance,
Good takes its lifeless trance.

Just hearing the bloody screaming,
You wake up and see your dreaming.
Insane insane bloody horror,
Insane, its insane, complete terror.
What is not seen, it lost control,
What is not seen, Lucifer's soul.

Seeing ones life, fade away,
Screaming forgiveness everyday,
Granted, God takes your life,
The world is done and rid of strife.

Sweet greatness, takes its way,
Sweet nightmares, drift away.
Nightmarish demons, are rid of thee,
What is there, we cannot see.
A sweet life is given back,
An evil soul will fade to black.

What we see, are two oppose,
But we sit in Hell, all knows,
In Heaven life fades and dies,
Holocaust of evil, spreading lies.

Just like horror, Hell will end,
Hell Lucifer will again defend.
Heaven's angels will let down wrath,
The Apocalypse, our destined path.
Man has caused all this,
Where they go is the abyss!

1,352 posts

umm good poem orion but what does this have too do with cats and dogs

4,220 posts

umm good poem orion but what does this have too do with cats and dogs


No, you can take a different view and have your poem about the relation between them itself; you know, fighting(like cats and dogs).

It's between good and evil, Heaven and Hell, God and Satan.

Because I AM NOT writing literally about house pets.
1,352 posts

lol but my poem is cute and yours makes me want to go slit my wrists at least it was a good poem

4,220 posts

It's more or less a song.

Now, lets go slice our wrists, shall we?

Well, maybe not . . . .

And thanks for the compliment.

4,220 posts

I'm touching up my entry.

The Apocalypse

Like a mind can lose control,
Like a body can lose a soul,
Evil takes a backward glance,
Good takes its lifeless trance.

Just hearing the bloody screaming,
You wake up and see you're dreaming.
Insane insane bloody horror,
Insane, its insane, complete terror.
What is not seen, it lost control,
What is not seen, Lucifer's soul.

Seeing ones life, fade away,
Screaming forgiveness everyday,
Granted, God takes your life,
The world is done and rid of strife.

Sweet greatness, it takes our way,
Sweet nightmares, drift away.
Nightmarish demons, are rid of thee,
What is there, we cannot see.
A sweet life is given back,
An evil soul will fade to black.

What we see, are two oppose,
But we sit in Hell, all knows,
In Heaven life fades and dies,
Holocaust of evil, spreading lies.

Just like horror, Hell will end,
Hell Lucifer will defend.
Heaven's angels let down wrath,
The Apocalypse, our destined path.
Man has caused all this,
Where they go is the abyss!

8,570 posts

Only three entries?
I'm going to postpone the judging until such time as we have more entries.

4,220 posts

I'm going to postpone the judging until such time as we have more entries.

Ah, come on. I've waited so long! Okay, not that long. It's still enough time to bug me.
46 posts

Well, whatever, it's currently 9:36pm eastern time, and my bedtime was 6 min ago, LOLZ! No philosophy for me! Just something different: HIKKU

Cats and Dogs differ
Canines and Felines are pets
I am allergic

349 posts

My speciality, Pets.

Let's see.....

The Cat and the Dog

Obedient and loyal.
Independent and agile.
The dog and the cat.
Each has their own "style".

We all know the dog.
Man's best friend.
They are so loyal,
They'll stay 'till the end.

Cat's are free-living.
They are independent.
Though they will stay attached,
And helping is their intent.

Whichever you like,
reflects upon you.
If you live with one,
You will see it too.

Did not work out how I thought but... I tried...

513 posts

Well it's a little hard to put a good poem about cats and dogs.

8,570 posts

Like I said, it doesn't necessarily have to be about cats and dogs themselves. It can be about their relationship(the rivalry and the opposite angle), the fighting analogy(like cats and dogs), etc. etc.

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