ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
3,371 posts

On one hand, I agree that it might decrease activity. On the other hand, it would also leave people who really want to post poetry, because they like to write poetry.

11,891 posts

If a contest can't exist without the merit prize, then it shouldn't exist in the first place. The contest was originally created because there was a lot of interest in producing poetry by the users. If there isn't a lot of interest, there isn't much of a contest.

13,344 posts

The contest was originally created because there was a lot of interest in producing poetry by the users. If there isn't a lot of interest, there isn't much of a contest.

If people are interested in participating in the contest, they're interested in participating in the contest. That's all that matters. There's no reason to single out the people who want a reward from the people who don't care. That's going to end up alienating people and chasing them away from this contest and possibly other contests for good. The reasons why people enter this contest isn't anyone's concern but their own.

If people are participating in the contest now with the prize, the only way you can "save" the contest is to let it run its course and not interfere with what's keeping it alive. The last thing you want to do at this point is discourage people from being a part of it.
4,220 posts

Well, so much for writing poetry in this thread. Might as well make my sixth or seventh poetry thread.

Good idea, Gantic. You might as well just hit the thread in the head repeatedly until dead.

3,437 posts

Solid arguments on both sides to be sure (yeah, I'm not exactly on hiatus anymore, HI GUYS!). On one hand it saddens me to see the Poetry Contest in this state. I do feel somewhat responsible since, for a time, I was one of those unreliable judges, however, that's neither here nor there.

Ernie does have a point in arguing to see where this goes, but Gantic is right, the Contest is in rough shape. That being said taking away the reward might be a mortal blow to this thread.

How about a compromise? Allow this round, and the next to run it's course. Should the next round produce the results tht have become all too common, then take away the merit. If need be place it on a period of probation. This could be a fluke, however, this may also be the spark to get the Contest back on its feet.

1,361 posts

But... the contest is booming! To crush people's hopes now would be the WORST possible thing you could do!

If there isn't a lot of interest, there isn't much of a contest.

Where do you see a lack of interest? Maybe in previous rounds, but not in this round! I don't call 7 entries a lack of interest by any means... at least this round, the contest is not in bad shape! Next round I'm sure it will not be any worse!

Oh, by the way, the deadline is tomorrow, so for those of you who still haven't submitted anything, get your entries in by tomorrow!
1,361 posts

And the round is over! Judging will commence tomorrow.

1,361 posts

This round was incredibly difficult for me to judge as every single entry was great! I had trouble picking a winner, and it made it very hard to create placement for this round, so instead I decided to say something about every poem...

Short and sweet! It may have only been 6 lines, but that didn't make it any less great! I love your brief but powerful description of robot/humanoid characteristics!

I really like the story you tell with this poem! The imagery is great and it's very well-written! The last part especially was easy to picture!

Another poem that tells a great story and is very well-written! I also liked this one because it makes the reader think... well done!

I liked how this one seems like it was written almost from an objective point of view of a robot... it really gave the poem a cold, eerie feel to it!

I do happen to like haikus, and you were the only entrant this round who did not write about robots or humanlike machines of some kind... so I applaud you for straying away from the mainstream path!

I don't know what it is about this poem, but something about it gives it sort of an epic feel to it!

The 1st Place Grand Prize Winner: wolf1991!
This poem not only tells a great story with excellent imagery and details, but it also conveys a deep level of emotion from both perspectives! This poem blew me away, and that's what made me choose this one over the rest! Congratulations on your victory!

The new theme is Independence and, because I will unfortunately be out of town all of next week, the deadline is two weeks from today, or Tuesday, July 10. It seems like a long way away but I'm hoping it will be a good opportunity to get more people submitting over time!

See y'all next round!

4,220 posts

I was one of those unreliable judges, however, that's neither here nor there.

All judges become unreliable.

We should just have any one judge for three or four rounds, then automatically switch. Possibly a rotation, I don't know. All I know, and this is definitely from firsthand experience, is that all judges eventually find their way out sooner or later. Some it is sooner, others later. I think unreliable, and quite frankly hectic judging with the constant requirement for somebody else to have some initiative is the main reason the contest is fizzling, though it is following the trend in the community as a whole.
1,627 posts

Wait...was there a grand prize granted for this round? Or has the merit award been cancelled? When will we get an official answer on this?

3,437 posts

We should just have any one judge for three or four rounds, then automatically switch. Possibly a rotation, I don't know. All I know, and this is definitely from firsthand experience, is that all judges eventually find their way out sooner or later. Some it is sooner, others later. I think unreliable, and quite frankly hectic judging with the constant requirement for somebody else to have some initiative is the main reason the contest is fizzling, though it is following the trend in the community as a whole.

Good point. It's the young folk these days, no respect for their elders. Next thing you know we'll be livin' in caves and eatin' stewed chicken weed. Sound idea about the switiching of judges though.

Wait...was there a grand prize granted for this round? Or has the merit award been cancelled? When will we get an official answer on this?

Good question. Not overly concerned, however that would make my return a remarkable internet event. We should have a parade, or not. Regardless there should be cake, everyone loves cake.
1,361 posts

We should just have any one judge for three or four rounds, then automatically switch.

I'd be fine with that, but I'd need to know in advance when my judging term ended so I don't accidentally judge a contest that isn't mine to judge!

When will we get an official answer on this?

When an official decides to post here again. =P
10 posts

my fist entry, lets do this

Freedom, is never free
and the moment we stop fighting for it,
that's the moment it will cease to be.

Freedom is a muscle,
and it needs be exersized every day.
it's the integral part of the American heart,
and it can never be taken away.

the socialists and capitalists
at work in our fair country,
are the thing we must exersize our muscle on
or it will go into distophy.

Freedom, is never free
and the moment you each stop fighting for it,
that's the moment it will be taken from ye

10 posts

redo, i forgot a line this is the finished copy

Another poem about freedom

Freedom, is never free,
And the moment we stop fighting for it
thatâs the moment it will cease to be.

Freedom is a muscle,
And it needs be exercised every day
Itâs the integral part of the American heart
And it can never be taken away.

The socialists and capitalists,
At work in our fair country
Are the thing we must exercise our muscle on
Or it will go into dystrophy.

We all must stand as brothers,
And on our own as well;
Freedomâs fight is forever,
or surely it will be quelled

Freedom is never free
And the moment you each stop fighting for it,
Thatâs the moment it will cease to be.

10 posts

i posted my entry twice but it hant shown up on the page, i'll se if this does.. oh yeah and i think they should keep the merit prize

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