my name's jason but when we were kids my li'l sis pronounced it as "jahson" so it kinda' stuck with me...i put the "x" at the end to make it sound somehow cool just like the name of that big blade wielding horror flick character!
My Nickname + my favourite number + rules (i made this when i was like 10 and i never really liked the rules part but it just stuck with me)=leo99rules
mine was simple.if ur not dumb im almost allways mellow(or working on it)so.... mellow+man=mellowman.i use this nickname almost everywhere if it is not taken by someone else.
Tbh, Idk, but I know I like Yoda and I like the number 53 Another name I use is Bobtehponer On all the accounts I make there either named Yodadude53 or Bobtehponer
I had an obsession with anime a couple of years ago, and created this name for an RP character, after that I just kinda started using it everywhere....
Well, the way I was born was...I was going to be another Frankenstein, BUT. My creator had an IQ of 68, so when she created me, my head was not screwed on all the way, and so I got to be named Freakenstein by passersby.