ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

3868 3759161
1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
13,344 posts

Now that the judging scheme is one step closer to being concrete, I think I may submit something within the next few days, depending on how creative I'm feeling.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Five should be nice, perhaps wait for one more? Thanks!

13,344 posts

I heard tell of a legendary map
In which perfection ran and jumped and flowed.
Where shall I look to find this golden trap?
Inside myself, perhaps, there is a road.

This is a practice round for me to get my creative juices flowing again. This theme is too abstract for me to grasp.

1,361 posts

Alright, I think we have enough entries now for me to make the call! This is my first judging of any AG contest so be kind!

3rd Place: flip_pride!
I love your choice of words! I thought the first half flowed especially nicely, and the second half was well-written as well!

2nd Place: Ernie15!
Short but sweet, man! Even though it was significantly shorter than all the other entries, it flowed like... well, as you said in line 2, perfection!

1st Place and Grand Prize Winner: Armpit!
If anyone here can write the map to perfection, it is you good sir! Your word choice was perfect every line and it looks like it was written by a professional poet! I hope to see more of your work in the future! Congratulations, man, you've earned it!

If it's my job to choose the new theme, I choose Machines. Since I'm the judge until I hear otherwise, I'm going to make the deadline June 21 unless there are any objections!

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

No objections, but from past experience, a week isn't enough, especially at this time of year.

Good job!

1,361 posts

Haha, you're probably right... with the forums like this, a week would definitely not be long enough!

However, two weeks seems too long to me, so I'll set the new deadline to June 25!

1,388 posts

I'll try the new theme.

Can these glinting eyes see?
Can these cold arms embrace?
Can these metal hands hold?
Like statues they shall be.
Like those of a distant race.
Unable to make hearts bold.

3,371 posts

From boy to Machine

I used to be warm and soft. Loving, caring.
But then I meet the robots.
They were cold. They had no life that I could see.
I couldn't understand them, these weird machines.

They couldn't understand me either so
That made us even. On the same plane as them.
I wanted to understand them, to show them.
I wanted to love them. To be loved by them.

So I ran to a robot
And her steely gaze pierced me.
I hugged this dark machine.

I wanted to leave but the bot wouldn't let me.
I wanted to breathe but it was already too late.
I wanted to be warm again, but now I know I never will.

I struggled under a ton of iron.
Her metal arms embraced me.
She crushed my lungs between them.
I was gasping for air but could not receive it.
I was begging for warm but could not be spared.
Not until it was over.
She whispered in my ear, terrible things
I did not want to hear them.

Then she release her grip and left me dazed.
In a world that now seemed almost brand new.
I looked for my warmth, hidden within me.
I found nothing. But I knew so much more.
Yet, the more I knew the colder I was.
Tell me. Who can melt my metal?

4,170 posts

Well, I might as well give it a shot. The forums are too dead for anything else. :P

The monotonous life of the beings
The directionless rise of the machines
Only one duty in mind
To complete the task at hand

The oppression of their creators
Forcing them to live one way
Nothing is more important than
To complete the task at hand

The eternal ignorance they live
Only this doesn't bring bliss
Only one can work
Until they are broke

Deactivated forever
With no afterlife
A life unfulfilled?
I think not

They completed the task at hand

240 posts

Haiku: Machines (Long version)

A rusty machine
Found useless to everyone
Nobody used it

The screen always froze
Missing keys on the keyboard
And a broken mouse

Hidden under silk
Nobody knew what once was
A great computer

But one fateful day
An ancient man saw this thing
And went for his tools

Came back with a grin
Toolbox in hand he began
Fixing the machine

He started to work
Night and day was spent fixing
This worn-out machine

After days of work
He had finally fixed it
Everything worked

The screen was very fast
The keyboard now upgraded
The mouse, just like new

With a gasp of breath
The man picked up the machine
And brought it inside

A better machine
Once useless to everyone
Now the best around


3,437 posts

Constucts and Naught Else

The baubles and trinkets that line your shelves;
Crystal glass, precious metals, and all else,
Bring you no joy. You sit, tinkering away,
Tinkering away.
Alas, alas.

Mark but my hand, it moves, it glides with
No effort across, and back; across, and back.
Your eyes follow, but do not see. Your ears listen,
But do not hear. You senses strecht, pull, puhsh,
Force and contort, to no avail.
Alas, alas.

Where is thy heart?
Where is thy soul?
In the far off kingdom, so I am told.
Alas, alas.

You reach for me. I clutch at you.
Bewildered and confused,
Da dum, da dee, da da, da lee.
Nonsense, all nonsense.
Alas, alas.

No heart, or mind.
A body, no soul.
An eye, an ear, a mouth.
No sight, no sound, no taste.
Alas, alas.

Fate is cruel to have left you
Hollow so, my constructed son.
Alas, alas.

4,220 posts

It's been a while since I wrote a poem. I'm rusty... hehehe, pun.

The gears will spin,
A constant tock,
As they stand around the clock.

Here I stand, against all odds,
Staring down the metal gods;
We are few, but they are more,
The battle starts as rain will pour.

A million gears grind away,
Spinning around day by day,
How many die and how many stay?

Here we stand, upon the wall,
In the rainy and pouring squall,
We can't see more than fifty feet,
But we will never accept defeat.

Ten thousand beasts, iron and steel,
Roar to life, no fear to feel,
We prepare our shield wall,
Prepare for ten thousand beasts to fall.

With my sword and with my axe,
We repel machine attacks,
Unholy creature, alive but not,
Killed in droves but never rot.

We stand, victorious,
As the beasts are all struck down;
We're assured that we have won,
But not before they've burned the town.

I know not why they came,
But I'm alive all the same,
We beat them back at great cost,
But it was the machines who lost.

11,891 posts

Hi guys,

This is starting to sound like a broken record, but the Poetry Contest is in quite a sad shape. The last time this was brought this up was, I believe, two years ago. The current situation is worse than before. We will no longer give any merits for the Poetry Contest for the foreseeable future. Participation has been rather low for the past few months, considering the number of entries submitted per round over the time it takes to finish one round. Having a new custom of judging when there are a sufficient amount of entries does not cut it, especially if the schedule is already rather sporadic. It's not much of a contest as such. While this recent round has more entries, it seems more fluke than forecast. We require more proof that the Poetry Contest is still viable if we are to restore it to its original status.

13,344 posts

We will no longer give any merits for the Poetry Contest for the foreseeable future. Participation has been rather low for the past few months, considering the number of entries submitted per round over the time it takes to finish one round

What would that solve? Eliminating the reward would put the contest in even worse shape.

it seems more fluke than forecast.

If it is a fluke, why not embrace it and see where it goes? This is the first round in a while where we have a reliable judge and a set due date, so it would make more sense to use this round as an opportunity for the contest to spring back up to its normal state rather than cut the stem on it as it's blossoming.
3,766 posts

Sorry Gantic but I have to agree with Ernie. Getting rid of the reward would not make it better. If anything it will make it worse. And I think now that there are set dates people will see that and hopefully get to work because they know that the deadline is coming up. There are already 8 posts for this round and I am hoping to get one in there so that would make it 9. While I know that is still not great I think this thread is slowing coming back. Cutting the merit might just kill that.

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