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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

3868 3765858
1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
764 posts

Zoph, there like 10 episodes. And NEVER watch it when you go on internet on a Wii on a massive TV at night. It's so freaky. And yeah you are off topic.

Lastly, I like it when the water comes out of my fingers. Actully that reminds me of that disgusting part were he rubs a nettle on his nipple, then it turned red snd milk came out. I'm no girl but that makes me go ew!

149 posts

come on, let the judging BEGIN!!!!

2,120 posts

Yay judging! I'm sorry for the delay (again), I've been busy lately. Anyway, I really don't feel like writing up a big long judging summary, so I'll just pot the winners.

First Place:

Fuzzy little man peach, taking in air
Who are you trying to fool?
Fishing right there?

You made a bad catch, you cannot bicker
The hook's in his head
Foolish mother licker

Now don't despair, he's pleased to meet you
You ever go clubbing?
You ever drunk bailey from a shoe?

You made your assessment, he knows what you think
He's a scaly man fish
Now careful, don't blink

He's got something to show you, what a sight
He's sharing his secret
His mangina light!

Wake in Gregg's place, where are you at?
A suspicious cave
Don't lose your hat

You can't leave now, why would you plead?
Bailey and Gregg
What more do you need?

Look at his water paintings, sharing his art
Of Old Gregg and Baileys
All touching your heart

Now is the question, is it true love?
You might as well agree
Or hang from above

Now's the time, can you see
Love games playing
"Do you love me?"

Honorable Mention:
ll alone,
Under the the waves.
No one to love me,
In these dark caves.

I am bored as hell
So what do I do?
Purloin lonely fishermen
Offer Baileys from a shoe

I show him my sketchings
I put on my dress
I look rather fetching
My guest looks depressed

He tries to leave
He says he is busy
But I can perceive
He thinks I am fishy

I tell him a story
About the mystical funk
He's barely listening
He thinks it's all junk

He again tries to leave
I am in despair
What doesn't he like?
My scales?
My hair?

O please let him stay!
I am O so alone
I lack wireless broadand
And even a phone

Alas he has escaped!
Whilst here do I tarry
I thought he was the one
I was going to marry

This wound is deep
It shall take time to mend
I have eternity to recouperate
Without one single friend

Fail Prize:
How Seeing Old Gregg Scarred Me For Life

Quiet day, on a boat,
Drifting by with peaceful float,
Waiting for the fish to bite,
Closed my eyes for some respite,
Feeling that something just bit,
Woke and then cried "Holy s**t!"
If it was land I would have ran
From the cannibal merman,
But there I sat, rooted on the spot,
Wasn't my fault, I don't smoke pot,
But the thing was real as he could be
Asking why I fished in his sea.
"Well," I stammered, frightened so,
"I don't know why, I'd better go."
"Oh no you're not, you come with me!"
And he plunged into my memory.

I woke up from that cold nightmare,
Bathed in sweat, shivering, scared.
"'Tis only a dream," thought I to clear my head...

Then I saw Old Gregg right next to me in bed.

(it's awesome, but it was the most faily of the lot"

New Theme:
Narcoleptic Dragons

Will be judged on Sunday, March 8th (I'll be able to meet the deadline this time).
10,816 posts

Let's sing a song! I call this one On the Prevalence of Narcolepsy Secondary to Obstructive Airways Sleep Apnoea in spp. draconis (with no offence intended to Devoidless- his airways suck only because he smokes too much).


Every time you hear the story of the brave knight and the cave,
That he searched for the dragon and the lady he must save,
Said knight was tested by the dragon's ire and his fire,
But by the time he speaks of swordplay sigh and brand him as a liar,
For it is known to all folk with a brain, and who are sane,
That dragons tend, without aim, to fall as if were slain,
For they have all been cursed with narcolepsy can't you see,
Thus now it falls to me to tell you how this came to be!

One thing that earns a dragon fame is how they are so vain,
They value ugly without shame it's more than just a game,
You can surely think how generations saw them slowly change,
And the younger breeds replaced the aged with features more deranged,
With plates that squeeze the skin to folds that flap when in the breeze,
And nostrils narrowed to a crease, no wonder dragons wheeze,
And twisted necks, and armored sheets, this list goes to my feet,
Just imagine, if it's not a leap, when dragons tried to sleep!

When a dragon rolls onto its back the tissues go all slack,
All the fat from all those damsel snacks will pile up like a rack,
All the things I listed from before plus many many more,
Will try to reach the floor and crush the airways to the core!
What happens next- the airways flop, and breathing slowly stops,
Part of the dragon's brain will hop, then give a mighty prod,
The dragon starts not quite awake, but sleep is merely fake,
Else the missus gives her mate a shake, since it's his life at stake!

You understand when such a fright comes fifty times a night,
A dragon can't, for all its might, put up a single fight,
His mind is hazy, tempers frayed, and dozing off all day,
It wouldn't be so wrong to say, the missus mightn't stay,
Thus the sorry dragon that you fear is exposed before you here,
Obstructive airways sleep apnoea the name for this quite clear,
There is a way to have him breathing fire in no time,
But to say "CPAP"* would be a crime, in the context of this rhyme!

-by strop

*Given due allowance for the translation from dragons to humans, the above information is in fact entirely medically correct. CPAP = Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. It's a mask fitted onto OSA patients which, as the name suggests, creates a continuously positive airway pressure that keeps the airways open so that the patient can breathe normally while asleep and actually get a good night's sleep, stop snoring and maybe even start sleeping in the same bed as the missus again (unless the missus is a real gallant girl and stays in the same bed for the purposes of whacking her husband every time he chokes and turns blue). If the patient has OSA really bad, you can use a BIPAP (bi-phasic intermittent PAP), which makes it easier to exhale compared to CPAP.

Yes, obstructive sleep apnoea is serious business indeed!

10,816 posts

Hm, I edited a couple of other things, so if you want to read the corrected version, please click the image below:

4,196 posts

Strop fails for being to medical.

Umm...and what's under the blanket thats sticking up?

149 posts

yes, yes, the picture is absolutely wonderful, but i thought this was poetry??

5,420 posts

sleep apnoea

ah my Dad actually has that disease,and that was an interesting poem/song.
11,891 posts

I could only wonder what this could bring...

"What is underneath that blanket?" thought the silly king
Who had come to retrieve from it his stolen golden ring
That twinkled with a sun-like brightness that possessed the dragon
To steal the ring, but then a ninja with his tongue a-waggin'
Told all the dingdong fools and boastful knights the dragon's secret,
Yet it is known to all the folk with a brain not to speak it!
Now the silly king will surely meet his silly end
Wond'ring what was underneath the dragon's blanket bend.

10,816 posts

Oi, that is just too cheeky, Gantic! Grrrr...

kingryan, I have no idea what you're talking about!

yes, yes, the picture is absolutely wonderful, but i thought this was poetry??

Click on the picture. It's a link to the actual poem.
2,180 posts

I get an awesome fail prize? Sounds like win to me.

1,523 posts

Swift the dragon does fly
Overhead he does soar
Zzzz, not anymore.

Woo haiku. Probably gonna lose to Strop though

149 posts

Here goes:

There once was a dragon,
flying high up in the sky,
but he he had Narcolepsy, so he fell
and then he died.
wait, i'm not finished!
The wife of this dragon,
she had narcolepsy too,
was weeping over her lost husband,
and said "this is bad Juju!"
She was terrorizing the village one day,
when she fell asleep while breathing fire,
she lit herself on fire,
and surely her situation was dire!
then the P.Y.R.O. police squirted foam on her,

201 posts

This is such a random topic!! LOL
Anyway, here it is:

As the dragon was flying over the sea,
he suddenly felt so tired that he fell asleep.
The waves were rushing up to him,
and although he was unconscience,
he knew what was happening.
He couldn't scream for help or save himself,
and as he crashed into the cold water,
he woke up, dry, in his cave.
and so another day began of him fearing
where he will fall asleep that day.
Will he be flying over the sea?

1,036 posts

There was a dragon,
High in the sky,
As he flew with power,
He wondered why.

A boy was watching,
Was filled with amazement,
He saw the dragon,
Coming home from work,
Stressed, you bet!

The dragon saw the boy,
On the ground,
He flew overhead,
He felt amazing,
He felt so relaxed, showing the boy,
Gliding so softly....

Into teh boy bellow....

My first Poem!

Swift the dragon does fly
Overhead he does soar

Ah, I love it!
Zzzz, not anymore.
Showing 691-705 of 3868