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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

3868 3766585
1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
13,657 posts

Thanks for taking care of the announcement, Wistress. Especially as I was rather offline for the last couple of days.

262 posts

No problem Cenere ... more then happy to do so.

9,821 posts

I was a bit bemused that there was no feedback, however, which was why I was making the inquiry in the first place. It's okay now though.

9,821 posts

Wake up
fall out of bed
drag a comb across your head
stop pretending to be Paul

stay half-asleep the whole day
better get half now, you'll get no real rest anyway

beat yourself for the many things you miss
feel the pain, say to youself 'I'll get through this'

an uneasy feeling the whole time
haphazard events, no reason or rhyme
but time itself is not so kind
on a wild goose chase with no goose to find

Sink low, stay high
watch friendships and purpose die

Your viscous soul has lost it's flow
like disjointed commercials with no show

tomorrow, a new day to limp through
you see no point to continue
thought of passing time runs through
caressing, consoling, backstabbing you

1,707 posts

I wake up in a haze
Everything is a blur

The morning sunshine blinds me
and awakens me from my slumber

I walk out into the day

Birds chirping and singing
Children playing

A slight breeze rustles the trees
knocking leaves off it's gentle branches

I walk to the park and sit on a bench
and watch the day go by

Everyone in a hurry
Carelessly going about their business

The day slowly moves forward
and the sun goes down

As day turns to night
the glittering stars are exposed

As the shine overhead
i leave to go home

I lay in bed and sleep
knowing it will start all over again.


5,579 posts

I'll do a short one.

Life in a Day

Life in a day,
Once it's here,
It goes away,
Never to return,
But no more fear.

Once it disappears,
It leers,
Telling ones soul away.

Life is finite,
Utterly insignificant,
Never a light.

It's always repetitive,
Never seeming to live,
Always seeming to fight.

Seeming similar,
But different,
Almost infinite.

It comes,
It goes,
It's always the same.

All my life is the same,
Always the same,
My whole existence,
My whole being,
Is life in a day.

Not really good. Sorta describes my last job though. . . .

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Though I cannot win again, I think I'll post one final poem. Possibly final. A quitting thought lingers. Be warned, it isn't about a day...more like a period.

262 posts

Though I cannot win again, I think I'll post one final poem. Possibly final. A quitting thought lingers. Be warned, it isn't about a day...more like a period.

That's fine if you write about a &quoteriod".
Sorry to hear this may be your last poem.
2,492 posts


Wake up, groggy
Get my uniform on,
My cereal is soggy!
Head to work, try to stifle a yawn.

Here at work, corner of Fifth and Main,
Trouble brewing, action bubbling.
Meet my crew, ignoring me in my disdain,
This day is going to be terribly troubling.

Off we go, down Fifth Street,
Sirens blaring, slashing the morning air.
Lights flashing, red as a beet,
The sun rises, content -- without a care.

We arrive to the scene, disturbing sight,
Two cars, tangled together, like balls of yarn in a fight.
Five casualties, slumped over,
Life ticking by, their candle burning out.

But all was in vain,
Two died at the scene,
The rest, died later that night.
A day in my life.

304 posts

Like the theme this week. Though I don't think I will write a poem for it. (Every time I say that I end up writing one Tension much. Not much for me to say now that I am not judge except: Alt, its in the past and trust me no one really looks back on past weeks unless they won that one. And fourth is not bad. So many new comers but it seems we are losing some of our more longtime writers.

9,821 posts

I understand - but my main goal is to improve and you need feedback to improve. Which was why I was saddened by the initial lack of feedback.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

This theme is hard, but I will try making one. I have to start thinking.

2,492 posts

Yeah there are many newcomers. Regrettably, I used to write a lot when this contest started but have stopped a bit, and now I've written a poem for this theme I think the best I ever got was 2nd :S lol.

And yeah, fourth is not bad! Don't be down on yourself because of that, 4th is awesome!

Adrecka, no pressure, but write something

3,550 posts

A Day in the Life...

I wake up in the day looking at myself
Think of how I could have got in this horrid mess

My life is all a shame
I fell the need to die

I don't belong here on this earth
All I have done is hurt

I think I shall leave and go
To my final resting place

Which is Hell, Heaven
Who knows, all I know is that I don't belong here

This place has been great to me
I have returned it shame and pity

Now I am utterly deppressed
Having nobody by my side

Having this thought in my head is an ache
Because I will wake up tommorow and have this horrible nightmare again.

I pulled this one p in about 2 minutes. Real life and things that happen really affect you and your writing.
This isn't my best but it is what I came up with.

6,800 posts

A Life In A Day
By: Mav

Thirty Seconds!
Till the gate drops foward
Putting us out on the beach

The cliff-face is silent
No movement seen
Maby they all ran away...

Twenty Seconds!
The tension builds
Whumps of shelling in the background

Ten Seconds!
Then hell is unleashed
On this god-dammed beach

Five Seconds!
The bosun screams out
And still the cliff are silent

The gate falls down
And the cliffs come alive

Bullets ping off the sides
And the men in front fall
And the bullets still come

We burst into flame
And jump over the side
To stay alive...a bit longer

Wading through the waves
Like sitting ducks
We get picked off

The tide turns crimson
The bodies float
And we cower behind eachother

Mother! Mother!
Some kid cries out
He soon stops...

A LCT* explodes
Raining shrapnel and
Body parts on us

A man walks around
Holding his disembered arm
He ask us where it is

We make a break
For farther up the beach
Only three of us make it

We race up the beach
And see some men
Pinned up behind a wall

We dive next to them
To avoid getting hit
The guy next to me has no head...

The Rangers launch there rockets
At the point

Krauts drop grenades
As they climb
Blowing them off the ladders

Dirt puffs up
And yet they still miss us
Behind this wall

A guy dashes over
And dives
And hits a mine

It blows his chin off
And moans out
He's gone within the hour

A day in the life
A life in a day
On Omaha beach
*A LCT stands for Landing Craft Tank, and carried vehicles, and amphibious tanks
Some of the cases used in this poem are gruesome, violent, and disturbing. I tried to capture the horrors of D-Day. I failed misurbley

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