ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
2,180 posts

I'm not sure if I wanna enter this round. I think I'd rather write a fruity rock song about this girl with really curly hair and lots of emotional problems instead.

If said girl had wavy hair, you could probably enter this round.
3,386 posts

T_T I'm with Orion on this one. I will need a miracle just to place against these people. I would be proud to have an Honarable Mention now lol.

1,813 posts

Look who we have there! It's been a while Moon, will you participate? Because I'd be glad to read what you have to write about waves ^^.

3,035 posts

Waves are ambiguity incarnate,
Capable of the greatest beauty,
Or the fiercest death,
Capable of calming peace,
Or panic-inducing destruction.
Used for amusent, the surfer's great foe.
Slave both the caress of a moon's gravity,
And the wrath of an earthquake.

Ummm...So yea. Don't hate me. At least I tried. =/

3,035 posts

Where it says: "Slave both the...", it should say: "Slave to both the..."

22,207 posts

not sure if this is even a poem or not, more of a song, but hope its relevant enough >.<

Remember that time

Remember that time
Down by the docks
Remember that spot
Where we'd always skip those rocks
Remember the feel
Of the waves on our feet
Remember the feel
Of the sand on the beach
remember that time,
we had a sleepover?
remember that time,
we ran through the clovers?
Remember back when
We were friends
Remember back when
You weren't dead
Remember that time
We sat in the basement
Remember that time?
I cried when I saw 'Jason'?
I remember those times
Very well
But as life moves on
Everything went to hell
It happened to sudden,
A phone call, a shudder
Didnât know what to do
No pain, no nothing
Not a hint or a thought
Can't get over it
In shock
and a long time after
I'm back at the beach
Sand on my feet
like we always used to
watching the sunset
Thinking of you
Thinking of the waves
Their sounds
Their ripples
The crests
The sparkles
And still I canât understand
Why you had to die =(

2,180 posts

My first thought of waves was the ocean, but then I realized I was simply thinking too literally. The link is to the song the poem is based on. Apologies if it's too sentimental.

Salut d'Amour

Summer's days saw us apart
In body, yes, but not in heart,
And now as autumn's wind blew fair,
We swore to meet inside the square:
I waited there, and thinking of
The days of spring that passed in love--
The only constant I professed
In joy and ire, loneliness--
I felt a pang of fear inside
That to our old devotion she had died.
I could not help but feel a chill
To think upon the future ill.
Then suddenly, alas! 'twas she
Who walked towards me with modesty.
It was the same walk that I knew
Unto the day we bid adieu.
She stopped and looked across the street,
I prayed our eyes would come to meet.
They did, and in that instant's worth,
I saw her eyes were full of mirth,
The kind I saw when we had kissed,
And I knew then I had been missed.
She did not cross, she could not cross,
But this was temporary loss.
She raised her hand in happy peace
That I returned with troubles ceased.
My solemn doubts she had forgave
With just a loving, simple wave.

3,437 posts

Neptune's Children

Know this, dear one, when I think of thee
The last time we walked beside the sea.
Where the children of Neptune lapped at our feet
And the told of tales, of the places the meet.
Where they hold balls and parties beneath the shore;
Where mermaids and drowned men sing evermore.
"Come play! Come play!" They laughed out with glee.
"Come play! Come play!" Beneath tempest sea.
There in your eyes I saw a longing unknown
A longing for love, life and to see Neptune's throne.
"Dearest," I spoke in trembling tone, "Heed not the waves
For they'll take you and me to watery graves."
You looked at me, as if I were strange.
A man you've not seen, a madman deranged.
I feared to speak in such a mood, you were lost
And the waves took you too. Such is the cost
For mortal men to stand against Neptune,
The god of the sea grant ye no boon.
For his children will come and still thy love heart
And the waves will take her and rip love apart.
Yet still a remain, by unforgiving sea.
'Twas the you were you and I was me.

*Feel free to critique*

2,180 posts

Great rhyme! The meter is an irregular fusion of iambic and anapestic, but for the most part it flows pretty well; it has that cresting and troughing feel of a wave. Just a few lines that didn't really make sense to me.

And the told of tales, of the places the meet.

I'm guessing you meant "they" instead of "the."

Yet still a remain, by unforgiving sea.
'Twas the you were you and I was me.

Not sure what the "a" or the "the" is supposed to be in this part.
3,437 posts


3,437 posts

Neptune's Children

Know this, dear one, when I think of thee
The last time we walked beside the sea.
Where the children of Neptune lapped at our feet
And the told of tales, of the places they meet.
Where they hold balls and parties beneath the shore;
Where mermaids and drowned men sing evermore.
"Come play! Come play!" They laughed out with glee.
"Come play! Come play!" Beneath tempest sea.
There in your eyes I saw a longing unknown
A longing for love, life, and to see Neptune's throne.
"Dearest," I spoke in trembling tone, "Heed not the waves
For they'll take you and me to watery graves."
You looked at me, as if I were strange.
A man you've not seen, a madman deranged.
I feared to speak in such a mood, you were lost
And the waves took you too. Such is the cost
For mortal men to stand against Neptune,
The god of the sea will grant ye no boon.
For his children will come and still thy love's heart
And the waves will take her and rip love apart.
Yet still I remain, by unforgiving sea.
No longer do I remain the man you knew before
The day you walked into the sea, away from the shore.
'Twas when you were you and I was me.

*I edited it a little. Please critique*

3,437 posts

Neptune's Children

Know this, dear one, when I think of thee
The last time we walked beside the sea.
Where the children of Neptune lapped at our feet
And the told of tales, of the places they meet.
Where they hold balls and parties beneath the shore;
Where mermaids and drowned men sing evermore.
"Come play! Come play!" They laughed out with glee.
"Come play! Come play!" Beneath tempest sea.
There in your eyes I saw a longing unknown
A longing for love, life, and to see Neptune's throne.
"Dearest," I spoke in trembling tone, "Heed not the waves
For they'll take you and me to watery graves."
You looked at me, as if I were strange.
A man you've not seen, a madman deranged.
I feared to speak in such a mood, you were lost
And the waves took you too. Such is the cost
For mortal men to stand against Neptune,
The god of the sea will grant ye no boon.
For his children will come and still thy love's heart
And the waves will take her and rip love apart.
No longer do I remain the man you knew before
The day you walked into the sea, away from the shore.
Yet still I remain, by unforgiving sea.
'Twas when you were you and I was me.

*Really sorry for all the posts I keep catching mistakes*

439 posts

A jolt and a jerk,
A simple action,
Unable to perform
Extension, retraction

Backwards and forwards,
Side to side,
The modest manoeuvre
Despair has denied

Claims of indifference
Accused as negligent
Teeming with misery
Joints now impotent

Effortless function
Becomes arduous,
The terrible thought
Seems incestuous

The twisted dame
Many years defined,
With tiring infirmity
My body was lined

A long lasting love
Dismissed for lacking,
The burden of gloom
Exertion cracking

Now as I watch
My love expire
The common salute
Has no desire

Phew, this one took me ages. As always critiques and comments are welcome and appreciated.

909 posts

It is the waves of fear
That I dread the most;
Causing to drop a tear
My body is host;
Seems like coals that sear
Too numerous to post;
Memories I hold dear
Consider the coast;
As gentle waves I hear
Medicine is dosed;
Breath and thoughts are now clear.
To the store for roast;
Soon put the car in gear
This was not a ghost;
Just a rainy, cold, drear
That strangled my throat;
Happens this time of year
When I reach for a coat;
My conscious I hear
Take a pill for the road;
Even driving near
Not worth the heavy load;
Why is it so queer?
Changes I will not boast;
Suddenly and clear
As a bell they did gloat;
Surprise, you are old dear
In my journal words wrote;
Of a busy life, freer
Than is daily rote.
Music I long to hear
Are waves against boats;
To dash away my fears
Mean to me, the most.

11,891 posts

Changed the title of the thread if anyone was wondering. More accurate anyway.

Rooves is a word someone left out of the dictionary. Also, I haven't posted anything here in a while.

Also: Pulse -> Shock -> Waves

I Once Wrote Something That Many People Liked

In gambrel rooves and glabrous skulls,
Beneath the webs of ravenous gulls,
A pulse, one so elaborate, lulls
To sleep, to take, the drab which dulls.
Pay heed to its symphonic pulls.
In strength rise to symbolic bulls.
Amidst, rapt in, typhonic wools,
A spark, a shock, the spirit fulls.
Deluge beyond the meager mules
And wash across beleaguered fools
Swirl in eddies, crush eager pools
A time, it is, your meter rules.
But like a spark, a fire sans fuels,
The vigor thins like dead man's gruels.
Sopped in sand like milk for mewls,
Waves wait in breath for their renewals.

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