ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
11,891 posts

That poem was clearly not written by snipershot. I've yet to meat any teen who knows proper archaic inflection. Art thou worthy of thy claims? Nay, I see thee posted with a poem not thine.

I will not take plagiarism lightly, especially blatant plagiarism. I am not a fan of Percy Bysshe Shelley, not by a long shot and I am definitely not a fan of a poem which bemoans the trials and tribulations of life and wonders why we do anything at all. (It's almost ironic given how he died though.) He's written much better.

Reminder to all:


909 posts

Thank you Gantic!

It maketh me to vomitest my vituals to pray
Thinkest thou my friends in poetry.

Wouldst stoop so low as to blatntly plagiarize and
Thinkest thou couldst win a victory?

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Well this is the actual poem/with writer.

3,437 posts

I knew it looked famillar. Pagerism is pretty serious. Will there be concequences?

2,180 posts

Forgiveness and a stern warning, I think, for the first violation. Repeated violations can be cause for banning.

11,891 posts

Like any offense, it depends on the severity, but generally plagiarism in this forum is dealt with more strictly. This instance of plagiarism has been dealt with.

I thought the poem is titled "Time". Anyway, continue on with the rest of the round. Make waves, good ones not bad ones.

938 posts

Strap down,
I'm ready to go,
With my long blue frown,
When it's starting to snow.

When I'm out in the open,
They start crashing in,
I'm cold and I'm moping
'Bout my long past sins

They strike,
And beat,
And smite,
And sweep,
But all my life,
I only weep.

I row round back,
To the petrified swamp
An alligators tack
Has pinned up the pin-up
Of those who relax
In co-sincere trash
And I'm gettin back
To my comfor'ble sack

My mind is winding
Time is chiming
Back to you
The fake trees you are climbing
I keep staring
Showtunes blaring
You make astute
What they've been sharing

I find my way
Back to the dock
That's when I say
Help me

938 posts

The title is "Rowboat"

Yes, that was the end.

Sorry for double post.

1,813 posts

A tale about conformism, by FallenSky.

A light
So bright
Move your meat
Crave the teat
What will I grow to be later mom?
How much of a shadow will I become?
A ripple
So subtle
Strive to rot
Within the lot
You won't trouble this stagnant water
You'll mature in a remarkable follower!
A splash
So rash
Feel the doubt
Grow that sprout
Blossom against those sickly ties
Rip them apart as raging tides
A stream
So keen
Cripple the dam
Escape the flam
And as you relish being everyone's crave
You'll lengthen as a preponderant wave

A storm of many to come
To change them puppets
Into ripples and waves

Took me a reasonable amount of time...Put aside the wave like form of the text, I think it suits the theme well but I fell like its an awkward piece...I've never really done anything that feels like this before so any comments would be welcome.
Good luck to all!

2,180 posts

Hooray for the 250th page of the poetry contest (it only took a little less than two years)! It's come a long way...good writers come, go, and return. Although I only arrived by the 31st page, which was the 4th? 5th? contest. That was when Strop judged this joint. Poetry judging in its form today owes a good deal to him, I'd say.

9,821 posts

Page 250~! *celebrate*

My first entry was the Narcoleptic Dragons one. I placed second behind Stroppy, and then I won the next one(Imagery). I think Nemo was judging the Narcoleptic Dragons one and chose the imagery theme, but judging switched to adrecka on imagery.

22,207 posts

so... whens the judging? the 22nd i believe???

11,891 posts

I ttly pwned joo under Strop's judging. Joking aside, you guys completely ignored the original 25 pages from which I am one of two remaining entrants! (Mr. Water Poem, back me up here.) So it's actually 275!

1,813 posts

Happy false 250th page everyone.
I've been here for quite some time now but when I first joined Ag I didn't dawdle in the forums much, all the less in the MaW. Moreover, I probably didn't feel confident enough in my English to even post on this thread so from all my heart, I thank every last one of you who endured my grammar mishaps and gave me a chance even on this remarkable thread!

26,390 posts

This poem was inspired by Gantic's quote, "Make waves, good ones not bad ones." Thanks Gantic! =D

Not waves of the sea, that comfort me
In this difficult time
You cannot see, but you can believe
That they can forgive my crime

It's the waves of life, that cure my strife
As I struggle to move on
I am no lowlife, I've paid full price
And now my hate is gone

The waves wash clean what I've done and seen
So that I can start anew
I'm no machine, I was just evil and mean
But I wish that's what I didn't do

I've turned around, started from the ground
And turned over a new leaf
You can dig around, but you won't like what you've found
Why can't you just accept my grief?

Make big waves in the sea, but it's already engraved into me
I can't go back in time
I'm new, I'm free, from what has broken me
So please, please change your mind

The sea is an unforgiving home, and I'll be living all alone
I can't quite reach
When the pain is in the soul and bone, it's like a syndrome
Your life, it will leech

They can't forgive, I can't forget, despite my all-consuming regret
No matter how hard, no matter how long
I want what I can't get, I can't have your forgiveness yet
But I want you to know I was wrong

This is my official entry to this contest. The other one was more of a...warmup. I wanted a more serious poem, because this is a very open-ended theme with some very interesting possibilities. If this does not conform to the theme, then I'll just fall back on my original entry. See ya!

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