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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

3868 3765238
1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
5,061 posts


938 posts

Whin Weel Dhe Jujeng Tek Ples?

8,570 posts

Gold Medal

Cheery songs of Christmas coming,
Canty tunes I hear people drumming.
Snow falling in elegant snowflakes,
Beautiful white landsacpe is what it makes.
Elect a Christmas tree as your house's centerpiece,
Luminous decorations - colourful light is what they release.
Hang up small baubles of red, green and blue,
Happiness is what you must ensue.
Come together in the village centre,
A cloudless night: all the better.
Kind comments to one another,
Happiness the main emotion, do not feel any other.
Children's faces glow,
When their parents bestow,
Their most wanted toy,
Elaited and in joy.
A glass of wine for all the adults,
A big turkey - compliments to the cook become the result,
Of a feast, with a two main courses, and numerous sides,
Maybe some more for the plumper people - but it can only be denied.
The bitter air outside,
And scents of parties, and dinners from inside,
The decorated buildings where people reside in throngs,
The views of happiness and cheer - the sound of carol songs

by Elitemagical

Silver Medal
Holiday; It's quite unclear
But if lift that sorry ear
And do you listen, do you hear
You hope for a volcano of beer
If you eat spaghetti for dinner
You will find: you're not a sinner
Indeed, you're not, you're a winner
Your faith will grow, not get thinner
You will see, it's widespread
The evidence is in what's said
The greeting Merry Christmas is dead
And its Happy Holiday instead.
You choose how to celebrate
The FSM doesn't have to dictate
What you do on this date
Of all holidays, its great
And it doesn't last for just one day
It's all month you remain gay (happy -_-)
Your cheery attitude will stay
Long after the others' fade away

by Thyll

Bronze Medal

The children are restless,
Night is coming, ever-slowly.
Finally, a success!
They are all sleeping, quite wholly.
I don my suit with haste,
Eat the cookies, and drink the milk,
Being stealthy, just in case,
Leave the presents, wrapped in silk.
No time to spare, moving on,
Make sure the reindeer make no noise,
In an instant we are gone,
To the next house, spreading joys.
Repeat all night long,
Sneaking in, leaving gifts,
This bag of presents makes me strong,
Flying over the last rift.
Back at home, waiting now,
Elves start the work, without a break,
More happiness next year, we have vowed,
The list is checked, without mistake.

by SilentQ

First place winner, contact Carlie for your merit.
Everyone, if you want me to critique your poem, then you may request on my profile.

8,570 posts

Holiday; It's quite unclear
But if lift that sorry ear
And do you listen, do you hear
You hope for a volcano of beer
If you eat spaghetti for dinner
You will find: you're not a sinner
Indeed, you're not, you're a winner
Your faith will grow, not get thinner
You will see, it's widespread
The evidence is in what's said
The greeting Merry Christmas is dead
And its Happy Holiday instead.
You choose how to celebrate
The FSM doesn't have to dictate
What you do on this date
Of all holidays, its great
And it doesn't last for just one day
It's all month you remain gay (happy -_-)
Your cheery attitude will stay
Long after the others' fade away

Pros: I liked the way that in each stanza, it had the same rhyming ending, and they usually fit together pretty well. Although...why did you pick spaghetti? Just wondering xP. I also liked the message and stuff. And thank you for the good grammar, that was a blessing.
Cons: Sometimes you could tell, the rhyme was stretched thin, and the syllables didn't quite all fit in. Oh man, I'm rhymin without wantin or tryin.
Okay, I'll stop now. Really, there was nothing wrong with your poem but the first place one just seemed a little bit better.
Still a great poem.

938 posts

What is teh new topic?

8,570 posts

New Theme: Fireworks
New Deadline: Tues. Jan. 5


938 posts

Yep, fire does work....
Soz, I just had to do that. It's my nature.

...fireworks fireworks fireworks....
Sorry about the smell, that's just me thinking.

4,220 posts

I failed several times. UPDATE!

Fiery Sky

Burning brighter every time,
The radiant glow is sublime,
Over the crest and under the sky,
All the red rockets start to fly.

Blue and orange and yellow too,
Fiery dazzlement will ensue,
The chaotic pressure is too much to bear,
The blue rockets explosion shatters the air.

Sparklers of powder of the black kind,
Fly through the air, amazing the mind,
Over the clouds and unto the stars,
The orange rockets fire looks like Mars.

Ammonium in the air, the finale comes,
The rockets fly to the beat of the drums,
The new year has come, it is here to stay,
The green whispers of life begin to array.

11,891 posts

Wonder if this works.

whistle bang!

moolb der
yra thun
idnec th
ni i
eh w
t n s br ill i an t
a n b ur
s e r b g
i l i t
n e e he
t l nig
t ht
s en
i gu
h lf
w s

3,035 posts

That's not a poem! That's just pure awsomeness!

8,570 posts

Whoa, it's been a long time since I've seen a shape poem, Gantic. In fact, I think the last one was when I read "Love That Dog".
This is probably going to be messed up, but why not.

b chlorate b
o gunpowder o
x gunpowder x
b gunpowder b
o gunpowder o
x stronium x
b stronium b
o reducers o
x b o x b o x b o x b

*scratches head*
Gunpowder goes in fireworks, right? =P
FYI, that's a red firework. See the stroniums?
Anyway, that was fun. Don't think I've written one of those since, like, sixth grade.

67 posts

Boo to Jonny's Fireworks poem.
But I liked Gantic's use of onamotapoeia.

Fizz, crackle
Rockets to the sky
Splash, spackle
Colors for your eye

Light the fuse, watch it burn
Quick; stand back
You're soon to learn
Listen now; bang and crack!

Red, green, yellow, blue
Rainbows with all different hues
Fireworks fly, flares of heat
Separate components soon to meet

Celebrations, fun fun fun
Barbecue for everyone
Fireworks bright for the new year
Resolutions are made here
Fireworks for July the fourth
Celebrate our country's birth

That of my more suckish poems. But oh well.

8,570 posts

Three entries, huh? Mine doesn't count.
I waited...maybe I should've said I postponed?
We'll keep postponing then. Sheesh.
Pwetty pwease enter?
I'll give you a cookie.
Pushy pushy. Fine, I'll give you two cookies.
You don't sell easy, do you? Fine. A cake. A whole, chocolate cake. Just for you. All you have to do is enter. Limited time offer.

13,344 posts

Just threw this together because I like chocolate cake.

Fireworks Well

The bells at midnight ring. Clang!
The fire-works begin. Bang!

Launched straight into the sky. Zoom!
Exploding way up high. Boom!

A bright and fiery flare. Flash!
Combustion in the air. Crash!

The whistle, pure and high. Whing!
I watch the fireworks fly. Zing!

The firework sound I fear. Pow!
For it doth hurt my ear. Ow!

There. I entered. Where's my chocolate cake?

8,570 posts



I hope you like black forest.

Showing 1756-1770 of 3868