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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

3868 3765859
1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
509 posts

Once there was a weary dragon
Flying over the town below
Breathing fire, destroying land
The fields which the farmers sow.

"Oh, pretty" Said the farmers boy
As he watched his future burn
What will the little boy say
When its his own child's turn?

But the little boy's children
Have huge amounts of luck.
The evil dragon become tired
And yelled "Oh fu-..zzzzz"

10,816 posts

That's the first narcoleptic dragon I've heard who was aware of his impending sleep episode.

...maybe he had the premonition of a complex seizure instead.

1,044 posts

The Great Dragon Who Fell Asleep

There was once a great dragon who burnt the land
And lived on for centuries, killed by no hand
So his reign of terror continued for years
And no hope develped between the peoples fears

The king had to do something fast
And looked up the big creatures past
When he couldn't find anything he took to weep
Until the great dragon fell asleep

Everyone came to the outdoors
And there was the great dragon on the floor
The people thought that there was no more
But soon to find he was stuck under snores

Everyone thought that they were safe
And so they locked the beast away
Where he slept on day for day
Until he slumbered no more and came awake

He ate through the gate with one single munch
And made a swoop and took out a bunch
The tides have turned, and to the dragons luck
He opened his mouth, and gobbled everyone up!

10,816 posts

You know, it just occured to me.

Ubertuna is currently absent for an indefinite period of time.

Who's going to judge the contest in his absence?

149 posts

whoever does it should do it FAST!!!!

1,036 posts


I'll do it!!! Oh, wait...

*feels rejected*

11,891 posts

And now for my real entry after some thinking.


Men used to tremble beneath my feet,
But now I lie in Hypnos Keep.
Now I sleep.
Now I sleep.
I used to crush and burn those men,
But now I lie in His opium den.
Now I sleep.
Now I sleep.
She used to wake me when I slept,
But in this stupor I am kept.
Now I sleep.
Now I sleep.
When I see her face I know
It is a kindly place that I will go
Now I sleep.
Now I sleep.

9,821 posts

We all know of power
we all know of knights.
We all know of dragons.
We all know of frights.

Away in a cave, an illustrious keep
does a legendary dragon sleep.
He dreams of battles won with flame,
he dreams of the killing that earned him his fame.
He guards wealth and riches unknown.
Riches not a man can earn or own,
riches enticing the sneakiest of rogues.
Riches that could lavish the men with every single vogue.
Each and every day, these riches abate.
Each and every day, the dragon sleeps late.

He suffers from the curse of narcolepsy.
Of slumbering when he should be standing sentry.
This disadvantage costs him greatly,
allowing all creatures unchallenged entry.
A curse, visited upon him by an evil warlock.
A curse unmitigated by all the dragon's power.
A curse intended to simply mock.
The dragon's consciousness now is ephemeral;
Only rarely can he guard his cove.
Only rarely can he live unrevoked.

We all know of power
we all know of knights.
We all know of dragons.
We all know of frights.

509 posts

That's the first narcoleptic dragon I've heard who was aware of his impending sleep episode.

Well, he's a dragon, he's magic. Or psychic. Or something like that.
304 posts

Who comes up with this stuff?


There once was an egg
It was red and round
A little boy found it
Lying around
He picked it up
But he felt a thump
and dropped it to the ground
It landed on a mound

When the dragon hatched
its scales did not match
and some times he fall asleep
in the middle of a leap
No dragon knew why
So the baby dragon cried

All because a boy
Thought he was a toy
and dropped him on his head
making him sleep as if dead
it was called Narcoleptice
and made him sleep through the centrys

4,196 posts

There once was a dragon...

There once was a dragon,
who jumped of a cliff.
He then found some dope,
Which he did sniff.

He then went all wacky,
And all did turn blue.
So he ate a laxative,
And had to do a poo.

The poo fell on London,
to add to its grot.
But in the dragons brain,
The blood did clot.

And so it had a stroke,
and fell from the sky.
If it did not recover,
it would soon die.

But luckily it fell asleep,
for it did have AIDS.
Or maybe not AIDS,
Narcoleptic Chardes.

This poem is made of fail,
That is for sure.
It mentions sleep once,
But soon it will be four!

The dragon did sleep,
And sleep for a year.
And then got sleep apnea,
So it lived in fear.

The End


348 posts

My favorite creatures is dragons and i know all mythicak creatures

9,821 posts

There once was a dragon,
who jumped of a cliff.
He then found some dope,
Which he did sniff.

He then went all wacky,
And all did turn blue.
So he ate a laxative,
And had to do a poo.

The poo fell on London,
to add to its grot.
But in the dragons brain,
The blood did clot.

And so it had a stroke,
and fell from the sky.
If it did not recover,
it would soon die.

But luckily it fell asleep,
for it did have AIDS.
Or maybe not AIDS,
Narcoleptic Chardes.

This poem is made of fail,
That is for sure.
It mentions sleep once,
But soon it will be four!

The dragon did sleep,
And sleep for a year.
And then got sleep apnea,
So it lived in fear.

Good rhymes. *wonders about your mental health*
304 posts

I thought judging was going to be on time? Which was the 8th right?

11,891 posts

There's not going to be a judging because there is no judge.

Showing 706-720 of 3868