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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
262 posts

Would you mind if i edited mine? I'm not that happy with it. I rushed through it because I had to leave, so... Poor excuses...Alt's poem...4-mins.......

I don't mind at all, please just state on the top of the post that "this" is your edited version and you want "this" version judged ... good luck!
5,838 posts

I stare out at the horizon,
the dark ocean melting into the inferno of the sky.
I look around for a person, a soul, but there are none,
I look into the depths and ask myself "why?".

The storm took them all, the gaping darkness,
They aren't perished or dead, just gone, vanished.
I'm the only one left and I seem my life is sensless.
I longed to be alone but know I need you, life is tarnished.

The sun is melting, the chicken runs screaming "the sky is falling"
For love, for hate, for my sanity, for you,
I scream for someone else, shouting and calling.
The storm took them, riding so high, there was nothing to do.
They cowered in fear, the swirling sky beating them down,
And now I'm lost, with all the world and nothing.
My cliff is my home, the dark ocean beckoning, I want to drown,
I'm the last of my kind, you are all out there I just need something.

A nice eeerrr... light hearted poem about the effects of a cataclysmic storm on the guy in the poem. Is it ok?

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Pixie your storm poem is very catchy.

6,800 posts

Lead Rain
By: Mav

Somewhere on the Western Front
To the East of Normandy
American Troops seek refuge
Against the a'cursed rain

Distant thunder booms out
Yet not a cloud can be seen
Our boys cower in fox holes
And seek protection from the rain

Their home on the front
The holes where they hide
Can end up as their grave
If the rain hits them

The thunder grows lounder
Men prepare for the worst
But they hope for the best
And pray the rain doesnt come

Death comes quick
To those who are hit
By the rain unawares
And unprepared

Like demonic pipers
The rain screams down
The lightning that flashes
Engulfs men in flame

The trees explode and
Dirt is kicked up
Where men used to be
Smoking craters lie

Wounded men scream
Cries of 'medic' ring out
And yet the rain still pours
And pours and pours

And then the rain stops
The storm is over
And men sink into their holes
To await the next rain
No news is good news, so I just edited a few things. Over working it will just make it worst, so the poem is essentially the same, just changed a few words, and added a few more.

166 posts


The sky is filled with blackness...
I can taste the sadness of the clouds,
i can feel the anger of the rain...
I can hear the scream of the wind...
Storm... it reminds me my life isn't worth much...
Storm... It reminds me of my friend...

hah... thaz failed lol

3,550 posts

Well I thought I might as well whip one up for this theme. I tried my best to rhyme and still stay in the theme.

Raging Storm

There is a storm inside of me
Sucking out all of my glee
It leaves me sad and depressed
Making think that I should have confessed

As I think about you
It is the only thing that I can do
I miss you baby, very much
You were released right out of my clutch

You were my life and everything in it
But now I sit falling in this endless pit
I fall and depression rules
I wish I had you back, if only I had the right tools

There is a storm inside of me
Sucking out all of my glee
It leaves me sad and depressed
Making think that I should have confessed

The affair that I was in
Fells like a hurtful, lowly sin
Well, I rolled the dice
And know I have to pay the price

I will probably never see your face again
I tell you I regret this shameful sin
As you leave I look with sorrow
Wondering how I will live through tomorrow

There is a storm inside of me
Sucking out all of my glee
It leaves me sad and depressed
Making think that I should have confessed

3,550 posts

The thing was I was listening to The Fray How to Save a Life while writing that so I guess it helped some.

I think that this is my best work yet.

9,821 posts

I always listen to music when writing. It clears the mind, and lets one's tensions be freed - to concentrate on the words and the flow.

1,707 posts

Well then you end writing something relayed to the song :P

3,550 posts

Yeah, it helps.

Critique anyone. I am still a developing writer and I would like to hear what you think, if there is anything wrong.

262 posts


I'm sorry, but I will have to judge the poetry contest on Monday, July 13th, instead of Sunday, July 12th.
I will be out of town from Saturday night until late Sunday night. I will judge Monday morning (my time). Once again, I am so sorry!

189 posts


I can feel it,
hiding within.
Waiting for the moment,
to burst in flames.

I can feel it now,
soon it happens.
Everything goes black,
and I hear nothing.

I'm floating,
I'm outside of my body.
Everything is in mist,
screams from the distance.

I'm in my body,
panting and sweaty.
It looks like a hurricane was here.
Or a bomb.

Pools of blood.
Screams and cries.
Sirens and lights.
Oh how could I manage my rage?

Thank you thank you...Decided to try again without rhymes...
hope you like it

262 posts

Ok .... Once again I am sorry for judging a day later then planned.
I have to tell you, this week was extremely hard because I thought ALL the poems were well written.
OK ...Here are the results for this weeks poetry contest ...

1st Place - nichodemus

Storm in me

The nightmares cloud my thoughts,
All the vicious battles I have fought.
If only you know the turmoil in me,
Give me salvation to set them free.

A psychological rack to play on,
The emotional wave crashes and I am gone.
Swept along by the torrential rain,
I feel fatigued and mentally drained.

It is a storm within my body,
To ride high on regret and folly.
I have tried to make amends,
I fly upon the wings Heaven sends.

A civil war tears my heart apart,
A thousand cruel arrows and barbed darts.
Tossed upon the sharp rocks,
Around me the crows and ravens flock.

If only I had stopped and seen,
The roses red and meadows green.
But it is too late the storm is here,
To rip apart all I hold dear.

It is a storm within my body,
To ride high on regret and folly.
Just forgive me I beg,
I surrender and hold the white flag.

I am drowning in my words,
Just pierce me with the swords.
A coven of witches laugh and cackle,
My fire weakens and crackles.

The eye of a hurricane has no respite,
I lower my head in all your spite.
It is my fault and I know that,
The tempest sprawls me flat.

It is a storm within my body,
To ride high on regret and folly.
I'll give anything to reverse time,
To wash it all away with quicklime.

The gale blows me off my feet,
My confessions all I admit.
I only seek your mercy,
Neither God's nor the Pope's clemency.

I see you smile and come,
Perhaps you'll forgive me for what I've done?
You say I'm silly to think like such,
The friendship worth more and much.

The storm thins to a halt,
They have stopped the assault.
I'll wash this memory clean to nothingness,
There's no point to continue the weariness.

Perhaps it's a stalemate,
Perhaps it's a twist of fate.
But I do not care of the stor'�s end.
I'm just happy that we're still friends.

We have all felt this at one time or another. You made this feeling of inadequacy and intense emotion jump out of the page. Very well done!

2nd Place - zlith

the rain was falling hard as stone
we were in our houses all alone
no one dared to go outside
so much lightning we'd lose our hides

reversal of Noah I presume
so much rain, is that the sun...or the moon
rain was absent for 40 days and nights
we looked out the window and had no sight

all but one was in his house
the gravedigger was digging and getting doused
his back was cut from all the rain
I don't see what he had to gain

he was screaming from the pain so loud I heard him
the sky was releasing its heavy burden
his arms where strong his stomach was thin
he finished the grave then jumped in

I really liked the feeling that I got of being the gravedigger myself. Nicely done!

3rd Place -goumas13

Storm my house

All can hear the thunder rumble
Now is miles away and is humble
But quickly nearer to me comes
Is here next to all our homes

We see a flash of blinding light
We look the clock it should be night
After that comes a strong rumble
The roof starts slowly to crumble

Still more lightning flashes
This one made the old oak tree ashes
I have to run and hide in a safe place
I run to the other room to the fireplace

After a while we hear now no sound
We look at out it's like a battleground
The storm seems to have just ended
Morning came we will not be more grounded

4th Place - thisisnotanalt

Inverted Storm

They are the epitome of cliche
the dystopia and the fear that slays

the subject of fear, a simple storm
despite being so kind and forlorn

the catch-22, the giver of life and death
a product of the air you take in steals your breath

a misunderstood entity
it's shrouded from reality

tainted beauty accepted, deflected
the true essence forgotten, rejected

hidden behind blue sky opaque
any weak excuse you will take

struck pensive thoughtless, just to escape
desperate barrier takes any shape

further quiets the silent
restless peace to the violent

no outlet to feed the electricity
it's released to those in the vicnity

but such a destructive storm is not so quick to clear
for reluctance to see the corpse of what you hold dear

no sight for sunken eyes
no happiness will rise

defeated, tired, rigid and bloody
last bit of resolve battered and muddied

you can't fight, you can't succumb
no point, nothing to run from

it's the the same message hammered into your brain
personality worn from the pounding rain

draw deep from the well of thought
survey the battles you fought

lost in the shock of futility
forced, impaled on stark humility

like reaching to cut the noose right as the gallows are pulled,
shutting the airlock when the torpedo pierces the hull

you're in the tunnel, but you don't see a light
the battle's almost over, but not your plight

a few warriors remain
anger, sadness, and pain

they pervade this wretched battle you stumbled into
unknowingly, unwillingly, no warning in lieu

blood boiling, hurt and lost
burned, the bridges you crossed

unmitigated fury without reason
baseless venom, broken bonds and high treason

you thought they were loved ones
well those people were, once

Suppression of emotion
demotion and promotion

battered and tear-soaked, no mercy from the sky
you're deep is all you know, naught to measure by

minuscule point is dulled further, till there's none left
there's less weight to pull, but there is a greater heft

rusted sheet metal under your skin
current events burn searing like flint

it aches, but you refuse to reconcile
primitive apprehehnsion, like a child

there's a thorn in your side, and you pull it out
another grows in, whatever it's about

the clouds break, down comes the sun
dust settles, see what you've done

it will be a rough journey on a long road
but you can get rid of that lump in your throat

5th Place - adrecka_13

Wind rushing past my face
This has become a dangerous place.
Buildings falling all around
Weighing hundreds of pounds.

Water whirling through the air
To push against it, I wouldn't dare.
Like little needles they land
On my arm and on my hand.

Bright flashing lights
Fly like painful kites
In my tear filled eyes
The light slowly dies

My mind is in a daze,
Everything is in a haze.
My eyes are closing, let me sleep.
Let me slip farther into the deep.

The will to go on has left me
The end of this storm I will not see.

Honorable Mentions - Maverick4, choazmachine, Pixie214, JereN

I would like to say THANKS YOU to everyone that participated in this weeks contest, and if your name wasn't mentioned this week, please keep on trying, and eventually you will see your name placed!
Congrats to all this weeks winners!

Now, for this weeks theme ... this weeks theme is "A Day in the Life ..." . That can be a poem about a day in the life of yourself, friends, family, or how you imagine a day in the life of an enemy, a celebrity, a politician, or anybody else. Just make sure we get the gist of which category or whom you are referencing in your poem. The deadline will be Monday, July 20th.

Good Luck to all of you and Happy poem writing!

3,550 posts

Awww man. I didn't even get an honorable mention. Oh well.

*go starts writing different poem*

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Victory I did well this week's round.
I have to post my Inter-net victory photo.

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