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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

3868 3765516
1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
4,196 posts

Ah, I think Parsat remembers all those BOGAN references you put in your MADE OF FAIL poems, kingryan :P

Lol...I have selective memory...

Hey still got your house or has it burnt down? Or have you been the one lighting the fires....
1,523 posts

Such words may not describe
The feelings in my mind.

/5 seconds of random writing. This could turn out very well, or very badly.

8 posts

Wow this is a great website

149 posts

love stinks
like moldy cheese.
which blows in the breeze...
and brings me to my knees...
did i say it smells like cheese?
love is much like stinky cheese....
please hand me the keys!
so i can lock up this stinky love cheese!!

oh yeah jediboy is back!

1,044 posts

The demon that comes to take me away
Is back again to haunt me again today
The hurt it brings is so great
It's warmth within me makes me faint

So when it's claws snatch me up
My eyes don't move, to my luck
It's as if I'm in ice
But with a face that looks so nice

That all the things I say are true
And it is all because my love for you

2 posts

haha some funny poetry there guys

5,838 posts

There once was a man from Venus;
who had a giant.. What not appropriate?

Anyway nice poems guys really good.

I lie awake thinking of you,
Wondering if our love is true.
When my eyes meet yours,
My love for you soars.
Before we met my soul was hollow,
Now it flies high like an African Swallow.
When I stumble and fall you put your arm round me,
When I come in from the cold your there with a cuppa' tea.

Now I am a Yorkshiremen so that last line is very significant. If you don't get it then be my guest to come freeze your toes off in the Dales.

149 posts

if strop came up with this theme.......never mind....

4,196 posts

Yay...Judgement is very soon!!!


13,657 posts

Yay! Deadline was yeaterday!!
When are this going to be judged? (not hoping for anything, just wanting to know the new theme)

2,120 posts

Argh! I'm sorry, I have been really busy over these past couple weeks and have neglected my duties on Armor Games. Again, I'm really sorry that I missed the deadline, and I will start going through the submissions right away. And again, sorry.

2,120 posts

First of all, GAH! I copy/pasted all of the entries into word so that I could read them, and there were over 8 pages of poem. And that doesn't count multile submissions or stanza breaks. This is crazy, and awesome! I'm really excited to see such a high turnout for this contest. Now, I know I say this just about every time I judge, but it's true. Picking a winner this time was quite hard. There were many beautiful and funny entries, and after going through them numerous times, I think I have landed on one that is particularly pleasing. First prize goes to...

If there's one face I want to see,
so beautiful, so true,
one smile that makes a difference,
to everything I do.

If there's one touch I long to feel,
one voice I long to hear,
whenever I am happy,
or just needing someone near.

If there's one joy, one love,
from which I never want to part,
it's you, my very special love,
my world, my life, my heart.

-If There's...

It really seemed to m that a lot of the other participants tried to overcomplicate their entries in an attempt to get at some deeper meaning of love. That isn't really what I was looking for in this contest. Sometimes simple is better, and this submission was simple and wonderful. Congrats on your first win Fritz, post on my wall for your merit!

Now we can move on to the honorable mentions, where I will address the overcomplicated deep love pieces. I'm going to go through these in no particular order.

Why is it that I love you?
When you hate me.
Why do I find you beautiful?
When your tongue acts like a sword.

Why do I find you irresistible?
When you say I make you sick.
Why do you intrigue me?
When you just ignore me.

Why can't I not love you?
When you do not love me.
Why do you make my heart beat faster?
When you are insulting me.

Why do you brighten my days?
When you say I darken yours.
Why is it that I love you?
When you hate me.

Kingryan, it appears that you have finally packed up your stuff and moved out of the house of fail. Congrats. I have to say that I was really impressed with this piece, as well as your other entries. Definitely not a level of sincerity that I expected from you Anyway, great job. Good 'ol depressing love.

*looks back at giant word document*

Ok. No big surprise here, both Gantic and Parsat have made the list.

What days have passed when summer's last
Has come and then gone by?
When its breath grew small and it came to fall
To hold man's thrall with leaves and bleary sky:
'Tis time to bid goodbye.

In autumn's wake came us to the lake,
The lake! Just her and I.
We sat under a willow on earth soft as a pillow
Gazing at the billow of waves and clouds on high
That waved to us to say goodbye.

'Twas her the seraphs did adore, her the cherubs named Lenore,
A maiden with my heart allied.
With countenance fair and flaxen hair,
Such beauty rare upon my eye,
Thus loath was I to say goodbye.

Amid the foam and grassy loam
I paused, about to cry.
"Lenore," said I with quavering voice, "I have no choice
But to leave your poise and quiet sighs,
The time has come to say goodbye."

Her gaze, it traveled to my soul, there upon that grassy knoll,
But from her mouth there came one word: "Why?"
Our fears welled up in burning tears
Sharper than spears that one could every buy:
"Because we have to say goodbye."

I held her close for how long God knows
But I was a fool, a wretched spy.
I never returned, so afraid to be spurned,
But within me burned the warmth of July
The one I spent, but bid goodbye.

Now her soul, so pure and whole,
Has left this Earth and I,
I have been, forevermore, deprived of the paramour
Who lives nevermore; as she lived and died
I cannot bring myself to say goodbye.

(with fixed apostrophes and 6th stanza)

You have exceeded by far the already high expectations I have for you Parsat. That poem was simply amazing. I loved the Poe reference, as well as the reoccurring nature theme. Excellent work.

Shall I not speak to you as lovers may?
Or not compare you to a summer's day?
Shall I not whisper love into your ear?
Say how my heart would flutter when you near?
Shall I not make you melt as choc'late may
On the hottest of the hottest summer day?
Shall you ever be my only waking thought?
Or only be to me as dreams have wrought?
Shall I know your eyes are nothing like the sun?
Or the moon that shines when day is done?
Shall I not speak to you as lovers may?
Ascribe my words to poetry cliche?
Or shall I tell you how I love you so
In the truest words that you alone would know?
How you would use your hair to hide your eyes
And turn your head away your smile disguise
How when you laugh you look about to cry?
How each tear falls as I would wipe your eye?
How I remember everyday with you
Spent on all things we never liked to do,
Yet I would still do again with you
If ever that experience was new.
Shall I not speak to you as lovers may?
And not just on Saint Valentine's today?

You have exceeded by far the already high expectations I have for you
That poem was simply amazing.

love stinks
like moldy cheese.
which blows in the breeze...
and brings me to my knees...
did i say it smells like cheese?
love is much like stinky cheese....
please hand me the keys!
so i can lock up this stinky love cheese!!

And now the final HM goes to Zoph.
When the laughter hurts beneath the happy surface
When the comfort of knowing another so well
Becomes the pain of knowing things that were
Are over

Was the point of it all not to be that close?
Was this not the reason
For the pain that struck upon realizing
That not only could this end
It did?

I always enjoy reading your entries because they often give interesting and unique takes on the weekly topic. It took me a few reads to really understand your submission for this week, but it was by far one of the "Deepest" poems entered. Great work Zoph.

And now I bet that everybody thinks that I'm going to give the fail prize to Klaus and his sexy xbox. Well, you guys are wrong. In fact, I am not awarding any dishonorable mention this week. After reading the submissions, none of them failed hard enough to receive a fail prize of such high calibre. Except for Klaus's, but I'm not going to encourage is behavior by rewarding it.

That concludes the judging, now on to the new theme.


And the next theme is...

(flipski gave me the idea, so you can blame him for any mental scarring that occurs as a result of this round.)

Deadline is next friday. (that's a week and a half)
3,722 posts

This next theme is really strange
It is making me wonder
If it is some reference to
A tuna social blunder

I doubt that i can look it up
As it is far to odd
I might just have to search the pages
This last line will not rhyme

5,043 posts

And the next theme is...

[quote]I'M OLD GREGG!


You know how many people are going to have nightmares now?
3,722 posts

Is there any reason why i do not get it...

Showing 646-660 of 3868