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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingPeriodic Poetry Contest - Theme: Touch of Truth (Page 390, due Jan. 28)

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1,058 posts

First, I will post the overall rules, and then I will post the specifics about this week.

Original rules, as stated by Ubertuna:

It must fit the week's theme.
It must be submitted by the deadline.
It cannot have inappropriate language in it.
It cannot be stolen (if you plagiarize, we will find you).


The poem must be created for this contest
A user cannot win two weeks in a row (though everyone is welcome to submit every week!)
Only one submission per user will be accepted

As we all know, the winner will recieve a merit, and their poem will be featured on the _Poetry_ page.

OK, on to this week's topic...Again, we are having a style instead of a theme. Also, this week we are having TWO WEEKS to do it, instead of the usual one. Why? Because this will be an EPIC poem. Or, rather, a parody of an epic poem. Generally, epic poetry is very long, and tells the serious story of a heroic figure. Well, this week, the epic figure is YOU! Write a long poem (I'll leave the definition of 'long' up to you, but give it a good go) about the heroic story of you! It can be silly, serious, whatever... just have fun with it. You have two weeks, so have a great time!
  • 3,868 Replies
6,800 posts

Oh yes, and the point, refered to in the poem, refers to the cliffs at Point du Hoc, which the rangers scaled with the help of grappeling hooks attached to rockets, with ropes trailing out behind. The Rangers then used the rope to hoist up ladders.

304 posts

See like I said. When every I say I wont write a poem I always end up doing one anyway. Well here's my entree.

People hounding me with questions
When I have no answers
People looking to me for guidance
When I don't know what path to take.

They come to me in times of trouble
Blame me for all that's gone wrong
But when things are going good
I get no recognition at all

They say I'm hiding things from them
And that may even be true
But they will wish they didn't know
If I told them the truth

Stress, Worry, Pain
Always being in control
Is no laughing thing

People looking to me for help
To fix all there problem
I try your best
But they don't see

They only see the failure I leave.


That was the day in the life of a president.
And Yeah I know the rhyme scheme was a little off. Like some parts it rhymed other parts it didn't.

2,399 posts

A Day in Hell

Drop 'till noon
Think, not so soon
'till noon

Get home
Yell, fight, threat,
that's life
In the one and only

It ain't happenin'
She ain't leavin'
I ain't dyin'
I wish
In Hell

A day in Life
Ain't so great
It's like a knife,
stuck in clay,
now it's filthy
now it's duller
now it works like

All the things come crashing,
crashing down.
Just like a day in Hell.

It's the Day in Life
It's the day in Hell
It's the day I fear
It's the unpredictability of,

Cause with it comes,
life of day,
life of night,
it don't matter,
always fighting, yelling, threatening

Time goes by, hour by hour
minute by minute,
But in Hell
Minute is Hour,
Hour is Day

But you can't tell,
just like the time of day.
So screw the Day
So screw the Life
So screw the Hell
So just get away from it all.

That's right
Now you heard
A day in hell,
ain't as great as you heard.

There are ups
Almost never
There are downs
More than ever

What you waiting for?
The day you die?
Well that's soon,
It's already set in stone,
And that's my poem.
My poem in Hell


This poem is not what my real life is like, sure there are there downs, and it may seem like hell, but the Up's and Downs balance out, mostly more ups than downs.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

I am not inspired at all, I will probably not make a poem this round. I will concentrate on drawing. I have to apologize, cause this is a nice theme and I should make something.

262 posts

I am not inspired at all, I will probably not make a poem this round. I will concentrate on drawing. I have to apologize, cause this is a nice theme and I should make something.

No need to apologize, all of us go through non-inspiring periods. It's part of being an artist.
262 posts

Heads up peeps! Only one day left until judging! Good luck!

2,492 posts

Blah! I can't wait to see the judging!!!

Too excited... I probably won't even see it until next week since I'm going camping -.-

262 posts

OK ...Here are the results for this weeks poetry contest ...
<drum roll>

NOTE: If you would like your poem critiqued, feel free to ask other members at the bottom of your poem post. Members will feel more free to voice their opinions if prompted to do so by the author. Thank you.

1st Place - shaynell


Wake up, groggy
Get my uniform on,
My cereal is soggy!
Head to work, try to stifle a yawn.

Here at work, corner of Fifth and Main,
Trouble brewing, action bubbling.
Meet my crew, ignoring me in my disdain,
This day is going to be terribly troubling.

Off we go, down Fifth Street,
Sirens blaring, slashing the morning air.
Lights flashing, red as a beet,
The sun rises, content -- without a care.

We arrive to the scene, disturbing sight,
Two cars, tangled together, like balls of yarn in a fight.
Five casualties, slumped over,
Life ticking by, their candle burning out.

But all was in vain,
Two died at the scene,
The rest, died later that night.
A day in my life.

I felt that I had stepped into an actual day of a medic. Awesome job!

2nd Place - thisisnotanalt

Wake up
fall out of bed
drag a comb across your head
stop pretending to be Paul

stay half-asleep the whole day
better get half now, you'll get no real rest anyway

beat yourself for the many things you miss
feel the pain, say to youself 'I'll get through this'

an uneasy feeling the whole time
haphazard events, no reason or rhyme
but time itself is not so kind
on a wild goose chase with no goose to find

Sink low, stay high
watch friendships and purpose die

Your viscous soul has lost it's flow
like disjointed commercials with no show

tomorrow, a new day to limp through
you see no point to continue
thought of passing time runs through
caressing, consoling, backstabbing you

Very good at capturing the essence of people who just live a robotic day to day existence.

3rd Place - Maverick4

A Life In A Day

Thirty Seconds!
Till the gate drops foward
Putting us out on the beach

The cliff-face is silent
No movement seen
Maby they all ran away...

Twenty Seconds!
The tension builds
Whumps of shelling in the background

Ten Seconds!
Then hell is unleashed
On this god-dammed beach

Five Seconds!
The bosun screams out
And still the cliff are silent

The gate falls down
And the cliffs come alive

Bullets ping off the sides
And the men in front fall
And the bullets still come

We burst into flame
And jump over the side
To stay alive...a bit longer

Wading through the waves
Like sitting ducks
We get picked off

The tide turns crimson
The bodies float
And we cower behind eachother

Mother! Mother!
Some kid cries out
He soon stops...

A LCT* explodes
Raining shrapnel and
Body parts on us

A man walks around
Holding his disembered arm
He ask us where it is

We make a break
For farther up the beach
Only three of us make it

We race up the beach
And see some men
Pinned up behind a wall

We dive next to them
To avoid getting hit
The guy next to me has no head...

The Rangers launch there rockets
At the point

Krauts drop grenades
As they climb
Blowing them off the ladders

Dirt puffs up
And yet they still miss us
Behind this wall

A guy dashes over
And dives
And hits a mine

It blows his chin off
And moans out
He's gone within the hour

A day in the life
A life in a day
On Omaha beach

I have to tell you Mav, for never being there you did an excellent job of bringing the reader to Omaha Beach. There are quite a few grammatical errors, but this is a poetry contest, not a grammar contest.

Honorable Mentions - TSL3_needed, adrecka_33

The best Song goes to Krizaz (I had to post this, because how ever many times I read your poem, I couldn't help but sing it. That's a good thing)

I would like to say THANKS YOU to EVERYONE that participated in this weeks contest, and if your name wasn't mentioned this week, please keep on trying, and eventually you will see your name placed!
A round of applause to all this weeks participants!

Now, for this weeks theme ... this weeks theme is "Things That Don't Impress Me" . That can be a poem about anything, any place, any objects, or anybody that you are not impressed with. Just make sure we get the gist of which category or whom you are referencing in your poem. The deadline will be Monday, July 27th.

Good Luck to all of you and Happy poem writing!

2,492 posts

Awesome! Thanks wistress :P First time winning lol.

Sadly I can't participate in this week's contest probably because I will be away all week.

PS: do I have to contact anyone about that merit? ;P

2,399 posts

PS: do I have to contact anyone about that merit? ;P

Carlie. I could make a 5 page poem about that, I got to shorten that up first though.
262 posts

PS: do I have to contact anyone about that merit? ;P

It would probably be a good idea to message Carlie and Zophia just to be on the safe side.
5,579 posts

Things That Don't Impress Me

Few things impress me,
Including things I cannot see,
Like the simple fee,
For letting me be.

Things that impress me,
Never come to be,
And are few and far between,
Never getting seen.

And snow.

Those do not impress me,
But are often the key,
To things that be,
And things we see.

All the ghosts,
The demons,
The banshees
And wraiths.

Those impress me,
But they are never seen,
Left to be,
Caught in the in between.

Causing them to die.

The supernatural,
The paranormal,
The things we cannot explain,
Are things that impress me.

Few things else impress me,
And forest fires.

Those impress me,
But rise and fall,
As life and death do,
As the tide of the pacific does.

Nothing else impresses me,
Not darkness,
Not war,
Not even the greatest natural forces.

Only the rare things impress me,
But nothing else does,
Things I never see,
Are things that impress me.

I hope you like it!

2,399 posts

Nice poem, but what is Cyanide?

5,579 posts

Thanks. Glad you like it.

but what is Cyanide?

It's used as a gold purifier but it is highly toxic. I.e. kill you in 30 seconds toxic.
677 posts

Things That Don't Impress Me
Few things impress me,
Including things I cannot see,
Like the simple fee,
For letting me be.
Things that impress me,
Never come to be,
And are few and far between,
Never getting seen.
And snow.
Those do not impress me,
But are often the key,
To things that be,
And things we see.
All the ghosts,
The demons,
The banshees
And wraiths.
Those impress me,
But they are never seen,
Left to be,
Caught in the in between.
Causing them to die.
The supernatural,
The paranormal,
The things we cannot explain,
Are things that impress me.
Few things else impress me,
And forest fires.
Those impress me,
But rise and fall,
As life and death do,
As the tide of the pacific does.
Nothing else impresses me,
Not darkness,
Not war,
Not even the greatest natural forces.
Only the rare things impress me,
But nothing else does,
Things I never see,
Are things that impress me.

very good poem goodluck
Showing 1321-1335 of 3868