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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
2,180 posts


AN: As you can probably tell, it was inspired by Poe's The Raven. I had drawn up the poem some time ago, and I decided to fix it up for this contest.

What days have passed when summerâs last
Has come and then gone by?
When its breath grew small and it came to fall
To hold manâs thrall with leaves and bleary sky:
âTis time to bid goodbye.

In autumnâs wake came us to the lake,
The lake! Just her and I.
We sat under a willow on earth soft as a pillow
Gazing at the billow of waves and clouds on high
That waved to us to say goodbye.

âTwas her the seraphs did adore, her the cherubs named Lenore,
A maiden with my heart allied.
With countenance fair and flaxen hair,
Such beauty rare upon my eye,
Thus loath was I to say goodbye.

Amid the foam and grassy loam
I paused, about to cry.
"Lenore," said I with quavering voice, "I have no choice
But to leave your poise and quiet sighs,
The time has come to say goodbye."

Her gaze, it traveled to my soul, there upon that grassy knoll,
But from her mouth there came one word: "Why?"
Our fears welled up in burning tears
Sharper than spears that one could every buy:
"Because we have to say goodbye."

I hugged her close for how long God knows
But I was a fool, a wretched spy.
I never returned, so afraid to be spurned,
But within me burned the warmth of July
The one I spent, but bidded goodbye.

Now her soul, so pure and whole,
Has left this Earth and I,
I have been, forevermore, deprived of the paramour
Who lives nevermore; as she lived and died
I cannot bring myself to say goodbye.

10,816 posts

I just popped in for the first time in months, to see this Romantic (pre-Gothic) gem...really very well done!

In fact it's so well done I can't help but offer a couple of suggestions, both in stanza 6.

Line one: "I held her close..."
Line five: "...but bid goodbye." only because I'm not sure "bidded" is allowable.

Apart from that the meter has a lovely iambic lilt the whole way through. And I hope I got the terminology right.

2,770 posts

It's late at night,
She knows it's coming,
Doesn't put up a fight,
She starts a hummin.

I know what buttons to press,
To turn her on,
I start to caress,
And soon she's gone.

I open her wide,
And stick it in,
Put her on her side,
Off her white pasty skin.

She doesn't care,
We do it all the time,
In fact she enjoys it,
Finds it sublime.

She likes it for one reason,
Its hard and its rough,
Until she is beaten,
She's never had enough.

My hand slide down,
To her white supple handles
She's got a big frown,
Sweating from all different angles.

I'm finally done,
She's got to figure,
Shot right between the eyes,
As I pull on her trigger.

She's finally been beaten,
My friends found it quite nifty,
Finally beat the computer at halo,
On my xbox three sixty.

.. That was my love poem, I have a dear love for my 360...

10,816 posts

@ Klaushouse:


Welcome back.

247 posts

Its kinda short, but here it goes!

I write this poem now because
My lonely state drives me crazy;
I got nothing to gain nor lose
My life never was so lazy.

Every day, my thoughts lead to you,
Upon a dark lifeless valley,
For now, I'm love sick too;
All i want, in bed is to lay.

Your face hunts almost all my dreams
Tired waiting for you to appear;
I shout at you my endless screams:
Of agony, love, and cheer.

Come to me, be with me, love!
All of this for eternity!
And though i just waited enough,
Ill still wait hearing your scarf.

My love, come back to me!

2,180 posts

Strop: Not sure what I was thinking. :P Perhaps next time I won't write poetry on a midnight dreary. Fixing the stanza:

I held her close for how long God knows
But I was a fool, a wretched spy.
I never returned, so afraid to be spurned,
But within me burned the warmth of July
The one I spent, but bid goodbye.

247 posts

hey just fixing a mistake here!
Come to me, be with me, love me!
All of this for eternity!
And though i just waited enough,
Ill still wait hearing your scarf.

4,196 posts


I might redo my entry...will have to think about it...

2,770 posts


Lol took me a long time before I noticed you said klaus.
Hello to you too.:P

4,196 posts

I have decided to redo my entry...


Why is it that I love you?
When you hate me.
Why do I find you beautiful?
When your tongue acts like a sword.

Why do I find you irresistible?
When you say I make you sick.
Why do you intrigue me?
When you just ignore me.

Why can't I not love you?
When you do not love me.
Why do you make my heart beat faster?
When you are insulting me.

Why do you brighten my days?
When you say I darken yours.
Why is it that I love you?
When you hate me.

Well...that is my


247 posts

Why is it that I love you?
When you hate me.
Why do I find you beautiful?
When your tongue acts like a sword.

Why do I find you irresistible?
When you say I make you sick.
Why do you intrigue me?
When you just ignore me.

Why can't I not love you?
When you do not love me.
Why do you make my heart beat faster?
When you are insulting me.

Why do you brighten my days?
When you say I darken yours.
Why is it that I love you?
When you hate me.

that makes me feel very sad...VERY sad...
4,196 posts

that makes me feel very sad...VERY sad...

That is the whole point of the stimulate people emotions...
2,180 posts

Did KingRyan actually do a serious poem for once?

4,196 posts

Did KingRyan actually do a serious poem for once?

?? What???

I won the very first poetry competition thank you very much...and most of my poems are serious?

Where did you come up with that from?

I wrote a poem about one of my ex's...and then had to read it out...and I made her burst out in tears!

Mine are serious. >
10,816 posts

Ah, I think Parsat remembers all those BOGAN references you put in your MADE OF FAIL poems, kingryan :P

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